SOC-14 1K
I have no idea when TCS was published, I had naively assumed it was before the tournament. As noted, using drop tanks in tournaments was banned as a result of Eurisko, but is not in the TCS book.
I don't see how you can get to 193 crew:
That is calculated for 111 turrets, not just 64.
Service crew for the drop tanks for would just add 11 crew.
(Yes, I use 10 command crew, just because it is a round even number. Feel free to consider my ship 1 rating short.)
It's not a 16 650 Dt ship, it's a 11 100 Dt ship with the bridge and crew for 11 100 Dt.
HG'80, p50:

The HG'80 Gazelle is a 300 Dt ship, potentially with a 100 Dt drop tanks changing drive performance.
It has some interior fuel, so can do J-2 without tanks, but far from the total required fuel load that the drop tanks provide.
You are overcomplicating it by adding and subtracting interior fuel a few times:
You still don't need both interior jump fuel AND the drop tanks.Some of the numbers below are personal opinion (e.g. turret count for fire control equipment), but I think that it’s “in the ballpark” for the interior tonnage allocation of the Eurisko-class ships.
Troops are not part of the "crew" in the USP, see the Kinunir HG'80, p52.I think that there aren’t enough crew when the ships are “laden” (i.e. equipped with drop tanks); rather than 131 crew, I think that 193 crew would be needed. As ever, please point out where mistakes exist.
I don't see how you can get to 193 crew:
Crew Bridge 10
132 Engineers 29
Gunners 70
Service 23
Flight 0
Marines 35
Total 167
Service crew for the drop tanks for would just add 11 crew.
(Yes, I use 10 command crew, just because it is a round even number. Feel free to consider my ship 1 rating short.)
It's not a 16 650 Dt ship, it's a 11 100 Dt ship with the bridge and crew for 11 100 Dt.
HG'80, p50:

The HG'80 Gazelle is a 300 Dt ship, potentially with a 100 Dt drop tanks changing drive performance.
It has some interior fuel, so can do J-2 without tanks, but far from the total required fuel load that the drop tanks provide.
You are overcomplicating it by adding and subtracting interior fuel a few times:
Definitely in the right ballpark.Hull, buffered planetoid (armor factor of 6) 11,100 tons
less 35% interior waste space − 3,885 tons
Armour 2,886 tons (forgot? 26% of 11100 Dt)
Jump drive: 3, sized as 5 (6% of hull) 666 tons
Maneuver drive: 1, sized as 2 (5% of hull) 555 tons
Power plant: 3, sized as 5 (15% of hull) 1,665 tons
Fuel for power plant: (1% of hull × power plant 5) 555 tons
Bridge: 3% of hull (2% of laden hull) 333 tons (disagree; 222 Dt = 2% of 11100 Dt)
Fire control equipment for 65 turrets 65 tons (disagree; 111 turrets would need 112 Dt
Computer: model/6 7 tons
Meson screen: 1 90 tons
Nuclear dampers: 1 50 tons
totals 5 + 126 = 131 crew; 68 staterooms 272 tons (disagree; you need space for 131+35=166 people)
Cargo 8 tons
────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────
Total free 63 tons
Should work, but you have to use the tool in the toolbar, otherwise the upload will strip whitespace.(The CODE block didn’t work properly—perhaps due to the line-drawing characters?—so I had to resort to ICODE blocks to get a monospace rendering.)
Hull, unladen 11,100 tons
with H₂(l) drop tanks + 5,550 tons
Hull, laden 16,650 tons