In one of the game editions (I forget which) there was a list of codes that denoted a ship's function. There were two codes that could be used: one was primary and one was a qualifier (I think that is what it is called).
Anyway, T was one of the items on the list. Perhaps someone can point out which book this was in?
[...]when the design was 'ported into HG2, part of the original designation was kept; T, and added to the designator for "patrol"; P. Hence; TP.
Interesting that the LBB "T" didn't suit High Guard.
Hey Bill, I'm having trouble digging up this reference. Clues please?
Indeed, so am I.
Book 2 said:Patrol Cruiser (type T): Using a custom 400-ton hull, the patrol cruiser is a military vessel used for customs inspections, piracy suppression, and normal safety patrols. It has jump drive-F, maneuver drive-H, and power plant-H, giving the ship performance of jump3 and 4-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 120 tons supports the power plant and allows one jump-3. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer. There are twelve staterooms and four low berths. There are four triple turrets installed, with fire control; two mount lasers and two mount missile racks. A GCarrier and a ship's boat are carried. There is a 50-ton cargo bay, and the ship is streamlined.
The patrol cruiser has a crew of 18: pilot, navigator, three engineers, medic, four gunners, and eight troops for boarding parties. Double occupancy for the gunners and troops is required. The ship costs hilCr221.04 and takes 14 months to build.
... it also appears in The Traveller Book, 1982 ed., pg 59.
Expedition to Zhodane does some nice looking 600ton Patrol Corvettes but no Type T equivalent.
(I'd love to see your LBB:2 Shivva!)
600 dton unstreamlined hull, military drives & sensors
jump-M 65 dt (jump-4)
manuever-F 11 (2-G)
power-M 37 (level-4)
bridge 20
comp 4fib 4 (HG1)
jump fuel 240 (4 parsecs)
power fuel 40 (4 weeks [add'l storage on slow pinnace])
9 states 36 (p, n, 3e, m, 10f, 2g/f; dbl. occ.)
10 fighters 100
slow pinnace 40
fire ctrl 6 (2 x 3 laser, 2 x 3 missile, 2 x 3 sand)
hold 1 (stores, magazine, etc.)
Book 2 standard, military
3 missile
1 dt magazine aboard
slow pinnace
Book 2 standard, military
1 sand, 2 missile
.6 dt magazine aboard (12 rnds. any type)
30 dt cgo, w/cutter fuel skim module
with the Navigator or a Boater/Gunner serving as the Intendant Group Director.