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World Map and T5 System Generator - new release

My thought is to offer a "world/system map (unofficial)" link to the generator site from the TM world details pop up once it stabilizes a bit more. We'll need to refine the flow a bit so the data is reflected seamlessly, work on mobile presentation, and so on.
My thought is to offer a "world/system map (unofficial)" link to the generator site from the TM world details pop up once it stabilizes a bit more. We'll need to refine the flow a bit so the data is reflected seamlessly, work on mobile presentation, and so on.

Interesting. if it produces system graphics like that one, I'm all for it :D (yes, I'm a cheeky wotsit :p )
Most impressive!

I like what you've done with the place.

I did notice, that all the noble estates _other_ than the viscount's on Garda-Vilis seem to be submerged however.

It's done - latest release included this feature! It ensures the correct number of terrain hexes are placed for each Noble, so Dukes get more than one World Hex (they have massive amounts of property).
All the noble estates _other_ than the viscount's on Garda-Vilis seem to be submerged however.

"Here, lowly Baron, the Duke gets the good land, you get this bottom of the ocean!"

No, but seriously, I'll check that out.

To everyone who might still be subscribed to this thread and interested: I am still slowly working on developing this; I have tested code for generating Grand Survey style details for all worlds, but I am stuck on a temperature map for the new variable map sizes we have. I have some ideas for converting from the standard size map (which equals the Size 7 map in T5) to any size map. I think I have lattitude temperature variations done, and day / night variations but it is converting seasons that I am stuck on. It will all be converted from Grand Survey and Book 6 (which the MegaTraveller World Builder's Handbook was based on). The plan is that on the system page there will be a "Details" link like the "Map" link next to each body, and more details (orbital period, average temperature, seasons and temperature map, detailed atmospheric composition and so on) will be randomly generated.
I have updated the T5 World Map Generator to be integrated with a new T5 System generator. Links are in my signature.

More information can be found by clicking on the "Change Log" menu item.

You can enter or randomly generate T5 world data, or select a world direct from travellermap.com data. When you click on "Generate System", it produces an extended star system based on the T5 rules.

At present the system generator is little more than a proof of concept. More bells and whistles to come. PM me here, or e-mail me: jonathan.a.sherlock@gmail.com with suggestions.

Where is the "generate system" button on the site? I don't see it.
Where is the "generate system" button on the site? I don't see it.

When you go to the site, underneath the menu bar ("Home", "API Documentation", "Change Log", etc.) there are two big red buttons.

The first big red button says "Generate System". The second big red button says "Generate Map".

Hope this helps.
New release July 2018

Link in my signature. Four new things in this release.

1) Noble estates will no longer be placed in open ocean.
2) All world maps have a line at the equator.
3) You can now produce blank world maps sizes 1-20
4) World Details can be generated for any world in the system table once a system has been generated. Details are based on Grand Survey.
Man crush

Can't wait to check it out!

Link in my signature. Four new things in this release.

1) Noble estates will no longer be placed in open ocean.
2) All world maps have a line at the equator.
3) You can now produce blank world maps sizes 1-20
4) World Details can be generated for any world in the system table once a system has been generated. Details are based on Grand Survey.
Looks like it is no longer talking to Travellermap.

Thanks for reporting the problem.

It is loading the sector list and the words for each sector when I go to the website - could you detail the problem, e.g. is the sector list not loading, or when you select a particular sector are the worlds not loading?
Thanks - also be reassured I would much rather someone report a problem than second-guess themselves! Otherwise we might miss bugs.
After a hiatus of several months, a new release is finally out!

The major focus of this release is the ability to edit world details. Now the "details" button when you generate a system brings up a new bunch of information that you can edit. All edits are updated in real time including updating calculations (e.g. temperature recalcuated if you adjust the orbit, albedo or greenhouse).

Also bug fixes and other minor updates - see the Change Log for more details.
possible problem

I have been fooling around with the app, and I may have found a problem.
If you tell the app to place the home world in the habitable zone and make it a satellite. Then there will only be the one satellite, the home world. Even if it is a large gas giant that the home world is orbiting. Is that a bug or a feature?