- What edition was your first encounter with Traveller?
- When did it happen?
- What formed the first impression? (The cover? Text within the game? Someone describing the game to you? Playing the game?)
- What drew you to the game in that first impression? What was that first impression.
First encounter wasn't pretty.
1. Little black books, so either 1981 or possibly 1977.
2. About 1983 or '84, in my high school D&D club. One of the guys brought it to the club and we passed it around. I remember reading it between classes. The minimalism left an impression, as did the use of "throw" for dice. I was more of a wargamer then, and was slowly developing a taste for GDW's works. (Chadwick remains my favorite designer.)
3-4. We didn't actually play it. I think some of us made some characters, but no one had any ideas for running it. We had no adventure modules (and without any enthusiasm, no one wanted to go out and get one, it seemed). Some of the club were wargamers, while the RPG guys were fantasy fans, not science fiction. I'd played with Star Frontiers, but again, enjoyed the spaceship combat game more than the RP.
So, imagine a cluster of 15- and 16-year-old boys standing around the box, poking at it with a stick. Someone says, "Make it go."

So we went back to AD&D. I didn't play Traveller until Mongoose came along, and the 2300AD and Prime Directive projects were announced. I read most of the articles in Challenge (since I ran Twilight:2000 and Space:1889), so I kind of understood the game.