Name: Sean
Age: 45
Homeworld: Calgary, Solomani Rim
Favorite Version of Traveller: CT
Military Service: Asiduously Avoided.
Favorite Supplement: Citizens
Favorite Sector: Trojan Reach (it's the Canada of space...)
Favorite Race: The Zhodani are our friends.
Favorite Empire: ROM, if only for the decadence and depravity.
First Traveller: 1982 one time on Band Tour, Little Black Box. Whoa.
GM Traveller: shortly after above event...
Favourite Conspiracy: Hivers cancelled Firefly.
Reason to Drink heavily: TNE
I'm back on-line after going seriously offline 6 years ago or so. Vargr Corsair (my genetic offspring) began playing CT off-the-cuff a few years back. He has now ventured into this universe I had turned my back on for a time. My dormant Traveller soul has awakened.
Right now I'm instructing Vargr Corsair in Engineering Fundamentals as has been commented on in The Fleet thread on the New
