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Type-S conversons for CT

YEEEHHHAAAAA!!!! STARS TO YOU ANDY!!! All youneed now is a Shotgun Rack!!! and you would be one of the "Good Ol Boys"!!!!!
Type-S 100 Ton Mail Courier

100 Ton Streamlined hull

J-Drive A Jump 2
M-Drive A Acc 2G
P-Plant A
Computer 1 Biz

Fule 40t
Cargo 10t
Mail fitted: yes 5 tons
Subcraft: Nill
Armerment: 1 Dubble turrent and 1 ton fire controll, usualy one laser and one missle rack fitted

Requiered Crue: 2
Accommodations: 2 Staterooms

this is the converson used by the IISS for the transport of mail to worlds between X-Boat staisions or to the parts of the imperim that lack X-Boat routs it is also used by mail contractors for the same pourpuse, the 10t of cargo can be fitted with de-mountable tanks to alow for an extra jump-1 if nessery.

this ship unless you buy it out-right is unable of making a profit if bourght new leaving its use in the hands of established companies or govenments so I'm working on creating a "Mail Subsidiy", but a secound hand mail courier could make a tiddy profit.

Now the race is on to do up a pickie of a Type-S in your most loved (or hated) Mail service or Courier company livery, hell you could even wack on a "I'm going poastal" bummper sticker.
100 ton 'Gemini' Type S Scout (an initial proposal that went no where, yet...)

Function: Survey and landgrab. Set up minimal Class E Starport, plant the flag.

Crew: between 1 and 4, 2 being optimal
option for additional 2 in low berth

100 dt standard hull

2g M-Drive

J2 J-Drive

2PN Power Plant

40 tons fuel (Either 1 j-2 and 4 weeks maneuver, or 1 j-1 and 8 weeks maneuver, or 2 j-1 and 4 weeks maneuver) bk2 fuel, not hg2.

20 ton Bridge

Mod 1 bis comp

Hardpoint with 1 ton fire control,
double turret with missile rack and pulse laser(optimized for survey/mining activities, per Type J mining laser)

2 staterooms (numbers 4 and 5 on the deckplan retained)

Stateroom 7 removed and replaced with Airlock and Umbilical docking tube, and roughly 1 ton of ships locker space.

Stateroom 6 removed and replaced with 2 tons of lifesupport supplies, and 2 tons of maintenance spares and supplies.
Optionally, carry only 1 ton of maintenance spares and supplies, adding 2 low berths.

3 ton cargo bay will hold 2ton habitat pod/container (supporting 2 persons), a .5dt terminal beacon, and additional ground
equipment(including solar panel for habitat pod, and 1 standard size Imperial Flag with Flagpole).

Dump the air/raft in favor of some sort of engineering vehicle capable of clearing and surfacing a 100 ton landing pad, said vehicle to be

between 2-3dt to allow for storage of grav bikes or smaller grav vehicles for crew. Said engineering vehicle must be able to tow up to 2 dt to allow deployment of the habitat pod.

The initial idea was to have a Type S scout capable of going out on long duration missions, conduct initial survey, and plant the flag.
Fuel usage of standard drives would limit its performance, and no one looked into developing the engineering vehicle requirement. Another idea was to refit the scout with newer TL15 drives, but this turned out to be cost prohibitive. It was also pointed out that the job envisioned by the Gemini was already being done by the Donesev (sp) survey ship, so the proposal went no where.

At least until a detached duty scout found the proposal in a file cabinet at the local Scout base, and began thinking about it......
the 'Gemini' is a nice idear Plop 101, but as someone who has worked in the rural and construction sectors I know their is more to clearing land or building anything more than a shack and thunderbox next to an open feild (E- Class Starport) , than two guys some hand tools and a "Dingo Digger", the job calls for atleast six people (with verous skills)a cupple of backhoes and somthing to mix a cupple of meaters of concreate in, and the construction metirals.
But the hows and whatfores of establishing a class E or D starport desrve their owen thread
A type E starport is a radio and a leveled field. Check the books!

A bobcat (about 2Dt) COULD do it, just not in a timely manner. add half a ton of explosives, and with the RIGHT 4 people, it could be done.
agreaed all you realy need to fill the bace requerments of a Class-E Starport is.
raw mitirals: 1sqM steal renforcing, 3-4 bags redy-mix cement, watter, 4 Dynabolts, 4 1m lenths of wood 200X30mm, 8-12 wodden stakes and a hand full of nails.
tools: 1 wheel-barrow, 1 shovle, 1 spirit level, 1 hammer, 1 trowl, 1 hammer drill set and 1 concearte leavling tool.
permeanate fittings: 1 standard Class-E Starport beacon
time: 2-3days (includes waiting for concreate to propaly set)
personal: 1 "man"

but I was thinking along the lines of instaling a wayfairers shelter and/or minimal port ficilitys ie. port keepers office and amenitys block etc. at least, nothing aproching a Class-D Ficility mind, just a starting point for locals and off world entrurpnears to start building their (inport/export) sight offices, bars and suivnear shops around.
I would like to appogise to any one if my last two posts seamed in any way flamish as I had a bad day and did the wroung thing by bringing it to the list.

