Preview Image: Mark Hirst - 'Escape'

Well spotted.
Yes I like the blank one. Maybe a lone
Beowulf like the COTI header.
Does the calendar have a back cover? I'm thinking of somewhere to put Andrew's pic and Marc's eulogy.
Tom, do you stiil correspond with Rob Caswell? I was wondering if (a) he knows about Andrew's passing, and (b) if he wanted to contribute. (That is, if there's still space???)
I've spoken to Rob- I'd originally told him about Andrew when I found out about it. He's trying to come up with an idea for the calendar. I hope he does-he's been in a bit of an artist's block, and I'd love to see him do a new Traveller image!
Thanks Tom>Wow! Yeah, I like that quite a bit...
I'm just getting started with my contribution. I've not had time to begin till now - I became a father on Wednesday. Noah Alexander Lucas: take a bow, son. Busy times in the Lucas household, but producing some Traveller art will probably be something of a lifeline.
Anyway, I'm going to illustrate the inside of a ship's turret. It may or may not be done in the style of a technical illustration with a key that explains what all the buttons / holographic controls do.