Originally posted by far-trader:
Let's instead call it useless information. Sure it's an interesting story but until the findings are in, and maybe not even then, it's just one of a few hundred billion personal interest pieces you'll find in the Imperium, like "Child survives 7 story fall from apartment window without a scratch." I remember first reading that dispatch (the Jumpspace sickness, not the child) and thinking, "that's interesting but how does it affect me, way out here in the Marches? It doesn't because I'm not sticking my head into Jumpspace. I wonder what the news net has on recent Corsair activity in the area, now that's news I can use."
I'm not going to argue against that, because it's a purely personal opinion. I will say that I consider it perfectly plausible that some high-ranking official or admiral in the Imperium would disagree with you about the importance of the event.
Well, I think the original question was "If (as canon claims) the Imperium designed the X-boats to minimize communication times in order to keep the Imperium together, and if (as canon also claims) the Imperium is presently straining at the seams because of communication problems, then how come the X-boat network has not been upgraded to jump-5 400 years ago and jump-6 a 100 years ago, at least along selected backbones?"
Well I'm pressed for time but a quick look back can't find that question at all, and certainly it was not the original thread here.
You're right. I read too much into Pwyll's suggestion on Dec 12th that "perhaps Emperors wouldn't WANT the Scout x-boat network going any faster than jump-4..." and took it to be an answer to that question ("Why is the X-boat network only jump-4?"). I've had that discussion before, you see.
In fact my quick scan seems to find you are the one arguing for the whole J6 upgrade idea if anyone.
I do argue for that, yes. But I got my arguments mixed up. I originally said two things (check Dec 12th): 1) IMTU the X-boats has jump-6 backbone routes, and 2) That I think that in the OTU the Imperial Bureaucracy uses the "NavyNet" rather than the X-boats to convey reports and orders.
What I didn't make clear originally, and which snuck into my arguments subsequently, is that I think that
even given the NavyNet, it is thoroughly implausible that the OTU X-boat Network doesn't employ jump-6 ships along selected routes. The fact that the Imperial Bureaucracy has a viable alternative merely makes it not stark staring impossible that it hasn't been updated long, long ago. Hence the mix-up in arguments.
I doubt there'd be much in the way of public demand for more than even a J2 comm system. Most of the public won't be interested in or know anyone beyond that range. The xboat route is mostly for business beyond that J2 and maybe as far as two hops on the J4 route. That and Travellers, something like the globe trotters of the early 19th C who always wanted the hometown newpaper where they were, even if the news was months old.
Well, by public I did mean the thousands and thousands of millionaires and billionaires and Interstellar corporate managers all over the Imperium.
If you're right, and there is no real interest in events more than a few parsecs away, then we have to ask, why is there an X-boat network at all? The Imperium don't need it and the public don't want it, why pay the trillions of credits it costs?
Well, there's the boondoggle angle to fall back upon. And it would go some way to explain the odd X-boat routes. No one really cares
where the X-boats go, as long as they go, get worn out, and a steady stream of replacements are bought.
As for the supposed court influence that works. It could also be that the Navy gets the pick of all the high tech starport capacity first and all that the Scout service has left at the end of the day are the middling tech ones to build and maintain their own fleets, and the few high tech spots they do get are used for more useful craft for the Scout service, like the Donosev.
If there's a demand for TL 15 shipyard capacity, a supply of TL 15 shipyard capacity will develop. It's been more than a century since the Imperium achieved TL 15. If the Scouts wanted jump-6 ships, they'd have jump-6 ships.