So, even though I use and love CT, I made changes to how things worked and were, simply because they needed to be.
Returning back to manned turrets. I decided long ago, back in the 80's that turrets, could be manned but equally, could be controlled by a gunnery position on the bridge of the ship in question, by a gunner or gunners who use their experience and skill to use those systems. Merchant vessels with multiple turrets generally prefer to employ one gunner rather than many.[/QUOTES]
Fine, but again - those are house rules and everyone does them. That wasn't the question, though.
I also use auto-loaders. Missiles and sandcaster canisters are loaded via a six round magazine. Reloads can be stored within the cargo bay of a merchant vessel or a battery magazine on a warship.
That has nothing to do with whether or not the rules required that a turret be manned. As it is the rules do say that (per LBB2) that the reloads are stored in the turret, and that the reloads are made manually by the gunner, though extras beyond that can be stored elsewhere and transported to the turret. Again, pointing out that a gunner must be in the turret if only to manage ammo.
One of the greatest book series about starship combat, the Lost Fleet by Jack Campbell, have gunners manning hell-lance and missile batteries. However due to high speeds and extremely short engagement times, firing of the weapons are computer controlled, slaved to the bridge gunnery station.
Someone mentioned Star Wars (1977). George Lucas deliberately used the movie Battle of Britain as a basic for the space combat. The manned turrets on the Falcon reflected that inspiration as well, just B17 style.
Yes, but none of that is Traveller or in the Traveller rules. Don't mean to be pedantic here but that is how these things get derailed.