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what's your favourite lbb and why ?


Striker book 3

and Far Trader issue #2 (for the Alamo/Beau-Gest alliteration (sp?)

I once GM'd a game where a local patron (scientist) in the 3rd Imperium hired the PC's merc unit to accompany him on a trip he had in mind (and didn't tell them where they all were going -- or rather WHEN they were all going) They were all on Terra at the time (approx 1108 of the 3rd Imp). The next thing they know there's a flash of light and they and all their equipment were in the middle of a blizzard, on 3 feet of snow, in the middle of the night. Wind is so fierce that they can't hover their TL-10 grav tanks and apcs. Hundreds of unknown infantry are running through their position without firing a shot, running for their lives from - what appears on their surface radars to be hundreds of armored vehicles approaching their position.

What they didn't know was the scientist wanted to destroy the past history of the Solomani, and had dropped them in the middle of the lower Don river, in mid-December of 1942!!! The troups running away speak an unknown tongue (Rumanian) and the vehicles approaching are the main elements of the Russian winter offensive to encircle Stalingrad. If they help either side, or leave anything behind before they figure out where they are and what the scientist is up to -- either Hitler or Stalin will take over the earth and Solomani will end up declared a minor race in 300 years.

Striker book 3

and Far Trader issue #2 (for the Alamo/Beau-Gest alliteration (sp?)

I once GM'd a game where a local patron (scientist) in the 3rd Imperium hired the PC's merc unit to accompany him on a trip he had in mind (and didn't tell them where they all were going -- or rather WHEN they were all going) They were all on Terra at the time (approx 1108 of the 3rd Imp). The next thing they know there's a flash of light and they and all their equipment were in the middle of a blizzard, on 3 feet of snow, in the middle of the night. Wind is so fierce that they can't hover their TL-10 grav tanks and apcs. Hundreds of unknown infantry are running through their position without firing a shot, running for their lives from - what appears on their surface radars to be hundreds of armored vehicles approaching their position.

What they didn't know was the scientist wanted to destroy the past history of the Solomani, and had dropped them in the middle of the lower Don river, in mid-December of 1942!!! The troups running away speak an unknown tongue (Rumanian) and the vehicles approaching are the main elements of the Russian winter offensive to encircle Stalingrad. If they help either side, or leave anything behind before they figure out where they are and what the scientist is up to -- either Hitler or Stalin will take over the earth and Solomani will end up declared a minor race in 300 years.
Honestly, CT is sooo enjoyable no matter how much or how little detail you chose to put into a GM's story.

I've had enormously complex adventures made up for PC's to get involved in. And they've had just as much fun with some extremely simple adventures I presented to them -- almost off the top of my head.

For example, I once presented them with a simple cargo expedition to take a certain cubical block 3 meters x 3 meters x 3 meters cube of nearly solid tungsten (a giant safe, if you will) out to a planet several jumps away. The patron also offered them an enormous sum of money to transport it. That's all it took to make them suspicious. They start looking around it and examining the stamp on the side saying "Do Not Open". After all their examination I tell them the cube is absolutely perfectly constructed except for a single fleck of paint pealed off a spot on the side. They all flock around to examine the spot. Someone starts scraping at the paint to see what's underneath - to discover a single word that's covered up -- "NOSTROMO"!!! A third of the crew immediately starts to abandon ship in the ship's pinnace's while another third is shooting at them to disable them or force them to turn back, and the last third (who never saw the movie) is unscrewing the door on the cube to see what's inside that the others are so afraid of. Hehehe Hohohoho! Everybody died on that ship. And everybody laughed their heads off.
Honestly, CT is sooo enjoyable no matter how much or how little detail you chose to put into a GM's story.

I've had enormously complex adventures made up for PC's to get involved in. And they've had just as much fun with some extremely simple adventures I presented to them -- almost off the top of my head.

For example, I once presented them with a simple cargo expedition to take a certain cubical block 3 meters x 3 meters x 3 meters cube of nearly solid tungsten (a giant safe, if you will) out to a planet several jumps away. The patron also offered them an enormous sum of money to transport it. That's all it took to make them suspicious. They start looking around it and examining the stamp on the side saying "Do Not Open". After all their examination I tell them the cube is absolutely perfectly constructed except for a single fleck of paint pealed off a spot on the side. They all flock around to examine the spot. Someone starts scraping at the paint to see what's underneath - to discover a single word that's covered up -- "NOSTROMO"!!! A third of the crew immediately starts to abandon ship in the ship's pinnace's while another third is shooting at them to disable them or force them to turn back, and the last third (who never saw the movie) is unscrewing the door on the cube to see what's inside that the others are so afraid of. Hehehe Hohohoho! Everybody died on that ship. And everybody laughed their heads off.
Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
All the rules book's for useing KISS(keep it simple and supity) even it you donot like than simple rule at least in classical traverller you either change it
or when generation than subsector map ingore than random dice roll which will ruin every thing you are working on. The random dice rolling was for when you could not be bother with planning everything in detail. I still say than Rich World can have any tpye
of government there is nothing that say that only certain government make than planet rich.
Trillion Credit Squadron for rules on planerary GNP as well as Striker.
Whoa! Where's a Babel fish when you need one?!
Originally posted by Sophiathegreen:
All the rules book's for useing KISS(keep it simple and supity) even it you donot like than simple rule at least in classical traverller you either change it
or when generation than subsector map ingore than random dice roll which will ruin every thing you are working on. The random dice rolling was for when you could not be bother with planning everything in detail. I still say than Rich World can have any tpye
of government there is nothing that say that only certain government make than planet rich.
Trillion Credit Squadron for rules on planerary GNP as well as Striker.
Whoa! Where's a Babel fish when you need one?!
Easy. Book 4. Definately.

