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Who are we?

Name: Bob
Age: 45
Country: USA
Favorite version of Traveller: CT w/ Mercenary, High Guard, Scouts, etc.
Military Service: 82nd Airborne, plus some reserve time.
Favorite Supplement: Scouts
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: To play? Human, though I've always found the Droyne fascinating.
Favorite Empire: The Imperium

I played a LOT of Traveller back in my misspent youth. My current gaming group has elected me to referee, so I'm getting back into it. Glad to find you folks.
Name: Ernest
Age: 28 (Only two more years until the "Don't trust anyone over 30" takes effect).
Country: USA - Cali
Favorite version of Traveller: Traveller T4 (Got me into the series) & Classic Traveller
Military Service: USAF (00-04)
Favorite Suppliment: Scouts & High Guard
Favorite Sector: As long as I can a profit.
Favorite Race: Humans & Vargr
Favorite Empire: The Imperium

First Post

Name: Rich
Age: 42 - It is the answer now what was the question?
Country: USA - Michigan
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller
Military Service: Never Served, but I have software running around in some vehicles - M1A2 et al
Favorite Suppliment: Scouts & High Guard
Favorite Sector: The One I am in
Favorite Race: Humans & Vargr
Favorite Empire: The Imperium
Greetings, all! :) I should've done this a few weeks ago. Initially I joined the forums so that I could read stuff. Lots of great ideas here! After lurking around for a little while, I jumped into a thread that touched on something I was working on. Then another. Now I'm hooked. ;) Anyway, here's the stats:

Name: Chris
Age: 38
Country: USA
Favorite version of Traveller: CT (GT stuff is useful, just got T20)
Military Service: None
Favorite Supplement(s): Book 6:Scouts/Tarsus
Favorite Sector(s): Back in the day it was the Marches, but lately I'm looking at Trojan Reach/Beyond/Far Frontiers
Favorite Race: No favorite
Favorite Empire: No favorite

I'm just getting back into RPGs after a long hiatus. Started collecting Traveller stuff in '84, but at the time my friends preferred to play D&D. Played a little Call of Cthulhu with a different group, along with some grognardy homebrew WWII armour action.

Still have the Starter Edition rules, but I've since lost most everything else. I have a faint hope that it's all in a box somewhere in the garage. (Oh well, the CT CD-ROM is in the mail. Hooray!!!) Also from that time period, I used to have Ogre and a short stack of Steve Jackson's Space Gamer magazine. Trying to dig those up too. Oh, and 2300, Invasion: Earth, I'm sure i'm forgetting others.

In the '90s I was interested in Shadowrun, but my gaming friends were running Palladium (see a pattern here?). Played a little supers action with them too, before they got into the White Wolf stuff. Another group I played with ran post-apocalyptic games with a homebrew system. That was a blast!

More recently, I played some non-RPG with some friends ( Zombies!!!, Cheapass Games Kill Doctor Lucky and Enemy Chocolatier ). And I've been taking programming classes through the local tech school and community college. Some of the guys there are gamers, mostly D&D and White Wolf stuff, but I'm more interested in getting back to Traveller (the pattern continues). I might play a little Mutants and Masterminds with them, but honestly I think their play-style is going to be a little too munchkin for me. :nonono: I'm not taking it too seriously, just as an opportunity to get up to speed with a d20 system in action.

Over the last year or so, I've been picking up some Traveller stuff: GT:Sword Worlds and planetary surveys Denuli and Glisten, ComStar's Cluster Book 1: Bowman Arm and the system guides Datrillian and Flexos, DGP's Travellers' Digest #20.

Today, I'm ready to get back into the fold. I just ordered the CT CD-ROM, and I got the T20 Traveller's Handbook PDF. I also picked up a copy of the Spycraft 2.0 Pocket Edition, ostensibly to run a CoC: Delta Green type game, but also because of the decent things I read about the system's flexibility for modern games. I'm thinking of mining it for stuff to houserule into T20 games, like the Dramatic Conflict system. Of course, I'm not averse to running CT either. But with so many d20 players around these days, I figured it could only help my chances of getting a game together if I have the T20 rules.

