I have a favor to ask of all interested parties. Please do this.
Consider this a request for a final summary of arguments... with a few rules:
1. Please site book and page of your source.
2. Do not quote any other post... use only CT sources, and logic

3. Identify all items you see as needing clarified, and where that clarification should go (book and page) in either a) LBB 81, b) TTB 82 or c) ST 83.
CLARIFICATION NEEDED: All I am interested in is defining exactly what the Traveller Book says. I'm not looking to change any rules to my taste. I'm just looking for Traveller Book clarification of the rules as written.
QUESTION #1: If a character with 977 physical stats is wounded in a combat so that his stats are damaged to a level of 777 and does not received healing, is he considered as having STR-9 or STR-7 when skill checks, load calculation, and STR based blade combat modifiers are needed in later combat engagements?
POSITED ANSWER: I believe that the Traveller Book indicates the answer is STR-9, based on the two following sources.
Pg. 36 of The Traveller Book, under THE EFFECTS OF CHARACTERISTICS:
Wounds do not affect characteristics as they are used to influence blows, swings, or shots. For example, a still-conscious character with strength reduced from 9 to 7 would still function as if he had strength 9.
Pg. 37 of The Traveller Book, under WEIGHT:
Individuals carrying sufficient weight to become encumbered have their UPP values temporarily reduced; these reduced UPP values are used when computing wounds and unconsciousness.
QUESTION #2: Do the rules in Snapshot clarify the combat rules in The Traveller Book/Book 1?
POSITED ANSWER: Yes, based on the following source.
Pg. 1 of Snapshot, under INTRODUCTION:
Snapshot is an adaptation of the personal combat rules given in Book 1 of Traveller, especially for combat at close ranges. The extent of the adaptation includes a conversion from a range-only system to a square grid, and the incorporation of both clarifications and enhancements.
QUESTION #3: Does the following quote from Snapshot apply to the combat rules provided in Book 1 and The Traveller Book?
Note that answering "Yes" to this question supports my Posited Answer to Question #1.
Pg. 9 of Snapshot, under WOUNDING AND DEATH:
It is important to note that the marking off of wounds against characteristics has no effect on the person's abilities as dictated by the characteristics. Thus, someone with a strength 11 who sustains wounds on his strength characteristic is still treated throughout the game as having a strength 11. Wounding of characteristics is simply a bookkeeping system.
QUESTION #4: If a character with physicals 977 is previously wounded so that his stats are reduced to 777, does the rule of first blood apply to him when he starts a new combat engagement?
POSITED ANSWER: No, it does not. The rule of first blood only applies to characters at full health. The rule of first blood is not used on the first round of combat of every combat engagement, rather, it is used when a character receives the first wound that will reduce him from full health to a damaged state.
Pg. 47 of The Traveller Book, under CRITICAL HITS:
The first wound received by a character should be applied in its entirety to one (randomly determined) physical characteristic.
Pg. 35 of The Traveller Book, under WOUNDING AND DEATH:
The first wound received by any character, however, can be sufficient to stun or daze him or her, and is handled differently. This first wound is applied to one of the three physical characteristics (strength, dexterity, or endurance) determined randomly.
QUESTION #5: Are these statements both true?
- A character with physicals 977, reduced to 117 during combat, will return to 977 if he rests for three days. During his resting period, the character is considered to have STR-9 and DEX-7 for most purposes, but with physicals 117 for wounding calculations.
- A character with physicals 977, rendered unconscious to 057, is considered, after regaining consciousness, to have physicals 977 for most game purposes and 567 for wounding purposes while the character is resting.
POSITED ANSWER: Yes, both statements are correct, based on the following sources.
Note that, after being rendered unconscious, the character is in a better position to take more wounds than the character who suffered a Minor Wound but was not knocked unconscious.
Pg. 47 of The Traveller Book, under MINOR WOUNDS:
The character is treated as having reduced characteristics until medical care or recovery has taken place.
Pg. 47 of The Traveller Book, under UNCONSCIOUSNESS:
Upon recovery of consciousness, any wounded characteristics are placed midway between their wounded and full levels; round fractions down.
RECCOMENDATION: Don/Marc - If you find what I state above to be true, then I recommend including the very clearly written section from Snapshot (the quote from pg. 9 I cite above) in the Traveller Book/Book 1 errata. I'd place it in the WOUNDING AND DEATH paragraphs (pg. 35 of The Traveller Book).