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Wanted: New Ideas on the end of the world.

Actually a nuclear terrorist on say New York could lead to World War III. What if Iran get its hands on a nuclear bomb? What if we could have stopped Iran, but we didn't because we listened to the French and the Russians? The Iranians build their bomb and they destroy New York. The United States then launches missiles at Iran and North Korea suspecting one of these two culprits but attacking them both so that none escape. The French and the Russians do not escape retaliation as it was because of them that Iran got nuclear weapons in the first place. A nuclear exchange then takes place between these three countries, all because the were trying to contain US power by impeding US efforts against nuclear weapons proliferation. In the end we all go down. the surviving French and Russian attack Americans on sight and the same hold true of anyone caught speaking French or Russian on US soil. Various warlords take control of the countyside and few countries escape. New Zealand is one exception, someone forgot to nuke that country.
The trick to producing a T2K enviroment is to create the cercumstances that would collapse modern/industrial society while avoiding an apocolypse. The original background worked because the Twilight War was a long, grinding conflict that slowly crossed the nuke threshold while avoiding the 'city busting' massive exchange that so many post WWIII scenarios rely on. The trick is to crack the foundation of modern society without disintegrating it. That's what made T2K stand out from the other post apocolyse games.

Just my thoughts,

Well we have reduced our nuclear stockpile, and everyone thinks the world is safer now that the Cold War has ended. Nuclear terrorism might do the trick. France is supposed to be our ally. The French might have decided to help the Iranians with the Russians to build a Nuclear Reactor, without looking too hard to see if it might be diverted to other uses. France is trying to contain
A few years ago a few scientists attempted to create the conditions of the big bang in a lab. Stephen Hawking warned that this might actually make a Black Hole. They were not successful. But what if someone did do this and it got out of control. It could cause all kinds of destruction. It would allow you to create any environment needed for the game. Any science gone amok could do here. And the just because we can doesnt mean we should theme is always current.
Originally posted by rmckee78:
A few years ago a few scientists attempted to create the conditions of the big bang in a lab. Stephen Hawking warned that this might actually make a Black Hole. They were not successful. But what if someone did do this and it got out of control. It could cause all kinds of destruction. It would allow you to create any environment needed for the game. Any science gone amok could do here. And the just because we can doesnt mean we should theme is always current.
The scientists weren't concerned because a quantum black hole has a Swartzchild radius on the order of a Planck's length, so it will grow very slowly. Even if they did create a black hole it would take hundreds of years to grow big enough to be a problem. Then it would swallow the Earth in a year or two.

Nice try, though.
The supplement RDF can easily be used to cover fighting in the Iraqi desert instead of the Iranian. I ran an excellent Mideast campaign using that. Players were able to play Israeli and French and enjoyed that quite a bit.
One possibility for a start of WWIII is one that may have caused WWII and superseds all political systems and timelines.
The start of a world wide depression could cause many countries especially the US into isolationist policies. This isolation could the demise of Free Trade agreements and eventurly the end of International organization such as NATO and the UN.
Old traditional rivalies could return as the people demand solutions to the crisis. Governments that don't collapse could be taken over by more radical elements.
The entire political map of Europe, Asia , and the US could be changed.
Wars could be fought intially with high-tech equipment then outdated or surplus weapons as replacements become harder to find or make.
You could have any type of alliances and factions you wanted in your campaign.
Im bantering around an idea about the end of the world as we know it for my game.

SARS Becomes much more wide spread.
CDC Comes up with a wonder cure, it not only Cures SARS But Also makes one imune to harmfull Virus that may attack you. They start disrbuting the Cure.

Some time later after most of the world has been injected the Cure changes. A one in a billion freek mutation caused it to become very lethal.

It spreads rapidly before its detected. (long incubation).

People start dropping like flies of a super flu.

infection is at what ever rate you would like to insert for your world.

one does not survive this flu, your imune or you are dead.

The imunity is genetic and cannot be transfered through any vector.

This Idea is simular to Captain Trips from "The Stand" movie.