That is all, goodnight :)
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Name: Hame
Age: 33
Country: NZL, SCO, FRG, AUS... difficult to keep track of
Favourite version: MT
Military service: RNZAMC
Favourite supplement/sector/race: didn't have them way back when, the actual list reads like a carbon copy of popular sci-fi/action films of the 80s and early 90s.
Favourite empire: Galactic empire [sorry George Lucas got to me first]

Stumbled across CotI whilst procrastinating. "Traveller" was something that I thought belonged to the past. Nice to see this particular meme is still alive.
Name: Greylond
Age: 44
Country: USA
Favorite version of Traveller: CT, but I recently started with Mongoose and find it pretty cool.
Military Service: U.S. Navy, 6 years. Electronics Tech
Favorite Supplement: Just starting to look at the Mongoose stuff, Scouts so far.
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Human, Vargar
Favorite Empire: My OWN!!! maybe, one day... ;)

I actually registered here years ago, drifted away and forgot. I came back here and forgot that I had already signed up so I registered again as "Greylond_Aston", made a post and then discovered my original account(this one). Admins, if you want to get rid of the other account(or merge it with this one) feel free...
Name: Josh
Age: 34
Country: Australia
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller
Military Service: None
Favorite Supplement: Dietary
Favorite Sector: The Pheonix Asteroids
Favorite Race: Marathon
Favorite Empire: The Evil Empire

Hello. I'm enjoying my Traveller Book. I'm making a subsector, it's quite fun.
Kirk, neophyte

name: Kirk
Location: Columbus/Central Ohio
Age: 41
brand new to traveller and traveller t20.

I bought the big players Book, I am (pardon my lack of brain cells) having trouble trying to understand combat.
The example in the book, leaves me guessing, and unfortunately its the only example.

Does anyone have any basic "detailed for dummies" walkthroughs on the combat system? The more basic the better.

My email is: dagma333@msn.com
Name: Robert
Age: 41
Country: USA (IN was CA until recently 9/09)
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller
Military Service: None (disqualified at meps)
Favorite Supplement: all?
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Darrians
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium

Bought the box set in 1981, put it down for years (marriage, kids, etc.) but have been reading through it again and rediscovering my love for it, always have loved science fiction (I write it as well).
Name: Jonathan Sherlock
Age: 39
Country: Australia
Favorite version of Traveller: Mega Traveller (CT a close 2nd!)
Military Service: Served on the Gazelle Class Close Escort in the fourth frontier war. There was this one time when we were screaming into atmosphere, and man did it bounce off hard when the pilot hit it at the wrong vector - as usual, well down in engineering we .... hang, on you meant in real life? None.
Favorite Supplement: World Builder's Handbook. It was a great bringing together of Grand Survey and Grand Census. But a close second is Gamelord's terrain supplements ("the Desert Environment" etc.) because they prompted the imagination with real problems. Also loved Striker for the excellent detail (although it possibly went overboard in that regard!).
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches. An old favourite. GM'd friends through The Traveller Adventure and I've been unable to leave the place. Looking at the Foreven Sector, now, though.
Favorite Race: Zhodani. So misunderstood.
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium. Brutal. Corrupt. Violent. Feudal. Gotta love it.

I bought Classic Traveller back in 1983 when my Christian parents wouldn't let me play D&D (we talked it through over many years and they've changed their position long since). But a joyous blessing as it turned out. Got hooked on it, and managed to rope in school friends to play. Bought each supplement as I found them, although I preferred making my own adventures and initially generating my own material.

As the supplements came and went and started looking at great material by FASA and Gamelords, enthusiastically took up Mega Traveller when it arrived in the late 80's. A great re-editing of all the bits and pieces together.

Recently started looking at it all again and dusted off all my old books when looking on the internet for gaming resources and found zho.berka.com. Great blog! Started bringing back memories of great fun quietly building and designing it and then presenting it to players. It's around 26 years since I bought that first Classic Traveller boxed set and 16 years since I've looked at it. But I'm baaack.
Welcome aboard Jonathan! :D

Agreed, Berka's site is one of the good ones :)

Nice to see a new Citizen introducing themselves here. Just don't go digging for my own "Who am me?" as I don't think I ever got around to it.