I like the picture of the soldier scout in the front of the book. I liked the "Ironmongery" chapter with all sorts of new toys.

Gauss Rifles, RAM Grenade Launchers, and VRF Gauss Guns.

Throw in some air rafts with mounts for the VRFs, and some TDX (from JTAS), and we'll be off clearing out that "indiginous infestation" that's preventing the Corporation from opening its mine on planet John Stewart-4.
Easy. Book 4. Definately.

I like the picture of the soldier scout in the front of the book. I liked the "Ironmongery" chapter with all sorts of new toys.

Gauss Rifles, RAM Grenade Launchers, and VRF Gauss Guns.

Throw in some air rafts with mounts for the VRFs, and some TDX (from JTAS), and we'll be off clearing out that "indiginous infestation" that's preventing the Corporation from opening its mine on planet John Stewart-4.
Library Data N-Z, although I did never get to own a copy. When I openned it up in a gaming store and saw the picture of Vegans...I knew the Aliens had arrived to Traveller. Previously, I had owned an edition of Starter Traveller and making do with the monsters from the Monster Manual for Aliens in a homebrew campaign.

Then I won AM Solomani and I think the Spinward Marches Campaign and my relationship with the OTU began.
Library Data N-Z, although I did never get to own a copy. When I openned it up in a gaming store and saw the picture of Vegans...I knew the Aliens had arrived to Traveller. Previously, I had owned an edition of Starter Traveller and making do with the monsters from the Monster Manual for Aliens in a homebrew campaign.

Then I won AM Solomani and I think the Spinward Marches Campaign and my relationship with the OTU began.
Striker, Supp 4, and the TTA
followed by TTB and Bk5.
Then comes Bks 4&7

Striker gave me the combat system I used most often. It also gave me vehicle design.

Supp 4, I could let players have non-military characters.

TTA is, as said above, the big campaign in a cover.

TTB: core rules, laid out well. In one cover.

Bk5: better ship design.

Bk 4: more guns for the standard rules

Bk7: multiple lots for sale...
Striker, Supp 4, and the TTA
followed by TTB and Bk5.
Then comes Bks 4&7

Striker gave me the combat system I used most often. It also gave me vehicle design.

Supp 4, I could let players have non-military characters.

TTA is, as said above, the big campaign in a cover.

TTB: core rules, laid out well. In one cover.

Bk5: better ship design.

Bk 4: more guns for the standard rules

Bk7: multiple lots for sale...
Without changing the thread which were the most useful books for MT, TNE, T4, GT.

For myself, I would have to vote for the Rebellion Sourcebook, as before that the Imperium was just a collection of Star Maps that were disjointed plus the Traveller Adventure.

TNE, I would have to say a tie between the Regency sourcebook and Star Vikings as I really like books that contain NPCs and give motivations.

T4, Milieu 0 Campaign Book, even though the star maps sucked they were an improvement visually over the Atlas of the Imperium and one could tweak it to make work. But the background of the rise of the 3I was certainly the best part.

GT, again a tie between First-In & Far Trader as they took the Classic concepts and brought to whole new levels. But, as a whole I am disappointed with GT line and hoping Interstellar Wars will be better.
Without changing the thread which were the most useful books for MT, TNE, T4, GT.

For myself, I would have to vote for the Rebellion Sourcebook, as before that the Imperium was just a collection of Star Maps that were disjointed plus the Traveller Adventure.

TNE, I would have to say a tie between the Regency sourcebook and Star Vikings as I really like books that contain NPCs and give motivations.

T4, Milieu 0 Campaign Book, even though the star maps sucked they were an improvement visually over the Atlas of the Imperium and one could tweak it to make work. But the background of the rise of the 3I was certainly the best part.

GT, again a tie between First-In & Far Trader as they took the Classic concepts and brought to whole new levels. But, as a whole I am disappointed with GT line and hoping Interstellar Wars will be better.
Originally posted by kafka47:
Without changing the thread which were the most useful books for MT, TNE, T4, GT.

Um that is changing the topic of the thread, otherwise known as a threadjack. Since this is in the CT forum I suggest starting a new thread in Lone Star would be far more productive.

As for the topic of this thread, I don't really have a fav LBB as I really only used or remember the larger format CT books. Now having the reprints I'd have to say offhand Traders & Gunboats. Useful bits on common ships. The rest I either don't use as much or their info is collected in another publication.
Originally posted by kafka47:
Without changing the thread which were the most useful books for MT, TNE, T4, GT.

Um that is changing the topic of the thread, otherwise known as a threadjack. Since this is in the CT forum I suggest starting a new thread in Lone Star would be far more productive.

As for the topic of this thread, I don't really have a fav LBB as I really only used or remember the larger format CT books. Now having the reprints I'd have to say offhand Traders & Gunboats. Useful bits on common ships. The rest I either don't use as much or their info is collected in another publication.