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CT Only: What One Thing Would You Change About Classic Traveller?

I'd say the 600-ton subsidized liner was more about the next stage in the Trader campaign game design, building up to bigger ships, and so was about getting that mini-line going.

Pretty clear in the verbiage that the ship was to stick to a route. Obviously not a fancy free fly at will operation. But it can bring fiscal and operational support, and can get real exciting if the government calls it up for war.
With the postman's uniform and mail bag, he arrives in Pineview claiming to be from the newly restored US government. He convinces town sheriff Briscoe by showing a letter addressed to elderly villager Irene March. The Postman inspires a teenager named Ford Lincoln Mercury and swears him into the postal service. The Postman also meets spouses Abby and Michael, fulfilling their clinical request to impregnate her. When the Postman leaves for the town of Benning, he carries a pile of mail left at the post office door by the townspeople.

During a raid of Pineview, General Bethlehem learns of the Postman’s tales of a restored government and becomes afraid of losing power if word spreads. He burns the American flag and post office, kills Michael, kidnaps Abby, and next attacks the town of Benning. The Postman surrenders, but Abby saves him from execution, and the two escape into the surrounding mountains. A pregnant Abby and an injured Postman ride out the winter in an abandoned cabin.

When spring arrives, they cross the range and run into a girl, who claims to be a postal carrier. She reveals that Ford Lincoln Mercury organized a postal service based on the Postman's story. They have established communications with other settlements, creating a quasi-society and inadvertently spreading hope.

Bethlehem is still fighting to suppress the postal carriers, who are mostly teenagers pitted against a better-equipped enemy. In the face of mounting casualties, the Postman orders everyone to disband and writes a surrender letter to Bethlehem. However, Bethlehem learns to his dismay that the Postman's example has spread farther than he could have anticipated when his men capture a carrier from California, and he redoubles his efforts to find the Postman. The Postman and Abby, closely followed by young carriers Eddie, Ponytail and Billy, travel to Bridge City. When Bethlehem's scouts catch up, the mayor helps the Postman to escape on a cable car to find volunteers for an army of carriers. Before leaving, he and Abby reciprocate their feelings and fall in love.

Post Virus?
That's why you have Bribery, Forgery, Streetwise, and Admin. These are the tools to help you out at times like this. That and a GM who wants the game to go that way. :)
Well, sort of, and you'll need to be a lot more indirect and comprehensive than it might appear, unless you've already got referee buy-in (in which case, just make a suitable admin roll and you get what's behind Door Number Three).
In the original section on subsidies there is no mention of mail contracts, they are mentioned under revenue. The wording 'may' is the interesting bit since at no point does it say free traders 'may not'.

What gives us the more scope for adventures involving PCs

allowing free traders to carry mail

limiting it to only subsidised ships (which should be taken as 400t and above not 600t)

I always opt for the more adventure possibility option.
CT runs on house rules. :) As long as everyone in group agrees with them why not? If the game your running says only 600-ton ships, I can live with that, but if his game has Type-S ships painted white with a red, white, and blue stripe down the middle I can live with that also. I borrowed (stole) many a house rules over the years. I think they make the games interesting. :) Just my 2crs.
QFT. CT does indeed run on house rules.

That means a lot of little edge cases of the OTU also run on house rules.

Or, perhaps, it's safer to say that "many implementation details are left as an exercise for the referee."

(Or for the fanbase to haggle over in online forums, I suppose)
The wording 'may' is the interesting bit since at no point does it say free traders 'may not'.
{knowing nod}
What gives us the more scope for adventures involving PCs?
Allowing free traders to carry mail.
Of course, they would need to "arm up" first (most stock Free Traders are unarmed when delivered from the shipyard) and put a Gunner (or two) on payroll and reserve 5 tons of their cargo hold before they would be eligible for mail contracts ... so there are some hoops to jump through before meeting eligibility requirements, but those are things that CAN BE DONE.

Also, consider that unlike so many other commodities that can be traded, mail is something that isn't subject to scarcity limits that can push competitors out of the market (per se). It's not like one ship captain can buy up "all the grain" so there's no grain left for the next ship to come along to buy. There is ALWAYS going to be mail to transport and deliver!