but I do like Plop 101's idear for the the 'Gemini' but it seams to me like a rither tight disine to work in all situations maby with some work somthing rither nice could be made of it ,after all the fluff text said it was a faild proposal, by the way checking out the equpment section from the basic rules I saw that the pre-fabcated cabin weighs 4t but gives no displacement now somthing like this if transported in "Flat Packs" would displace around one displacement ton (some of my other jobs have bean in stores and transport)so mayhaps all you got to do is play with the state room/cargo/veichile arangements a touch and you could be on a real winner.
When I was initially looking at this design I was really intending to take it on long expeditions way out side of imperial space, but from where my pc would start (Spinward Marches), going spinward to explore is fairly impossible using standard Ct drives.

On E ports:
Most of the stuff one needs is in the cargo bay. Marker beacons, Terminal beacon, a shack, etc. Pretty much as described in GT: Starports. The shack as described is at least half, probably more like a quarter the size of the E port office shown in GT:SP. One could easily install a cabin or an advance base, but I really wanted to have some room for lifesupport for long duration trips, and I just LOVE the umbilical docking tube, its so choice, you know.

The landing field/pad/whatever is open to interpretation. Book 3 says "Essentially a marked spot of bedrock". Edwards AFB dry lake bed springs to mind. GT:SP requires unspecified 'equipment' to pave the field.

Anywhoo, I was wondering what you guys would think of it. Thanks for Veedback, feedflack, oh whatever...
100 ton TypeSP 'Merkur' Probe

Primary Function: Deep Initial Survey from orbit.
Alternate Function: Email courier

Crew: between 1 and 2, 2 being optimal

100 dt standard hull

2g M-Drive

J2 J-Drive

2PN Power Plant

60 tons fuel (2 j-2 and 8 weeks maneuver)
bk2 fuel, not hg2.

20 ton Bridge

Mod 1 bis comp

1 stateroom (number 4 on the deckplan retained)

3 staterooms removed for fuel tonnage.
firecontrol removed for fuel tonnage.
air/raft removed for fuel tonnage.
cargo removed for fuel tonnage.

No fru-fru-fluff text; removed for fuel tonnage. :D
According to CT, MT, and TNE, an E port is a marked spot of bedrock or equivalent, with a marker beacon. Not, of need, even a shelter/shack/warden.

In MT RM p23, there is a wonderful table.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ty Quality Shipyards Repair Fuel
A Excellent Starships Overhaul Refined
B Good Spacecraft Overhaul Refined
C Routine – MajorDmg Unrefined
D Poor - MinorDmg Unrefined
E Frontier - - -
X None
F Good - MinorDmg Unrefined
G Poor - Sup.Dmg Unrefined
H Primitive - - -
Y none</pre>[/QUOTE]Anyway, back to scout variants....
I persoanlly always liked the following three variations on the theme:
The Scout/Courier as written, both standard and Serpent
the Survey Scout: Reduced cargo, add labs and better sensors
the Longprobe Scout: Long Term LS (see FF&S2), 2 labs, no vehicles (but carry grav belts and walkabout suits), airframe, J3.

The latter is doable under TNE, barely, and all are easy under MT... (differences in design system....)
OK hear is the meat of the idear for a "Mail Subsidiy". the convening athority (goverment ect) takes the proceades from the mail carage but covers all the costs of fule, life support, maintance and repears rusluting from incidants ocouring on offical buisness, futher the sponcer also has first option on any addisonal cargo space availible and only pays half the going rate per ton also the sponcer may act (at the contractors request) as a agent and broker for the contractor taking half the proceads from any cargo or spuclitve trade taken on. the benifits of the "Mail Subsidiy" extend only to thouse worlds listed in the contract (betwean 2 and 12)also the contractor is responcible for any crue wages the contractor is abliged to make one jump atleast every three weeks every one full year of service contractor aquiers four weeks of descrosanry travele away from the subsidy area(nomore than 12 can be used concetvualy) the contractor is responcibale for any expences and damages incouerd at this time and must turn-over funds equling 50% of the recepts from the activitys undertaken. the contract is for 40 years for a new ship and is transferd along with the ships title if ever sold or for 10 years for secound hand converts.

whel there it is any coments apreasated.
Originally posted by 313:

whel there it is any coments apreasated.
1) Please, try to spell a little better... it is so rife with typos that it becomes hard to read ;)

On a more serious not, the mail subsidy really makes no sense, from a governement point of view, at least not to the level at which you're funding it.

A Type S, in private hands, with a mail authorization, can set aside the 5 tons... and operate nicely on that, provided crew is 2 or less. 22 tons of fuel, KCr2.2 unrefined. Salaries, per 2 weeks, KCr3 (not standard scale, but definietly liveable)

Now the maintnenace share is about KCr per 2 weeks...
and a pament would be about KCr45... per two weeks

so if the subsidy is instead "Fuel and Annual Mainenance Free", that makes a paid off courier worthy.

