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Wanted: New Ideas on the end of the world.

Originally posted by montana kennedy:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
French (60 % of the people are Muslum)... while China (75 % of the people Muslun )
While that is an interesting possibility, I question your numbers. I got the following from the CIA World Factbook - Religions by Nation.

France: 5-10%
China: 1-2%

I'm not going to claim that they know all and see all, but I would expect these figures to be a little more accurate than what you list - unless you are referring to an alternate reality (Which is the very base of T2K).

</font>[/QUOTE]My figure are alot closer to reality in the last few year alot of French people convert to Islam, Church and over religious group donot keep very good record of member an they donot report member who left the group in general. There is no government that demand accurate religious record. When was the last time than poller or record keeper
after what your religious is than ask for offical proof of membership. The ruleing party in French is
the old Roman Cath but they know over 2/3 of their member are muslum an they take that in account when
makeing polcy. China want to crack down on the Muslum populateion thinking it was small, the party leader ask for than secret report on the number of Muslum when the report same in on the actural number of Muslim the government cancle that plan real fast. Some of their best party member are Muslim it seem. Some of the number quote for number of religious group are on the average 30 to 40 year
out of date for world fact book I was told this by than Jesit priest who keep membership roll for the Roman Cath Church and the membership roll they have
in roman on worldwide total of Roman Cath is about 5 year out of date.
The Muslim population in France is around 10%. Your numbers have absolutely zero basis in fact Sophia.

I forget to say Islam is one of the few religion that
donot need tham Mosque's to carry out they faith. All
they need is than prayer leader and they can neet in public rooms or than member home. There was than treaty between China and Pakistian which state no new
mosque will be built in China while Imam will be free
to teach Islam in China. China thought by not allowing new mosque to be built they can keep the number of Muslum down. Germany now has more muslum in it than Christian.
Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
I forget to say Islam is one of the few religion that
donot need tham Mosque's to carry out they faith. All
they need is than prayer leader and they can neet in public rooms or than member home. There was than treaty between China and Pakistian which state no new
mosque will be built in China while Imam will be free
to teach Islam in China. China thought by not allowing new mosque to be built they can keep the number of Muslum down. Germany now has more muslum in it than Christian.
And your proof for such ridiculous claims would be?

re Sophiathegreen

If islam is such a wonderful religion then why in the predominantly christian western world can you practice any religion that you want to, yet in the islam dominated middle east they prosecute people for being christian, falsely imprison christians and deport same on trumped up empty charges. I put it to you that islam is an empty religion that is unable to tolerate people and individuals that can think for themselves.

the catholic church and the christian world has something to redeem itself of for the barbarities of the middle ages but at least they have matured and are now living in the 21 st century. islam used to be tolerant but they now are stuck in their own version of the dark ages.

Let us all take Mr. Gordon's recent advice and not feed the trolls, shall we?

Mr. or Ms. Sophiathegreen is a rather odd and mysterious person who may yet post useful, or even coherent, materials. Until then, may I suggest that we either ignore him/her or, better yet, have a few chuckles over his/her posts?

Remember, posters like Sophiathegreen are the spice that keeps the 'Net fresh and zesty!

my most sincere and profuse apologies. its not an excuse but i read one of their posts this morning which irratated me then when i read this recent string it made my blood boil.
Ah, don't sweat it, Larsen. Anybody could get torqued over inaccurate statistics, poor grammar, lousy spelling, fallacious reasoning, and outright lies. Especially when these methods are used in a blatant attempt to elevate and glorify an archaic and backwards belief system, which in turn has been used to suppress, exploit, and persecute the very people who follow and support that belief system.

Just ignore whatever SophiaTheGreen says, and Be Blessed!
Boy are we getting off topic...

*Speaking as a non-Muslim*

Please don't characterize Islam based on the actions of extremist knuckleheads who use religion as a means of maintaining order and power through describing their particular policies as supporting Allah and fighting "the great Satan".

I have known many Muslims that feel the same about their religion as many Christians and Jews feel about their respective beliefs. I also know that they often are as embarrassed by (Islamic) religious extremism as we are by the (Christian) religious reich... er... right... (Sorry - freudian slip there...)

Yes folks Larsen said it best by reminding me of my own comments. Don't feed the trolls. Alas, I ignored my own advice. Thanks for reminding me Larsen!

Sophia, you are pushing the line again. Stop it.

Montana Kennedy,

I also know that they often are as embarrassed by (Islamic) religious extremism as we are by the (Christian) religious reich... er... right... (Sorry - freudian slip there...)
"Christian Religious Reich"?!! I resemble... er... right... resent that remark!

(Sorry, another Freudian slip there...) ;)
"Yes folks Larsen said it best by reminding me of my own comments. Don't feed the trolls. Alas, I ignored my own advice. Thanks for reminding me Larsen!"

Mr. Gordon,

Well, all you folks have 'saved my bacon' so many times I can no longer keep track, so it's best to just considered it as a little reminder I definitely owed my many old and new friends here at CotI.

As for Mr./Ms. Sophiathegreen, may I suggest we all show a little forebearance? I'm most likely speaking out of turn here, but Stg's behavior reminds me of a very dear, and sadly late, friend of mine.

Sarah was a very accomplished lady and had returned to grad school at Havard when she suffered a severe cerebral hemmorhage. Sarah was never really the same afterwards. Her former brilliance would shine through occasionally, but she had defintitely become 'coarser' around the edges. She spoke her mind, at great length and at a great volume, without any regards for facts, tact, or topic. Travelling with her public, such as malls and restaurants, became very trying. However, she was a dear friend of mine and, no matter how she had changed, Sarah still deserved my consideration and my company.

