The credit vs. credit discussion is indeed bogus if you don't do that, but who said we shouldn't do it?
It's my belief that battle riders stack up poorly against battleships in
High Guard. One
Trillion Credit Squadron campaign (which I can't find on the web any more, alas) found that battle riders had a problem disengaging from the line, while battleships could just jump out. And I think they're ultimately more expensive than battleships, too.
That said, I can think of a very good reason for battle riders: politics.
Imagine your average high-tech world in the Spinward Marches. They pay their taxes to the Imperium on time and in full, the primary benefit of which is the Imperial Navy. But the Imperial Navy's stretched and says [1],
EmperersSword: You gyuz shd be payen >>> fer yer own defns.
Rhylanpwnzor: WTF d00d?!? We payz fr yr pl4nkwl BBs bro, get teh cleu
EmperersSword: We can't dfens all wrldz, when Zho in yr system psyking all yr base don't com cryin to us
Rhylanpwnzor: Tell mperer hez an @55h47
EmperersSword: ops just moved 1 flt to coridor hahah
Rhylanpwnzor: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Rhylanpwnzor: U R sick
Rhylanpwnzor: WTF we gonna do?
EmperersSword: Buold ships
Rhylanpwnzor: ships for you to go chase doggies with, no way
EmperersSword: Build SBD
EmperersSword: I mean SdB
Rhylanpwnzor: SDB sux
EmperersSword: build big SDB w mesonz
EmperersSword: is cheep
Rhylanpwnzor: Ya wh@teva
EmperersSword: like 2/3rds cost and >><< teeny
Rhylanpwnzor: Rly?
EmperersSword: Ya rly
Rhylanpwnzor: O K it sux but I need dfens
EmperersSword: K
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: Rhy sez hel buy big SBDs
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: SDBs
StrephThroat <private message to EmperersSword>: Awesum
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: I can has battle tendaz?
StrephThroat <private message to EmperersSword>: Ya theyre cheep need teeny pplant 4 size
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: LOL we got strat mobil again
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: An rhy sez yr an assh@t
StrephThroat <private message to EmperersSword>: move fleet 2 cor thatll show rhy do not **** wid us
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: already did
StrephThroat <private message to EmperersSword>: haha
EmperersSword <private message to StrephThroat>: haha ROTFL
The Imperium gets a full battle rider squadron for the cost of the tender, the planet gets SDBs, and the Emperor gets his lulz.
1] It is common knowledge that that Imperial Navy uses LOLspeak as an unbreakable code to foil Zhodani infiltrators.