This of coarse turns the world into total anarchy. Martial Law every where. Governments acusing each other of this disaster. Maybe even some nukes going off as a parting shot from a dieing country etc etc.
I highly recommend Tritac's "Rogue 417" scenario/campaign book. It postulates a superflu situation similar to King's but with more chaotic results. Rogue kills the vast majority of its victims but some of the survivors are reduced to Stalkers and Prowlers: homocidal, cannibalistic capable of a low cunning and dangerous as hell. The book is an incredible resource: it contains nutrition and spoilage rates for hundreds of foods (including people!), charts for agriculture, pre-generating detailed survivor communities, trade and barter indices reflecting different values for different time periods (i.e. the plague years, 5 years after, 10 years, etc.) and much, much more! One of my favorite aspects is how the game is set up so you can play during the disaster, just after, or several years afterwards. One of the adventures in the back, "Rogue Night", puts the players in a major city just as everything falls apart. The poor saps are National Guardsmen tasked with protecting crucial supplies: it's a great "hold until relieved" mission.
Here's a few more:

1) Another good Tritac scenario is "Invasion U.S." Similar in theme to WEG's "Price of Freedom" and FGU's "Flight of the Phoenix" this one is about the Soviet occupation of America thanks to their development and exploitation of nuclear damper technology. Great for insurgency and low intensity warfare. Soviet torture and bribery charts included!

2) High on the weird-o-meter but fun: why not make use of GDW's "Cadillacs & Dinosaurs?" A catastrophic ecological collapse results in global starvartion and chaos. Japanese efforts yeild major advances in cloning and forced cell-growth with an eye towards re-creating life more suited to Earth's impending "little Cretaceous." Too little too late: the planet is wracked by geotectonic disruptions thanks to an axial shift. Despite desperate gunfights at the vault doors, the rich/lucky manage to seal themselves in self-sustaining shelters to wait for better times. After 450 years memory and machinery are failing: the surviviors are forced to the surface to discover a mishmash of geologic eras populated by dinosaurs and mammals. I suppose you could stick with the default survivor tribe, but you could also just as easily go Morrow Project and have your characters ride the freeze-dried express to the future: a good way to preserve all that shiny T2K kit.

3) Vampires. Not necessarily supernatural ones (though you could go with the John Steakly novel and/or the James Wood film adaptation.) Chuck Heston's "Omega Man" was based on a novel called "I Am Legend" which featured a lone survivor holed up in a house: instead of defending against "the Family" he's beset by the survivors of a biowar agent that's left most people with a severe allergy to sunlight and a taste for hemoglobin.

4) Zombies. Hey, why not? Most George A. Romero movies have scenes that could be the cover of ANY T2K module. Think "Dawn of the Dead" when the survivors are holed up in a shopping mall, fending off the undead AND biker armies: now add heavy weapons and an AFV or two. How about "Day of the Dead?" The PCs could be part of a failing military/scientific cadre tasked with finding a cure to the zombie virus: plenty of opportunities for all hell to break loose.

5) Novels like "The Andromeda Strain" and "Shudderchild" feature polymer and/or silicon plagues. Such a disaster would destroy global economies overnight and knock the most advanced areas back to the 1940's. The worst hit might not even hang on to basic mechanical industry. A great environment for steel-and-wood combat. Nations with large populations and primitive industrial bases would suddenly have the drop on their crippled first world neighbours...

6) Blacksburg Tactical Research Center (BTRC) has a fun little book out called "Apocalypse." It features five or six end-of-the-world scenarios (which can be adapted to any rpg) and has neat world maps depicting Earth's coastlines at varying stages of global warming and cooling.
Originally posted by Gunner:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shaddath:
I study a lot of European history, and just love the thought of playing a campaign there.

BUT......if someone else was to come up with a good European version of events leading up to WWIII, I would probably use it in a flash.
I could easily see/believe a scenario where a US/EU split over foreign affairs (especially after a change in government in the UK), could lead to combat that would set up a T:2000 campaign. The Russians could even be US allies (again). </font>[/QUOTE]There isn't an anti-US government to be had in the UK at the moment. New Labour (left) and the Tories (right) are both pro-US, and a socialist coup within Labour would have to be very stupid indeed to go openly anti-US.

There was another posting about a "new labour government" mothballing the UKs nuclear subs. Again, it just ain't gonna happen. Labour abandoned their anti-nuclear stance years ago. They just want to stay in power, and Blair wants glory on the world stage. Going against our main ally, biggest investor and the supplier of most of our TV is not going to achieve either goal.

- Rob.
Actually, I think the folks at FFE should go and subscribe to Stratfor's services. They are very good at predicting world events. They predicted the Kosovo operation a few months in advance, down to the final results and in the general ways that boths sides would claim victory. A few years ago 98/99 they published a prediction of 2000-2010 and events are coming real close to it right now(US involvement in Regional Conflicts and a Anti-USA group forming rendering NATO and the UN practicially useless). And that was back during Clinton's Administration before any hint of "Getting Tough" with Iraq surfaced. FFE could get some real good ideas from their predictions, just take it to the "Worst Case" outcomes.

Also, Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium series of books have some good ideas too.

Originally posted by kafka47:
My problem with the Asteroid scenario, is that it would be planetwide altering effect that would live much of the Earth uninhabited. I think T2000 postulates that the human race must survive at least until 2300AD.

