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Who are we?

Good to see the ANZAC spirit in the the Forums

Just no one mention Number one sports of the 3rd Empire Cricket and Rugby

Australia, New Zealand and of corse the Barmy Army would be in the top 10 Pick some Low Tech Heavy G worlds for The other 7 Positions.

Jame regarding Targeting the Real South. The Correct size for Experimental
Continental Meson Surgery is Massachu………. Silence at the other end of
:D :D :D

Originally posted by Rotters2:
He he - just got a mental image of the future. A huge bunch of wrinkled, toothless, bald old farts arguing for hours about the pro's and con's of the "Little Black Books"....

Scarey thought, really :eek:
If I was to ask my Daughter the Future is now

Guess I better step up . . .
Name: Kurt
Age: 32ish
Country: USA, Chicago
Favorite version of Traveller: CT with some MT supplements for spice!
Favorite Supplement: Robots (even though those numbers never seem to come out right. :rolleyes: )
Favorite Sector: Our own Clavian Sector :cool:
Favorite Race: Hiver
Favorite Empire: 3I
I just dug out my LBBs and started a new game with new players after a break of 12 years! :D
My turn...

Name: Steve Albany
Age: 38
Country: Washington State, USA (Formerly of Arizona)
Favorite Traveller Version: CT, TNE, and 2300
Military Service: Nope. But I was a civy contractor for the USAF
Favorite Supplement: SORAG
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Aslan
Favorite Empire: The Imperium, The Solomani, and The Aslans
Originally posted by Blind Pilot:
Jame regarding Targeting the Real South. The Correct size for Experimental
Continental Meson Surgery is Massachu………. Silence at the other end of
:D :D :D
"Ya hear that silence, L-T? Well, that's a successful example of Strike First. Now, Massachusetts is safe from Meson Surgery, and South Earth is properly subdued."
Name: Hansuke aka lexxcptn aka Bobby (The Southern Proper Name)
Age: Forgotten everything that I will ever know (48)
Country: Texas (Yes Texas REALLY is a country)
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller
Military Service: USN, Electronics & Nuclear Power
Favorite Supplement: Supplement 4 - Citizens of the Imperium
Favorite Sector: No favorites here
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Empire: No favorites here either
Yamaha psr-185
Last edited:
Name: Stei'awtilyrl (or Keith P Phemister to those of us Earth-Bound)
Age: Young for an Aslan, Middle Aged for Solomani (35)
Location: San Francisco, California
Favorite Traveller Version: T20
Military Service: Proud member of the American Armchair Auxilliary, though I regret no formal Military Service.
Favorite Supplement: Charts and Tables, wore that little booklet out. And it still marches on like a little saddle-stapled trooper.
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches for sentimental reasons.
Favorite Race: Aslan
Favorite Empire: Third Impirium
Name: Xebryn Aransala (Michael Masten)
Age: 37
Location: Wilmington, Delaware, USA, Terra, Solomani Rim
Favorite Version: Classic, Mega, T20
Military Service: Not Applicable, but if a tactics and strategy person, a partisan-sniper, or assault is ever needed, I will bring the pain!
Favorite Supplement: Anything that gives me information
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches; Gateway Domain & Solomani Rim (during the Solomani Rim War)
Favorite Race: Answerin, Humaniti
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium; Aransala Military Alliance
Favorite Career: Mercenary, Army, Marine, Traveller, Merchant
Name: Ross Winn
Age: Almost as old as Marc
Country: Florida (some people say it isn't a country, but things are different here), nominally part of the USA.
Favorite version of Traveller: Tough call, I like them all, but probably the LBB's if I have to choose.
Military Service: Barbarian with 5 terms of service.
Role: see above
Favorite Supplement: Supplement 4
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Humans
Favorite Empire: The Droyne "Empire"
Favorite World: Efate
Name: John Phelps
Age: 41
Location: Central Texas (SW of Austin)
Favorite version: CT (acquiring T20, will probably be new favorite)
Military Service: ROTC, didn't stick
Favorite Supplement: Striker/Mercenary
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches is the only one I know well
Favorite Races: Humaniti, Vargr
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium
Favorite Careers: Mercenary, Scout, Merchant

More info: I never played MT, and while I purchased TNE and the first few releases for it, we only played that for a while, maybe 6 months or so. Even back in the day, I only played a few campaigns of CT. However, I spent literally hundreds, if not thousands of hours fiddling with Striker and essentially playing solo merc campaigns.

Watching Firefly has sparked interest in Traveller again, and since I really enjoyed the D20 system, I'm now looking into D20 Traveller, and trying to catch up.
Ross Winn: It is good to see you posting here on these boards.

I'm sure you don't remember me, but I met you several years ago at Origins (in Fort Worth, back when they still moved it around to a different city each year). You ran a Cyberpunk 2020 session I played in (I enjoyed it very much), and we also both participated in a Cyberpunk live action game (which also was lots of fun).

I also own just about every (well OK, EVERY) Cyberpunk supplement put out by RTalsorian, for whom I know you wrote some material.

I know you've probably met hundreds and hundreds of people at various cons over the years, so I don't expect you to have any idea who I am. I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed the Cyberpunk material you've written, and I'm glad to see you are still around, doing well and gaming. Also I'm glad to see you are a Traveller fan.

Randy Ray
It's about time...

