I'm reworking the whole thing as a formal set of sound change files. That will let me use already existing software to generate root lists for the parent languages, as well as other languages on the Vilani family tree.
...which I've also been toying with. I wrote up a little language family paragraph a couple years ago, but it was a little incompatible, so I've been working it over while looking forward as well. Here's where I'm currently at:
Before -15,000
Dirmani, the parent language of all Vilani peoples, develops.
Examples of direct-descended Dirmani words in Vilani: sarpuhii, 'duke'; khaz, 'subordinate'.
Dirmani has evolved into two languages: "Kaalan" and "Bolsa", named after the agrarian and merchant cultures speaking those languages.
Kaalan has split into Archaic "Vilani" and Chekaal. Bolsa first developed a variant named Bholrak, then evolved into Sazrak.
This is the era when Vland discovered the jump drive. Once Vland became a spacefaring world, the urge for inner consistency caused a period of intense warfare and mergers. The Sazrak were conquered by the Chekaal, who inherited a lot of loan words. Later, the Chekaal culture merged into the Archaic Vilani culture, and largely abandoned their language.
Bholrak developed into the language Orrakil, which became extinct when the Ziru Sirka ruled that Vilani would be the language of the Empire and its homeworld.
Chekaal-borrowed words: dub-lar, 'data library', palkhur, 'fabric', khuulab, 'to help'
Sazrak-via-Chekaal borrowed words: sakhal, 'house', makhbil, 'sharp'
Sazrak borrowed words: riikh 'error', akhla 'new'
Following on the heels of the Consolidation wars, the development of the official language of the Ziru Sirka is finalized, yielding an administrative language for the conduct of business and law. This is traditionally the year reckoned as the realization of Old High Vilani.
Old High Vilani word: chatak 'fanatic' (khudak in Standard Vilani)
-2500 to +400
Over a period of 3000 years, from the beginnings of decay of the Ziru Sirka to the assimilation of the old territories into the Third Imperium, the Vilani language fragments into a bewildering number of local dialects and language families of their own. Most are restricted to their world of origin, and many are dramatically changed or abandoned when worlds are conquered or assimilated into pocket empires or the new Imperium.
Sector-wide dialects persist in Lishun, Gushemege, Dagudashaag, Core, Ilelish, Zarushagar, and Massilia sectors. Some dialects are intelligible to Vilani speakers, while others are considered to be different languages altogether.
Standard Vilani is the dialect spoken natively in the domains of Deneb, Vland, and Antares, parts of the Core sector, and various places among the rest of the Imperium. It is the standard language of law and commerce in the Imperium.
An extreme dialect example:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> OHV: genzir
| | |
Vilani Dlani Lash
/ganzir/ /ninsuil/ /chune/</pre>[/QUOTE]