So rather than wiping out humanity with a K-T asteroid, perhaps, it is the aftermath of a "failed" mission that fragmented the rock into several parts that would strike the earth at selected intervals over the next 10-30 years.

Of course, there is always the old standby for the End of the World...the Great Ones emerge... :rolleyes:
They now believe that than minor metor cash in Ireland cause than change in weather pattern that lead to the fall of the western roman empire and the dark ages in europe.
Originally posted by Greylond:
Actually, I think the folks at FFE should go and subscribe to Stratfor's services. They are very good at predicting world events. They predicted the Kosovo operation a few months in advance, down to the final results and in the general ways that boths sides would claim victory. A few years ago 98/99 they published a prediction of 2000-2010 and events are coming real close to it right now(US involvement in Regional Conflicts and a Anti-USA group forming rendering NATO and the UN practicially useless). And that was back during Clinton's Administration before any hint of "Getting Tough" with Iraq surfaced. FFE could get some real good ideas from their predictions, just take it to the "Worst Case" outcomes.

Also, Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium series of books have some good ideas too.

Did they prefit the ploblen the pro-america government is haveing Afghanistan against the regroup Tabian being supplies arm by Russia ans China as either nation want america in center asia.
Our occuplation of Iraq is than total discate with america looking like it cannot do anything right, the widespead looting which we did nothing to stop was bad as it gave america a black eyes international. Did they prefit those events.
Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Or I posted this on another forum, in response to a question on the future of NATO
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Can the other Fifteen Nations force the Three out?

France, Germany, and Belgium are the core of the European Union. France is not worried about the four billion dollars Saddam owes them, they are thinking about dominating Europe. And if they break up NATO the US goes home and they are the big dogs. They will bully the little nations of Europe unmercifully. The ex-warsaw pact nations see this, which is why they're behind us.

Germany will go along for a while, but eventually they will get tired of being #2. But France has nukes and Germany doesn't. Yet.
Do the Germans buy nukes from the Russians? Build their own? Do the French strike first?

And then what does Russia do? If Russia goes in the backdoor of Europe what do we do, what does China do?

But first, what do the North Koreans do when we won't play their game? Do they backmail ROK into kicking us out and reunifying? Is that a good idea with America full of testosterone and a president determined to do the right thing?

And China...has Russia really sold them 200 kph supercavitating torpedoes? What does that do to to the Seventh Fleet at Taiwan?

India-Pakistan, Israel, Lybia, South African tribal wars, so many flashpoints, so little time.

So many flashpoints, so little time.
</font>[/QUOTE]The General Assemble of the UN have the sole power of removeing or adding new member the security council have no power other this. The general assemble can kink america and britian out of the UN
an the veto power have no meaning as it never go before the security council for action.
Israel have nuclear weapons which no one said anything about. USA allow Israel to illegality make nuclear weapon which make america foreign polcy to stop other nation from getting nuclear weapon hyrocritial. All you need is than ultra far rightwing
Israel government decideing to fire nuclear tip missiles at Mecca and Medine in Saudi Arabia which inite than holy war against Israel and it main back the usa. French (60 % of the people are Muslum) fire than nuclear strike at Israel and America East Coast, while China (75 % of the people Muslun ) fire nuclear
tip missile at the west coat of america. Pakistian sub with medium range nuclear tip missile fire at cental usa from the gulf coast.
Any reasonably sane person is neither willing to destroy themselves and everything else or willing to lock themselves away from every possible threat. This is a 'nutshell' definition of sanity (no pun intended).

I doubt that the Korean leadership is insane enough to want their country reduced to radioactive slag, although they are insane enough to starve their own people in order to maintain their armed forces.

This is sorta like the USSR - eventually the 'house-of-cards' economy will collapse, and the people will simply refuse to obey anymore.

I foresee that the North Korean government will soon collapse under it's own weight - 'soon' being the operative term (within the next ten years?), especially after it loses support from China.

If the world comes to an end, it will most likely be through global famine and the next great pandemic. Already, AIDS is devastating the Chinese armed forces and SARS is afflicting their civilian population in every-increasing numbers.

Dig in, folks! America may eventually become Humanity's Last Stand!
Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
French (60 % of the people are Muslum)... while China (75 % of the people Muslun )
While that is an interesting possibility, I question your numbers. I got the following from the CIA World Factbook - Religions by Nation.

France: 5-10%
China: 1-2%

I'm not going to claim that they know all and see all, but I would expect these figures to be a little more accurate than what you list - unless you are referring to an alternate reality (Which is the very base of T2K).
