I doubt very much that many people play classic traveller today, without making some critical changes themselves - even it its just a matter of bolting on a task based system.
I've bolted on a few task systems to CT in the past (usually the UTP). It works fine. I've even created my own (see the UGM below...that that wasn't the only one).
All that experience with task systems (quite a lot over the years--even asked three times to create one professionally for the industry on specific new rpgs) has led me to realize the fact that CT's task system (and CT does have a task system--it's just loose and unstructured...but, there's still guidelines for doing things in the game, which is what a task system is) is acutally
superior to the one-size-fits-all mechanic that most people today call a task system.
"How?" You say?
CT's task system allows the GM to customize the task perfectly to fit the situation. You lose this "customized definition" when you use a more structured task system.
I'll show you what I mean, using CT's task system and the UTP applied to the same situation.
Azi has stats: 978777
Bero has stats: 657777
The task is to force open a hatch that is slightly vacuum welded open, but not open enough to allow access. The hatch needs to be forced open farther so that boty Azi and Bero can enter the cabin.
Using the UTP, the GM would make a determination on Difficulty. I'll call it Routine (7+). And, since this task references characteristics, we've got to reference two of them for the modifier. STR, of course, is the natural choice, but the second modifier, END....does that really fit the throw? It can be debated. But, we'll go ahead and use it.
So, Azi tries to force open the door: He throws 2D for 7+ with mods (+1 for STR and +1 for END). He's throwing 2D for 5+, which is an 83% chance.
Now, Bero tries.
Even though he is obvioulsy weaker than Azi physically (978 vs 657), he has the exact same chance as Azi does in forcing open the door. He also throws 2D for 5+.
This happens because the one-size-fit-all task system loses granulation. The more you standardize, the more definition you lose.
To compare, a CT GM (who can call for whatever throw he thinks is appropriate--
customizing the throw to the situation) might look at the same situation and call for a simple, "Roll STR or less on 2D to force open the door."
Azi would roll 2D for 9-, getting an 83% chance of success (the same chance of success he had under the UTP above).
Bero, though, would roll 2D for 6-. He' the weaker character, and he has a much lower chance of success at 42%.
the CT task system allows the GM to customize throws for a specific situation and keeps the granulation that is lost in a one-size-fits-all task system.
It' brilliant, really.
Consider that, in the UTP, all skills are referenced as a DM of +1 per level of the skill. In CT, the value of the skill changes based on what is appropriate to the throw.
Example of skill having little impact on the throw: DM +1 if Medic-2 or better used to revive a low berth passenger.
Example of skill having the same impact on a throw as it does under the UTP: DM = Weapon skill on the attack throw.
Example of skill having more impact on the throw: DM +4
per level of Vacc Suit skill when avoiding dangerous situations in Zero-G.
Customization specific to the situation is the name-of-the-game with CT.
And, the same is done with Stats. Under the UTP, the character gets a uniform +1 DM if Stat 5-9; +2 DM is Stat A-E; +3 if Stat F.
Not so, under CT. Again, it depends on the situation.
Example of Stat having no impact on the throw: No Stat modifies the Gunnery skill when firing at hostile enemy vessels.
Example of Stat having the some impact on the throw akin to that used in the UTP: DM +2 if DEX 9+; DM +4 if DEX 11+ when throwig to remain in control after firing a weapon in zero G and experiencing recoil.
So, you see...
CT's method delivers exactly what you need to govern the situation. A structured task system give you an approximation of what you need.
I really couldn't go back to it, I've played too many systems that were better. It would be like driving around in a model-T Ford; a triumph of nostalgia over reason.
I find that structured task systems are really just a crutch for a GM not confident enough and/or comfortable enough with the game sysem to call the shots as a GM does in CT.
There's nothing wrong with that. I like task systems.
I just realize that CT's method delivers better results than a one-size-fits-all mechanic.
Many of those who play CT these days don't realize they have "created" a task system by the way they play.
Yessir. CT allows you to customize the mechanic to the situation.
A structure task system is the other way around: you've got to fit the situation into the task system.
Take my first example above: Which mechanic feels more "right" for forcing open the door? The simple STR on 2D or elss, or the UTP method?
The answer: The method based on STR that shows the difference between stronger and weaker characters, of course.