Even more to the point, "competition" is always going to be better for the end user (up to a point).
If only one ship was doing mail runs to a star system for a while, having a second ship get a contract to do mail runs doesn't result in a supply/demand crash in the volume of mail getting delivered. If anything, it means that the mail going out and coming in happens faster/more frequently, improving the service. With more mail being carried, more mail will be generated, so as the transport capacity supply side goes up, the demand for the service ought to increase as well ... so it's not like any one ship (or enterprise) can completely corner the market in mail to the exclusion of all challengers/competitors. There is ALWAYS going to be MORE MAIL to transport ... until a saturation point is reached from the perspective of the Postal Union.

Once that saturation point of transport capacity is reached ... THEN the Postal Union can start getting "picky" about who they want to award mail contracts to. Only once mail transport has reach saturation will the Postal Union be able to "pick and choose" the best carriers while weeding out the less efficient/less dedicated starships from their list of contractors. So only AFTER the saturation point has been reached will competition become an issue for the suppliers of the mail transport services (pushing them towards increasing efficiencies to retain their mail contracts) while that same competition works in favor of the demand side of the equation fostering higher standards and better/faster services for mail transport.

In other words, places that are already "over served" with mail delivery contracts may be hard markets to break into as an independent operator ... while places that are "under served" such as backwater regions with little to no merchant traffic may be in a position of "beggars can't be choosers" where they'll sign a mail contract with almost anyone who will keep visiting their world (since almost no one else will) and can meet the absolute bare minimum requirements.

In other words, there is plenty of room for nuance and variety to be found when you Read Between The Lines in an attempt to discern the SPIRIT of the rules ... rather than merely stopping at the LETTERS of the rules and refuse to look any further. ;)
Scouts and Free Traders would be great for worlds off the main lines. A train brings the mail to large cities along the lines. Then the mail is put onto stagecoaches to be delivered to small town out of reach by the train. Type A and Type S- Stagecoaches to the stars. :)
Scouts and Free Traders would be great for worlds off the main lines. A train brings the mail to large cities along the lines. Then the mail is put onto stagecoaches to be delivered to small town out of reach by the train. Type A and Type S- Stagecoaches to the stars. :)
like, say, the Ponii Express?
Did anyone ever use an X-boat besides something to Rob, Rescue, or look for one missing?
I have thought of using them for a starship race, something of a Scout Service internal competition. Prizes could be anything from cash, choice assignments or other bennie. Of course bragging rights as to who is the best Xboat pilot in the sector/domain/imperium.
I have thought of using them for a starship race, something of a Scout Service internal competition.
That works if you've got an individual racer and a "pit crew" assigned ... but not quite so well in the "team sport" of the Express Network where the name of the game is running relays and handing off the baton.
Of course bragging rights as to who is the best Xboat pilot in the sector/domain/imperium.
The "best XBoat pilots" are the ones who can push a button to initiate a pre-programmed jump and still fog a mirror after entering jump space. Not exactly a challenging job (since XBoats don't have maneuver drives).
That works if you've got an individual racer and a "pit crew" assigned ... but not quite so well in the "team sport" of the Express Network where the name of the game is running relays and handing off the baton.

The "best XBoat pilots" are the ones who can push a button to initiate a pre-programmed jump and still fog a mirror after entering jump space. Not exactly a challenging job (since XBoats don't have maneuver drives).
It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. :)
That works if you've got an individual racer and a "pit crew" assigned ... but not quite so well in the "team sport" of the Express Network where the name of the game is running relays and handing off the baton.

The "best XBoat pilots" are the ones who can push a button to initiate a pre-programmed jump and still fog a mirror after entering jump space. Not exactly a challenging job (since XBoats don't have maneuver drives).
it is all about how you push that button.

XBoats can carry admirals to fleets in the Fifth Frontier War game ...
Not necessarly...

Aldmirals can move without other units along those lines, but that does not mean they are moved by X-Boats, as those are also the main commercial lines, and (IMHO) it's assumed commercial shipping is moving through them.

Aldmirals don't use to travel (nor work) alone, and I have serious doubts the admiral counter represents just on individual, but a full HQ staff, that could not be moved by X-Boat
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