Yeah, me to.
Sadly, I think I recall (though hope I'm wrong) 'tape' being mentioned in the CT books somewhere, 'cause it irated the heck out of me.
However, I've never had a 'believability' issue with starship computers in CT - I mean the sci-fi of Traveller is deeply seated in Space Opera, so big arse computers fit right in anyway. Even if it uses 'tape' (cringe) who says its not holographic tape (with a data storage density far in excess of any of today's storage systems) - I surely don't think it ever mentions 'magnetic' tape...
That is a good point.
I use the term datacore or memory node for software modules. Seems to work and contemporary enough.
Ok, Far trader. I call. When was the last time you lifted/carried in your arms about a 110 pounds? With a grav cart, sure, but in combat are you going to trust a live round to a cart that may get smacked into the wall or ceiling do to evasive maneuvers?
"Captain to X turrent....
How long is that frakkin' reload gonna take? I need that bird NOW!!"
"Sorry skipper...huff...huff...pant...The hold is a bit across the ways and getting that bird up the hatch ladder with you jinking old "Emerald" around like you are..."