"Failure to prepare is preparing to fail."
I am starting here with this thought which I have taken for as a new year resolution. Hello everybody here. I am new here an my name is Eddy. Good wishes to all the members for the new year. May this year bring glory and peace to all your lives.
Sorry to all as I do not find place for new person's introduction.

Name: Eddy
Age: 25
Country: USA
Military Service: None
Favorite Race: No favorite
Favorite Empire: No favorite
Name: Alex
Age: 22
Country: USA
Favorite Version of Traveller: So far, Classic
Favorite Service: The Exploratory Service
Favorite Supplement: Traders and Gunboats
Favorite Race: Hivers
Favorite Empire: Rule of Man

I actually just bought come of the the TC books from FFE. I torrented them so I could read them while I waited for the books to arrive, and so far I like what I've read. The setting seems rich and detailed, the sci-fi "hardness" is at a level that sits just right with me. I must say, I'm a fan.
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Name: Cryton aka Rich or Rick
Age: Old Enough to know better (39)
Country: Alaska, now transplanted to sunny San Diego, Ca (Yes Aramis and I are old friends...)
Favorite version of Traveller: MT+ Hardtimes, MGT, and my own Home Brews
Military Service: 4 years Air Force, Honorably discharged Vet of the Gulf War
Role: Referee, occasional Player
Favorite Supplement: 1248 Books 1 & 2 (closure at last! LOL), actually its Merchant Prince.
Favorite Sector: The Spinward Marches/ Solomani Rim tie for me.
Favorite Race: Solomani
Favorite Empire: The Restored Terran Confederation (c. 1124 Im. The Solomani retaking Terra was propaganda, we achieved freedom on our own during the Second Civil War, they just backed our play. To bad the Solomani Party and SolSec haven't realized were going to STAY independent yet. )
Favorite World: Terra

Been playing since I was 12 and got my first little black box of rules because Mom said D&D was the devil, and a Sci-fi game was OK. Traveller has become my all time favorite game, I've played every version published since, I'm prone to Ignoring Cannon as it suits my needs in game, and making my own settings from scratch (After all that's what the little black box encouraged us to do.). I have also been known to drop fun stuff from the multitude of books I've read, whole cloth into my games ( Ask me about the Empress Wave/The Culture connection). I'm also S.C.A. (Aurick Natalia Romani of the Romani, Kingdom of Caid! )
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Name: Horatius. aka Eric.
Age: mutter mutter... 41... mutter mutter
Residence: USA. California, Minnesota, North Dakota, Georgia... basically wherever my feet are.
Favorite version of Traveller: T20 and a couple of homebrews.
Military Service: 6 years. Engineers, Infantry and Rangers.
Role: Referee, occasional Player
Favorite Suppliment: Fire Fusion and Steel
Favorite Sector: Solomani rim/ Glimmerdrift Reaches
Favorite Race: Zhodani
Favorite Empire: Terran Confederation
Favorite World: Terra

Started gaming a long time ago. (7th grade) Discovered CT when I didn't like DnD. Took copies of Traveller and Cyberpunk into 2 combat zones (Iraq for Gulf War 1 and Kosovo), had to preplace them multiple times.
Name: John
Age: 39
Country: UK
Favourite Version of Traveller: T20
Military Service: None
Favourite Supplement: None
Favourite Race: Humans
Favourite Empire: Third

I did play CT oh sooo many years ago, but left it alone a long time; when T20 came out I was curious enough to buy a copy, and ran it a bit, but didn't find this site. Now getting more into running it again.
Name: Mike Callahan
Age: 47
Country: USA
Favourite Version of Traveller: Classic. with Striker
Military Service: None
Favourite Supplement: Sky Raiders
Favourite Race: Darrians
Favourite Empire: Third

Bought the boxed LBB at a Photo store. That was after a guy named Steve Cabral ran us youngins (it was the middle of High School for me!) through a little adventure known as Twilight's Peak at a gaming club. Good memories...jealous over a friend getting the only copy nearby of High Guard 2e.
Name: Jake
Age: 26
Country: US- Oregon
Favorite version of Traveller: Mongoose
Military Service: No
Favorite Suppliment: High Guard
Favorite Sector: All
Favorite Race: Aslan
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium