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General What Makes a Scout, a Scout

What part of the "scout ship" role prompts a necessity for high drive performance (jump, maneuver, power plant)?

The bigger the drives the more expensive the ship ... meaning fewer ships (scouts) for the same budget allocation line.
Depends on the mission. For peacetime routine purposes 2G is entirely reasonable. If you're planning to use them as naval auxiliaries in wartime, you might want a bit more than that. Or not, since they can reconnoiter from a distance and escape by jumping.
What part of the "scout ship" role prompts a necessity for high drive performance (jump, maneuver, power plant)?

The bigger the drives the more expensive the ship ... meaning fewer ships (scouts) for the same budget allocation line.
See in the Imperial wiki, Expendable, crew and ship.
How did Armies (and Navies also) on the move communicate with each other at all prior to radio? In areas where telegraph has been torn down or worse doesn't exist at all (the open seas)?


Because of Jump Space and this whole "Age of Sail" thing, you have to have them. For a fleet to have "eyes" you need 6 J-2 scouts at a minimum, 12+ just in case if you want robust/emergency reporting.
A.Each Jumps one parsec (hex) out.
B.Take a look as long as protocol or situation allows
C.Jump back
With J-2 , you only need stay as long as it takes to plot the jump back. The reason to have 12+ is redundancy with orders the extras to remain on station-keeping until something interesting shows up (like an enemy fleet), then jump back to a specified point and report.
1. It's a legacy issue.

2. Because the power plant had to match the drive, starships tended to be one one one, two two two, three three three, and four four four.

3. Current edition can substitute stored power for some of the energy requirements, and manoeuvre drive is relatively smaller.

4. Also, there's the courier mission, which tends to preferably speedy.
You don't need an economically viable civilian design. This is a military ship! The Navy (or its appointed Scouts) are footing the bill. Still, you need LOTS of these and each needs to be cheap for mass production (and loss) and be constantly ready.
Soooo: It needs to be:

  • 100 tons - The smallest hull that allows jump.
  • J-2 minimum or else it cannot jump back and forth one parsec to be "eyes". J-4 and J-6, the next steps up, to allow jump back and forth to two parsecs and 3 parsecs might be important now in 1105, but was not technically possible until recently to even be fleet standard. The foundation of the Imperium (IY-0) is only TL 12.. You need the navy manufacturing parts of the Imperium to be TL 13 or 15 for performance benefit.
  • Self reliance: fuel scoops, purifiers, streamlined (or better Air/Frame) configuration. Less reliance on fleet tankers or local civilization fueling, like if a system was taken over by the enemy.
  • Manufacture at the lowest TL possible (TL-11). This increases survivability to report back. If repairs for anything other than the jump drive are needed, local systems can aid repair as similar components require lower TL to understand/repair/make retro replacements. If not or in addition, enough cargo space for a decent portion of parts or material for the 3-D printer.
As I understand Traveller, technological level twelve is (Imperium) interstellar norm.

In theory, and especially if the empty hex phenomenon is resolved, you could lower it to technological level nine, with a manoeuvre drive factor one, rocket booster as needed, early fusion power plant, and jump drive factor one, which certainly should allow anyone to locally produce those parts. I'm thinking like a bicycle repair shop.

Militarily, and I see the Scouts more para, saving money usually doesn't help.
How did Armies (and Navies also) on the move communicate with each other at all prior to radio? In areas where telegraph has been torn down or worse doesn't exist at all (the open seas)?
By messenger.
Speed of light communications changed all of that, however.

Voyager 1 and 2 effectively have 0G maneuver, but they can still "scout" the interstellar medium and report data via light speed communications. Faster probes are a convenience for getting into position to record scouting/exploration data more quickly, but higher maneuvering power is not an absolute requirement in order to reach those locations (at all), nor will higher maneuvering power "hasten" those communications (faster than light) once transmissions begin for downlink.
A.Each Jumps one parsec (hex) out.
B.Take a look as long as protocol or situation allows
C.Jump back
With J-2 , you only need stay as long as it takes to plot the jump back.
For that mission profile, you only need J1 and 2 parsecs of jump fuel, not J2.
Oh and your "quick look" into a neighboring parsec (hex) takes 2+ weeks to complete while your fleet is "parked" and surrendering the initiative during the wait for the scouting mission to complete.

Because of how jump works in Traveller, fleet movements quickly devolve into "turn based" gaming strategies involving week long intervals between "turns" taken (see: Fifth Frontier War board game, among others).

Putting a bigger maneuver drive into a scout won't reduce the jump interval (150-175 hours).
Putting a bigger jump drive into a scout won't reduce the jump interval either (J5 drive can transit 1 parsec in 30-35 hours instead of 150-175).

My point being that because of how jump works in Traveller, in the context of fleet movements information and intelligence crossing interstellar distances has "freshness dates" attached to it, which can become "stale" and out of date after relatively few jumps. More powerful (and therefore, more expensive) drives will not alter that calculus of keeping reports "fresher for longer" ... the bigger drives don't "preserve" the data gathered for longer spans of time.