At those prices, if the ship is going to be someone elses', anything more than fuel and maintenance is a bad deal. cheaper, in the long run, to buy it outright, and augment with contract loads when there is surplus.
Ok let's look at the purctuase costs for a goverment to by a ship (any ship)
20% deposit NO payed by the rube going under Subsidiy.
200% in morgage payments NO they pay the bace price up frount.
hell goverments likily dont pay list price they take your 20% (and the 20% of a dozzen other guys) and make a bulk order (knock 10% off) nominate the builder an exclusive service contract for fourty years (an other 10%) and finily offer tax-brakes (a finle 10%) so at the end of the day they most probaly pay 50% apx. of list price (up frount thank you very mutch) from the plubilc coffers. and don't forget the colatral benifits, ships get built (jobs and that looks good for PR) and the mail goes through, and don't forget the goverment dose not pay its self tax on it's purctuses.
Using the wonderful High Guard Shipyard. Thanks Andrew. The Lara Croft is an experiemntal version of a Scout that would make for a real surprise to a pirate, or patrol. It is a Fast and Agile Explorer which packs a bit of firepower. The class is named after the famous explorer Lara Croft, Historic Archelogist and explorer from old Earth legend.
(Coincidentally probably really close to that 100T Jump fighter mentioned earlier in the thread.

Ship: Lara Croft
Class: Lara Croft
Type: Scout
Architect: Bruce Hoins
Tech Level: 15

S-1124731-000000-30000-0 MCr 73.730 100 Tons
Bat Bear 1 Crew: 2
Bat 1 TL: 15

Cargo: 5.000 Fuel: 27.000 EP: 7.000 Agility: 4
Craft: 1 x 4T Air/Raft
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification

Architects Fee: MCr 0.731 Cost in Quantity: MCr 59.104

Detailed Description

100.000 tons standard, 1,400.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configuration

Pilot, Gunner

Jump-2, 4G Manuever, Power plant-7, 7.000 EP, Agility 4

Bridge, Model/3 Computer

1 Hardpoint

1 Dual Beam Laser Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3)


1 4.000 ton Air/Raft (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 0.600)

27.000 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

4.0 Staterooms, 5.000 Tons Cargo


MCr 73.861 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 0.731), MCr 58.504 in Quantity, plus MCr 0.600 of Carried Craft

38 Weeks Singly, 30 Weeks in Quantity

COMMENTS: Generally a switch is included to step down the reactor levels to what would be expected in a scan of a Type-S (During which time it can maneuver at no more than 2G, and either have Agility-2 or fire its weapons.) It takes a full turn after the switch is thrown to use full power.

THat government will gett better return on its money by OWNING the ship than by hiring someone else to op a scout/courier for the KCr25 a mail contract holds.

Almost anybody willing to buy a scout courier needs to clear KCr45 in payments. A government or other body whichh has purchased said amortizes the cost out to about KCr 20 per trip. WIth a Government, the real deal comes not form the bulk purchases, but from the ability to pay it off up front, as for many worlds, one scout every year can be budgeted for...

Now, crewing the ship at "Book" rates racks up a healthy several grand, exact ammount vaaries by rule set. But between 4-8 KCr, for a 2 man crew (pilot/navigator and engineer/gunner).

Now, if we assume that full 13 Td cargo space for mail, instead of the standard 5, that's KCr 65 income per jump. Barely enough to meet maintenance (which I figured wrong in the prior post... 1%, not 10%, so 0.02% per 2 weeks, alloting 2 weeks off to get maintenance... or about KCr4 per 2 week cycle.) Payments at 1/240'th are KCr45 per jump... doable, but VERY tight ona full-hold mail route. The occasional passenger makes life MUCH happier. Now, if one charges "Steerage" rates, and swaps the two "spare" staterooms for small staterooms, that's a major improvement in income.. even if steerage is KCr3 per...(Cr 500 per SR per jump... so that's KCr 2.5 per each).

But that assumes a lot of non-OTU things. Like more than 5 Td mail agreements, etc. If one can obtain a regular mail run, it can be doable. But that woudl also be bad for adventuring possibilities, as well... mail runs would usually be two-world trips, save for special circumstances (with special ships, no less...)

The idea of subsidy mail on a Type S is fine, but the idea of subsidized ships, well, it depends entirely upoon the needs. And in the case of the Type S, I just don't see it viable under anything but GTFT (which I don't consider Traveller, just a semi-reasonable facsimile for those GURPSies).

Your idea, 313, included damage liability, maintenance, and no payments at all... Instead, I think, it would be a set fee per run mode, and free fuel and maintenance, OR a subsized run, rather than a ship, at KCr 50-65 per trip, using weekly major mail runs...

Damnation, I'm getting long winded.
Bhoins, using HG is cheating ;) everyone else has been using the CT LBB2 Type S Scout/Courier for conversion.
Nice design though