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Who are we?

Hi all ^^

My name is Pedro and I'm from Spain. The first time I played Classic Traveller was when I was 15 years old and I really enjoyed playing the game (now I'm 25 years old). I've played other RPG games such as Rolemaster, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars... But Traveller was always my favourite, in spite of my lack of information concerning Traveller during so many years.

At least for me, the only Traveller I've known in Spain was the Classic Traveller, and the other adaptations which have been developed afterwards are more or less unknown for me (I've only known Megatraveller for a PC DOS game... The Quest for the Ancients I think it was its name...) and when I've recently read about the new T5 I've started to search more info in the Internet and so I've ended here :P

The nick 'SirDark' is a nickname I frequently use in Spanish RPG Maker communities, since I love the program and I'm preparing several games using it. I'm unemployed at the moment, like many people in Spain now :/

And well, that's all for now. Sorry for all my English mistakes, I'm a future teacher of English as a Foreign Language (or at least I want to be it :P) and I'm trying to improve it.

See you ^^
Welcome aboard Pedro! :D

(I could have faked a welcome in Spanish but it would have been horribly wrong and embarrassing ;) )

No need to apologize for your English, no mistakes leap out at me in the above.
Name: Shadowcat20 MKA Ken Redington
Age: 49.9
Country: USA, state of Michigan
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller /T20
Military Service: Bad leg so just CAP
Favorite Supplement: Stiker
Favorite Sector: Solimani Rim
Favorite Race: Aslan
Favorite Empire: Sword worlds (Still have a copy of H. Beam Pipers Star Viking)

Been wargaming since the mid 70's. Still have a closet full of AH and SPI games, all my 1st ed D and D stuff including a copy of Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, and Chainmail. Also have a large mini collection including a few thousand 15MM Napoleonics, a buch of GW stuff, Early Battletech mins, MANY Ogre tanks and vehicles, A ex Warmachine pressganger with loads of stuff, and now collecting Flames of War armies for 15mm WWII. Most of the Traveller LBB's, 2 copies of Striker, Twilight 2000+ a few mods, Harpoon with a few books, Assult and Boots and saddles. Then Imperium, AHL, Mayday, Dark Nebula adn a bunch of JTAS and the first 2 issues of Far Traveller. This just scratches the surface of my lifelong packrat habits. Oh Yeah, a few boxes of Star Fleet Battles books, mags, mins, and the first 3 expansions. Plus every issue of the now defunct Nexus magizine.

Life now involves the SCA as a leather and Armor Merchant.

Some where around here I used to have a life also...smile
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Welcome to the boards! And who knows, might see you at Estrella War!
Unfortunatly I only do Pennsic, and about 20 other Midrealm events a year.

Lets see, I have missed 1 Pennsic since 16 and this year was 39...hmm...been around a while.
Been to a few Estrella (back when they were actually held at Estrella Mountain Park, and Artemesia was a principality within Atenveldt), but no Pennsic.

I have a friend who has been going to Pennsic the last few years... mayhap I'll go just to meet up with him (haven't seen him or his wife since 1996).
Name: TashaG
Age: 44
Country: USA/California
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller, Traveller Hero.
Military Service: Nope
Favorite Supplement: 1248 Supplement 1 Out of the darkness (drove me to run Traveller again)
Favorite Sector: 1248's Ilelish
Favorite Race: Humaniti
Favorite Empire: Reformation Coalition (1248)
Started Playing Traveller: 1978ish

While I really hated the TNE ruleset, Martin J. Dougherty's 1248 TNE setting brought back my passion for the whole setting. Now playing in that setting using a mash of CT, MGT and Hero System.

I am currently trying to decide what version of the Shipbuilding rules I like best. MGT's seems like it's missing pieces, CT's are a bit obsolete, MT's sucked, T20's seem to be understandable with lots of nifty options. Still looking at T5's and not real sure, as it seems to still be a bit noob unfriendly (ie too much lettersoup and not enough explanation).
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Name: grendelttroll
Age: 44
Country: U.S.A./Southern California
Favorite version of Traveller: MegaTraveller/T5
Military Service: U.S. Army - 2 terms
Favorite Supplement: 1248 Supplement 3: The Spinward Domain
Favorite Sector: 1248's Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Toss between Humaniti and Vargr
Favorite Empire: League of Spinward States
Started Playing Traveller: 1982 (after two game sessions and a major argument with the GM, I started running it. With the exception of a few months of gaming T20 through IRC, I have been exclusively running it ever since.....)

Name: Martain
Age: 23
Country: Ottawa, Canada
Favorite version of Traveller: MegaTraveller is all I've got
Military Service: No dice.
Favorite Supplement: My god there are a lot of these...
Favorite Sector: ...yeah
Favorite Race: Dolphin
Favorite Empire: I really like the ideas behind the 3I
Started Playing Traveller: Next week :P

So, I've been playing RPGs for about ten years now. Originally DMing 3dnd, and more recently basic and 1e. I wanted to do something different, and just finished running the Expedition to Barrier Peaks for 1e, which involves a giant crashed spaceship and decided some space opera is what the group needs. So once I looked through the options available, I settled on Traveller and have picked up the Mongoose core book. As always, I searched for an online community and found myself here.

It's pretty daunting to be about a week out from starting a campaign in a game I've never even played let alone refereed before, but I really enjoy the rules so far. The task system seems simple and elegant, chargen is brilliant and should really kickstart my players into RPing, the infinite possibilities from broad-brush to the finest detail, it all seems like more or less an ideal game.

