Not kidding about going short on cargo space and gunners, though - all that range, and no operational endurance at all! Though it looks like the fighters can pack more missiles than the ship's magazine can, and they're her striking force anyway.
Well, B2 combat is deadly enough that you don't need too much combat endurance. I figure, as a very conservative estimate, that 1 dton of magazine is all of 20 rounds (and remember, in this application, they can be nukes). A B2 Fighter is unlikely to survive a real hairball long enough to expend 29 missiles -- especially with no Loader aboard to help.
(IMB2TU, missiles fly at 6Gs max, but craft that are using Maneuver/Evade must sacrifice 1G to dodging as per Mayday; this makes dogfighting between Fighters "interesting".)
My whole concern with the Type T is that it's small enough to be manageable by a group of PCs who are in turn small enough to be manageable by their Ref, but the hull's just not big enough to suit me for anything more than the above-mentioned "Provincial" duties.
Using the same basic engineering as the Zho
Shivva, you can do a little better on payload, if you're willing to work for it:
600 dton streamlined hull, military
jump-M 65 (jump-4)
manuever-F 11 (2-G)
power-M 37 (level-4)
fuel 280 (4 pscs & 4 wks)
bridge 20
comp 4fib 4 (HG1)
12 states 48 (p, n, 3e, m, 2g, 4l)
20 low 10
3 emer low 3
fire ctrl 2 (2 x 3 laser, plus 2 x 2 missile & 2 x 2 sand, fixed)
hold 120 (cgo/craft/mag/stores/mail/collapse; up to 4 modules)
600 dtons, streamlined, military/naval
for the Justicia Deep Rangers... TL12
The Deep Rangers are my Scouts; this is their
Callisto-class "Ranger" vessel, with a nod to both the Zhos & the Hivers.
Note how the crew requirements can be kept down by using Solomani-style fixed weapons mounts; the four Loaders are optional personnel, and the Navigator or Medic can double on the bridge as the Gunner to operate them, since they're just ordinance dumpers and not guns.
The design of a good Patrol craft, especially under B2, always comes down to trade-offs in capabilities versus costs; 600 dtons is probably the realistic upper limit. You can squeak some interesting designs into 200 dtons (cf. the broken-but-nifty Solomani Type SF), but at 400 dtons, you're either looking at doing one thing well (build a B2 version of the
Fiery as an example exercise), or at doing several different things with some mediocrity -- which is why I often deploy Type Ts in pairs to make sure the job gets done (and so the starship crewed by NPCs can keep an eye on the one crewed by the PCs should the temptation to corsairing grow too tempting).