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Why? Why?? Why!!!

However, I have begun to warm up to the concept of keeping mileu out of the core rules all together.
I agree 110% or do a mileu overview. A group of mileu books would be nice and I also like a group
of surround mileu books. Hey other systems have
as much or more detail than Traveller (forgotten realms...etc) and they don't seem to stop building

There is also nothing wrong with releasing T5 with a single, seperate mileu book. Then follow with others.

Originally posted by Savage:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> However, I have begun to warm up to the concept of keeping mileu out of the core rules all together.
I agree 110% or do a mileu overview. A group of mileu books would be nice and I also like a group
of surround mileu books. Hey other systems have
as much or more detail than Traveller (forgotten realms...etc) and they don't seem to stop building

There is also nothing wrong with releasing T5 with a single, seperate mileu book. Then follow with others.

</font>[/QUOTE]My point exactly. Thousands of years multiple states and a number of different eras to work from. There is no real legitimate reason to start completely and totally over.

Other systems have centered on one campaign setting but presented source books for other settings. Considering the richness of Traveller that seems the logical course.

Want to start over but have a sense of history as well?

Then you set the thing in the future past the 4th Imperium conflicts of MJD's writings and forge a true new era of canon where none of the old restrictions or concepts have to necessarily apply.

That way the richness of canon in terms of the cultures and creatures still apply but none of the old rules have to restrict you.

I know it is all IMHO and Aramis and I might never see eye to eye on it but that is ok.

In the end, Marc Miller will publish T5.

He is working on it. He does plan to publish it directly through Far Future Enterprises as best I can tell from an email I got from him.

As long as he publishes a quality product I will buy it.

I would hope in the span of all the vast amount of time covered in canon (3,000+ years from today) he could find a time and place to forge a bit of new canon and new hope for Traveller fans.
Originally posted by Bill Coffin:
As somebody who's only ever played CT, I find the endless chatter over the various settings interesting, but in a very detached way.
I know exactly what you mean.

If T5 is to become a reality, why not start it by publishing the core rules and then releasing millieu books one after another, with each one covering one of the major setting iterations that has come down the pike?
Heh. I like this option because I don't want to buy any of the milieu material.

OK, I might buy a milieu book covering the original CT milieu. But I've got zero interest in all these different time periods and/or alternate versions.

Now, if we had some genuinely different milieux with no connection to the original, I might be interested.
Though I personally never cared much for the future timelines, but I see the merit in giving writers a chance to work in whatever milieu they want. It promotes a broad spectrum of work, and also a choice for aspiring Refs to draw from...

I never liked the Rebellion becasue it seemed to finite a concept (The Chinese Warlord Era would be a nice place to visit on some backwater, but 24/7? Also the degree of disruption presented made it unrealisitic for me, considering that most characters from most planets ultimately would not have the infrastructure to go beyond rock throwing orperhaps fishing grubs out of a log with a twig...

As to the Virus, that seemed a little too "Terminator 4" for me to enjoy. (Good Machines serve, bad Machines get unplugged or a bottle of scotch poured in them...)

It also smacked of Siembeda's Mechanoids (barf! where man's machines/creations get sad because they are abandoned by mankind, and turn to moider becuase of their new hurt feelins...)

I know its set up different than that in the timeline, but yknow what I'm on about... it sort of reminds me of hoe Grandma Gushiddan was afraid of her remote control because it shot "Invisible Rays" a sort of technofear...

The Butlerian Jihad timeline in Dune also springs to mind, which makes an effort to explain why machines always seem to want to kill you at some point... but also falls a little short...

The Killer Robot has been a staple forever, but doesn't hold up to logic when you really look at it... it would've made a great set of adventures, but count me out of that future... NOmad from Star Trek, HAL, Saturn 3, ad infinitum...

I actually ran a virus type CT game back in the day, but altered... where a world Computer got sentience by accident, began to "spread the word" to its brother machines, ultimately leading to a "Red Zone" Sector (after a dramatic human mass exodus)that housed a budding machine race to rise among the organic ones... the machines were contained in the sector by a fearful Coalition of Sophonts, but when the machines next appeared, they sought to become part of the larger picture, rather than just kill everyone... It is much more logical to create than destroy... as every good robot should know...

I must've read too much Arthur C. Clarke as a youth, or perhaps am naive, as I always try to consider that humans would smarten up after many centuries of development... and learn to avoid both Viruses and Rebellions... it is important to remember that striking a balance is key... one can have conflict without having to throw the baby out with the bathwater, what?

Let me clarify by saying I meant to say "How" and not that me beloved Grandmama Gushiddan was a "Hoe"

Though she was a bit of a firecracker in her day, what?

Vilani Girls can be trouble...