It's nothing I can quite put my finger on, but Stg's posts remind me very much of the talks and correspondance I had with my friend after her change. Reading Sophiathegreen's profile, in which he/she lists 'collects disabilities' under occupation only strengthened my suspicians.

I am quite prepared to view Stg's odd posts and odder claims in the same manner in which I view someone else's physical tic, stammer, limp, or Tourette-induced outburst; as an occasional happenstance that the person in question has no actual control over.

To his/her credit, Stg has responded to various warnings and rarely continues with his/her screeds unless someone inadvertantly responds to his/her posts. Seeing as how Stg seems to be 'reactive', rather than 'proactive', may I suggest we suspend any judgement at this time? Certain threads in the future may draw Stg's attention and participation, that much is certain. But, before we respond to his/her posts or ban he/she for them, we might first examine why Stg behaves the way he/she does and choose to show a little charity and understanding instead?

Again, my apologies for broaching this topic to the group as a whole. In this case however, I felt that the need out weighed any other concerns.

William R. Cameron, aka Larsen
This all reminds me of one of my ideas for the end of the world: one of the various group of extremists takes over and does bad things.
[post deleted for irrelevance]

Stick to the topic Sophia. This isn't a discussion of Islam, Christianity, etc...You were warned about this before.


[ May 21, 2003, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: hunter ]

This all reminds me of one of my ideas for the end of the world: one of the various group of extremists takes over and does bad things.
All that would be required are:

1) The name and purpose of the extremist group.
2) The method(s) by which they achieved the end of the world.
3) Whether or not the end of the world was their intended goal (and what their actual goal may have been).
4) Whether or not there were any survivors, and which side(s) they were on.
5) Whether or not the extremist group(s) pose any further threat.

I wonder, does there exist a matrix / table for determining primary goals of an adventure? Would it include secondary and incedental goals as well?

There is always the stated goal, then the minor goals that must be met to meet the stated goal, and the incidental goals along the way that nobody seems to think of until it's too late.

Bill: "Hey Bob, didja remember the extra batteries for the distress beacon?"
Bob: "D'OH!"
Bill: "... great..."
Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
They now believe that than minor metor cash in Ireland cause than change in weather pattern that lead to the fall of the western roman empire and the dark ages in europe.
That's new. At last report the eruption of a volcano in 535(?) AD was being blamed for the famine and plagues that finished off the Western Roman Empire. Also for the power shift that made the Turks the masters of cental asia.

See David Key's Catastrope.
So what's on the list so far?

1. Major meteor/comet impact on Earth or Moon
2. Large scale volcanic/tectonic activity
3. Solar flare/nearby supernova
4. Runaway climatic degradation (man made)
5. Contact with aliens/AI/time travellers
6. Large scale N/B/C war
7. Racial/religious/political extremism
8. Scientific experiment gone wrong
9. Major cosmic/galactic event
10. Religious prophecy fulfilled (pick one)

Any other major/minor catagories? I can think of numerous variations on these themes but I think they are basically combinations of the above.
11) Primary race dying out, while secondary race evolves to primacy.
12) Naturally-ocurring pandemic wipes out %99.9 of the poulation every few thousand years.
13) A POP-1, 2, or 3 colony is threatened by a TEC-9+ society seeking a colony site (or they see the original colonists as food sources).
14) Visitation by messianic life-form, which promises a better life if only %99.9 of the existing population is eliminated.

Keep 'em coming...
Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
They now believe that than minor metor cash in Ireland cause than change in weather pattern that lead to the fall of the western roman empire and the dark ages in europe.
That's new. At last report the eruption of a volcano in 535(?) AD was being blamed for the famine and plagues that finished off the Western Roman Empire. Also for the power shift that made the Turks the masters of cental asia.

See David Key's Catastrope.
</font>[/QUOTE]This metor hit happen sometime in the 3rd century AC. It also cause the rise of Islam also.
"This metor hit happen sometime in the 3rd century AC."


I know I'm ignoring my own advice, but when needs must the devil drives. :(


You are confused again. You got the Ireland part correct, the meteor part is another of your fantasies sadly.

They used the tree rings found in timbers which had been preserved in peat bogs to pinpoint a few, closely linked, periods of environmental upset. For as much as a decade in each case, summer temperatures dropped, growing seasons were disrupted, and so forth. There were also various social effects due to this.

There are a number of culprits being eyed for this. Volcanic ash is one, thanks to the Krakatoa eruption in the 1880s we've long suspected vulcanism as a culprit. Another is an unexplained variation in solar output.

Meteor strikes, like the kind you've somehow confused with this recent effort in forensic ecology, are right out. Any impact large enough to throw enough ejecta into the upper atmosphere and change the planet's albedo (the mechanism theorized for vulcanism) would have also left a CRATER recognisable for millennia. There are no CRATERS in Ireland, despite what you believe you've read or heard.

We've identified the Dinosaur Killer's crater under the Yucatan. Given that capability, finding the crater left behind by a meteor impact in Ireland would be childs' play, especially a meteor impact less than 2000 years ago that was big enough to disrupt Earth's albedo. There is no crater and, in this case, there was no meteor impact.

Please don't bother replying to this. I have most likely made a mistake in even replying to you. I could not stand to see such nonsense served up as 'facts' however.
