Name: Alan D. Kohler
UPP: 686AC8
Age: 33
Country: USA, MD
Favorite version of Traveller: MT, with high hopes for T20.
Service Jacket: Sailors, 1 1/2 Term, (USN Submarine reactor operator), college, scientists 1 term
Skills: engineering - 2, electronics - 2, mechanic - 1, JoT - 1, computer - 3, handgun - 1, Admin - 2
Favorite Supplement: World Builder's Handbook
Favorite Adventure: Adventure 11: Murder on Arcturus Station (is there a more flexible adventure?)
Favorite Sector: Reavers Deep (personal version -- never used nor saw the Keith brothers' version)
Favorite Race: Humaniti, Vargr
Favorite Empire: 3I, Zhodani Consular, Solomani Confederation
Wow. I was 33 when I first posted in this thread. Ah, was young and foolish then.
I'm glad to report I did have a good time with T20, and still think it's a great system, though it needs a few tweaks.
Now, I'm digging Mongoose Traveller, but I am contemplating what it would take to add events from MongT to T20.