Name: Tony
Age: 49
Born: Buffalo system, Erie subsector, New York sector
Currently: Emmett system, Gem subsector, Idaho sector, United States of America
Favorite Version: CT (you mean there are others?)

Military Service: Marines, 1.5 terms
Estimated UPP: 76A8A4
7-I exercise, just not consistently
6-occasioanlly clumsy but a good shot
A-too stubborn to quit
8-being modest?
A-voracious reader
4-working class scum
Estimated skills: Rifle-2, Pistol-1, Brawling-3, Mechanical-2, Vehicle-2, Electronics-1, Jack-O-Trades-3, Tactics-1, Medical-2
Favorite Supplement: Traders and Gunboats
Favorite Adventure: Across the Bright Face (I even got my wife to play this one!)
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Humaniti
Favorite Empire: Galactic Alliance (MTU)

Name: Rick Aucoin
Age: 39
Country: U.S.A.
Favorite version of Traveller: T20
Military Service: USAF
Role: Referee
Favorite Supplement: 76 Gunmen
Favorite Module: Stoner Express
Favorite Sector: Glimmerdrift
Favorite Race: Vilani
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium
Favorite World: Eda IMTU
Name: Are you kidding? With some of the people on the net these days....

Location: What used to be known as America, now just a fuedal state ruled by a corporate oligarchy.

Military serivce: Like I'd fight for a country of sheeple who let themselves be ruled by a plutocratic oligarchy of corporate pigs. ;)

Favorite version of traveller: Gurps Traveller. No apologies.

Favorite race: Not sure yet, only been in traveller for a while. Kind of think hivers are interesting.

Least favorite race(s): Zhoads and k'kree. Nuke 'em all.

Favorite supplement: Gurps traveller starships.

Favorite thing about traveller: Gadgets don't rule the story, characters do.

Least favorite thing about traveller: The way some grognards treat FNG's, it can drive people away from the game, which is NOT a good thing.

First traveller product that got me into the game: GT starmercs, which I won at a convention playing Gt because I was dying to get into a SFRPG at the time.

Best traveller moment: When a traveller BigWig who I won't name complimented me for my comment on "what was with traveller" when someone asked.

Current traveller project: Working on a GT game to run at a con based on one of my sci-fi horror movies.
Name: Are you kidding? With some of the people on the net these days....

Location: What used to be known as America, now just a fuedal state ruled by a corporate oligarchy.

Military serivce: Like I'd fight for a country of sheeple who let themselves be ruled by a plutocratic oligarchy of corporate pigs. ;)

Favorite version of traveller: Gurps Traveller. No apologies.

Favorite race: Not sure yet, only been in traveller for a while. Kind of think hivers are interesting.

Least favorite race(s): Zhoads and k'kree. Nuke 'em all.

Favorite supplement: Gurps traveller starships.

Favorite thing about traveller: Gadgets don't rule the story, characters do.

Least favorite thing about traveller: The way some grognards treat FNG's, it can drive people away from the game, which is NOT a good thing.

First traveller product that got me into the game: GT starmercs, which I won at a convention playing Gt because I was dying to get into a SFRPG at the time.

Best traveller moment: When a traveller BigWig who I won't name complimented me for my comment on "what was with traveller" when someone asked.

Current traveller project: Working on a GT game to run at a con based on one of my favorite sci-fi horror movies.
Hi again J.C.D.

Sorry to hear you got some rough treatment for being the FNG but it's been my experience that it's usually the FNG with the big chip on their shoulder and the attitude that get the hard time from the old guard ;)

Anyway, mostly just wanted to let ya know you have a private message you apparently haven't seen yet.
Hmm, been lurking for a few years but just started posting so I guess I should chime in:

Name: Mark Turnage
Location: Memphis (no, I've never been to Graceland, have no intentions to ever go)
Service: AFROTC (but had the good sense to leave because of a bad knee three days before the Wall came down)
Favorite Traveller Version: I used to waver between MT and CT. Now I favor GT.
Favorite Supplement: Starship Operators Manual, vol 1
Favorite Sector: Old Expanses
Favorite Race: Vegans
Favorite Empire: Ramshackle
Favorite Career: Recovering grognard

More info: I got started with the deluxe set of LBBs in 1980 with a set I bought from Sears (remember when they had RPGs?). D&D was my first rpg, but Traveller was my first gaming love. Played fairly consistently throughout junior-high and high school, didn't play much in college but was involved with the HIWG for a little while. Tried to get a TNE game started right after college but it fell through and I've been mostly an observer of things ever since. I was turned off by the differences between G:Traveller and CT at first, but after playtesting the last few releases the changes are now appealing to me. Currently planning my first Traveller game in well over a decade with players all brand new to it.
Originally posted by far-trader:
Hi again J.C.D.

Sorry to hear you got some rough treatment for being the FNG but it's been my experience that it's usually the FNG with the big chip on their shoulder and the attitude that get the hard time from the old guard ;)

Anyway, mostly just wanted to let ya know you have a private message you apparently haven't seen yet.
I wasn't talking about me or the incessant droning nagging over my sig, I was talking about the way some grognards tend to come off as condescending and obnoxious to newbies who just want to find out about traveller or maybe make some honestly well intended suggestions that grogs find ignorant.

The grogs need to realize newbies are the only hope traveller has for a future and to treat them more like people who just need some seasoning, not lackeys to be treated like morons. Traveller is a game, not a college fraternity where you can abuse the newbies and they have to take it.