I just thought I'd introduce myself as a matter of custom before I get into pestering you all for wisdom.
Welcome, Levanon!

Just a friendly reminder: COTI is for Traveller as a whole... you'll often see answers grounded in other editions than Mongoose (Commonly abbreviated MGT, less commonly RTT).

The list of editions (Rough dates for dead-tree editions):
CT = Classic Traveller (1971-1987, 2000-2008)
MT = MegaTraveller (1987-1993)
TNE = Traveller: The New Era (1992-1996)
T4, MMT = Marc Miller's Traveller (1997-2000)
T5 = Traveller 5th Edition (none - Playtest files on CD only-2006)
GT = GURPS Traveller for GURPS 3E (1996-2008)
T20 = T20 Traveller's Handbook (2002-2010)
MGT, RTT = Mongoose Traveller (2008-present)
GTIW = GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars for GURPS 4E (2008-present)
HT, TH = Hero Traveller for Hero System 5th Revised (2007-2008)

Available in PDF:
CT, MT, TNE, T4: From Far Future Enterprises on CD, and via DriveThruStuff.com
GT, GTIW: from SJGames
MGT: From Mongoose and via DriveThruStuff.com
While most of the abbreviations are fairly obvious, an explanation of RTT for Mongoose Traveller might be in order - it's a bit of "second-level indirection", meaning, specifically "Rikki-Tikki-Traveller", an allusion to Rudyard Kipling's story, "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", whose title character is a mongoose.
Riiiight - Hi There Gang

Name: Karakris
Age: Too Old ( 62 )
Country: England, United Kingdom - near Ely, Cambs at the moment
Traveller: Not a Traveller player - I got "sent" here by my Science Minister.
Military Service: None.
RPG: Currently in a sort of Firefly / Serenity Spin-Off ( another Site )
S.F. Game: Yay - G.M. of a Human Expansion S.F. Game ( another site ) - set in 2130 to 2136 now, eleven Players.
S.F. Game Role: Also - President of The Attican Republic, the most active of the Dominions - same S.F. Game.

I have been a Fan of S.F. Writings and Books since 1958
I have been a SERIOUS Collector of S.F. Books from 1965 to 1998.
In the latter years I also collected Fantasy Books as well.
I still have my entire Collection of some 1,000 plus Books in these Genres.

I have never written S.F. - but spent some 30 plus years studying History, Military History, Warfare and Weapons of War - and writing vastly extensive preparatory material for a War Game.
I joined two other Sites in February this year - and by early March I was in the S.F. War Game mentioned above.
In late March I joined the RPG Game also mentioned above.
NOTE - These two Games are simply "written" Games, with players Posting ideas, suggestions or actual actions.

In early April I took over as G.M. of the S.F. War Game - as it had gone a bit "wrong" and was threatening to close.
It is now running fine, with Eleven Players ( including me ), and the Human Worlds together with new colony Worlds of Friendly Aliens are now getting ready to make a serious assult on the Galaxy Wide Empire of the nasty Zetans.

Well - I get a lot of fun out of it, anyway.
Name: The Barwickian, aka Andy
Age: 42
Country: Yorkshire, UK, originally; now Dubai
Favorite version of Traveller: MT, GT, TH
Military Service: None - unless you count a couple of years as a schoolboy flyboy in the CCF.
Favorite Supplement: GT Far Trader
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Humaniti
Favorite Empire: Third Imperium
Started Playing Traveller: 1981
Games other than Trav: HârnMaster, RQIII, Hero, GURPS, 3.5, Car Wars - and many, many more.
Favourite SF shows: BSG (reimagined - the original has not dated well), Firefly, V (the original)
Favourite SF movies: Silent Running, 2001, Outland, Android (the 1982 one with Klaus Kinski), Star Wars, Dark Star, the whole Alien sequence, the Trek movies.
Favourite SF authors: Niven, Heinlein, Weber, Asimov, Dick, Herbert.

Started with the little black books in the little black box. Have solid collections of most GDW CT and MT publications. Loved the rules when MT came out, disliked the Rebellion.

New Era rules were so awful I stopped playing Traveller for a while and moved to GURPS. T4 largely passed me by. I remember filling in 'Third Imperium' as a setting I'd like to see developed for GURPS in the questionaire in the GURPS Basic Set, and I bought GT as soon as I saw it in my FLGS. Now have a fairly complete set of GT books. Haven't bothered with GURPS4. Somewhere along the way I picked up a copy of T20 and the MGT core rules as well.

Got into Hero System a few years ago when GURPS began to wane a little for me. Picked up the Comstar TH PDFs while they were available.

I've always played Classic era, with whatever rules I've used.

Currently putting together a campaign for a bunch of non-Traveller-playing Firefly fans based on The Traveller Adventure - the March Harrier will fly again. Currently torturing myself over whether to go with MT, GT or TH updated for 6th edition. Leaning towards GT at the moment, but building my own GT datasheet into GCB is a pain (yes, I'll make it publicly available when it's nearer completion).

Side opinion: Firefly was not only a damn good show, it's been a real boon for pitching Traveller games.
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Name: Jason
Age: 35
Country: USA (San Francisco, CA)
Favorite version of Traveller: MGT, MGT/Barbarians of the Aftermath hybrid
Military service: none -- the closest I came to the military was Boy Scouts
Favorite Supplement: 1248 Suppl. 1: Out of the Darkness
Favorite Sector: Aldebaran/Solomani Rim
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Empire: Terran Commonwealth (1248)
Started playing Traveller: 2007