A bigger jump drive just means you can transit farther (more parsecs) in 1 week with your dispatch report(s) through jump.
A bigger maneuver drive just means you can transit more interplanetary distance in a given span of time before jumping.

Neither of those attributes are "necessary" for bog standard peacetime scout exploration and survey work.
Both of them become more valuable during wartime, but wars (even Frontier Wars) do not last that long. If you look at the Imperial Calendar.
  • First Frontier War: 589-604 = 15 years
  • Second Frontier War: 615-620 = 5 years (modern IISS founded in 624)
  • Third Frontier War: 979-986 = 7 years
  • Fourth Frontier War: 1082-1084 = 2 years
  • Fifth Frontier War: 1107-1110 = 3 years
  • 32 years / 600 years = 5.33%
So in the Spinward Marches alone, ~94.67% of the time over 600 years (510-1110 specifically) could be considered peacetime, between the Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate.

My point being that fleet on fleet naval combat during wartime conditions is relatively rare. Fleet on fleet action is the responsibility of the IN to deal with, not the IISS. Consequently, the IN is built to standards intended to fight during those "5% years" when there is hot war going on ... while the IISS is organized to standards intended to be sustainable during the "95% years" when there are not open hostilities going on between fleets.

During those "95% years" of peacetime, I question the need for high drive performance in scout/courier starships operated by the IISS.

J6/M2 Fleet Couriers (LBB S9, p20) operated by the IN are a different mission set for a different client (IN vs IISS) and are consequently built to a very different standard.

When war comes ... Scout/Couriers are pressed into wartime service (as are subsidized merchant ships, go figure...) to support the war effort ... but they aren't built from the outset with a hot war/combat operational mission profile from the start. They're support/auxiliaries at best, not primary assets.
Condottiere Brought up a good point. If a scout can be built at lower Tech Levels it could be built and maintained in more places.

The question I have is, could a scout be built using an atomic reactor and a HEPLaR Drive?
Edition specific.

Non Mongosian starships need fusion reactors.

Rockets are possible, but short tactical range means more likely used as point to point inner system courier.
@Condottiere Brought up a good point. If a scout can be built at lower Tech Levels it could be built and maintained in more places.
To be fair, I made the same point half a year ago ...
The other big advantage of owning a low tech starship would be (ironically) ... ease of maintenance.
Subsidized merchantman is jump factor one, so obvious candidate, since you could have the local industrial base doing maintenance, rather than the starport.

Speaking of which, Imperium mainstream is stated to be technological level twelve, so my assumption has always been that the starports are stocked with those parts.
I agree, why is there an assumption starport carry the parts you need? How can a newly open starpart on a planet where steampower is the major source of energy, have TL 12 or 15 parts on hand? Think about going to the auto parts store and asking for a 1969 VW part or Get a part for that shiny new 2022 car? They usually have to order the parts you desire. The same goes for Starport on planets that don't have the TL to support the ship that come and go.

For Imperium worlds, the starport is administrated by an Imperium agency, though I'm not sure who financed construction.
I agree, why is there an assumption starport carry the parts you need? How can a newly open starpart on a planet where steampower is the major source of energy, have TL 12 or 15 parts on hand? Think about going to the auto parts store and asking for a 1969 VW part or Get a part for that shiny new 2022 car? They usually have to order the parts you desire. The same goes for Starport on planets that don't have the TL to support the ship that come and go.
I always went with lettered drives are standardized and at least the drives/plants through G would be readily available at A and B starports.

The shipping economics favor a stream of the standardized engineering subassemblies flowing from IND planets almost sector wide, so a river of spares are already on the way obviating the need to have local production.

Then I have the HG drives as custom builds and thus are largely dependent on the world’s tech.
I agree that if you bring the ANNIC NOVA in for repair work, you may to have to wait for parts to be fabbed.

If you bring in your Beowulf at any class A starport, they'll just swap parts out from their stores -- and yeah, they've got to have warehouses and a solid interstellar supply chain, don't they?

I WILL NOTE that a class A starport "uplifts" a world to at least TL 7... and if that world is high pop, then it's at least TL 9. This implies that a class A starport actually pushes worlds towards the interstellar logistical supply chain**. That implies class A high pop worlds are interstellar parts suppliers.

** Although Mongoose turns this on its head and gives the starport roll a DM based on world population.
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To be fair, a Beowulf is a TL=9 ship with A/A/A drives in it (and the computer is TL=5 for crying out loud).
TL=9+ tech support is going to be reasonably ubiquitous among type A/B starports ... although some places are below that tech level.
Wonstar ... type B ... TL=7
Kinorb ... type A ... TL=8
Icetina ... type B ... TL=7

But TL=7 is simply the minimum needed to construct small craft and non-starships and both of those can be constructed at type B starports.

It's just the TL=8 type A starport that becomes "problematic" in terms of local tech support supply chains and would require imports of Jump-1+, Maneuver-3+ and fusion power plants ... but everything else can be constructed locally using TL=8 ... so with imports starships can be built at Kinorb.