So, I've been following this thread for a while, even contributing once or twice ( based off of an older Tasks.pdf file found somewhere.

) Now, I finally have my book, and have started digging in. I have a few thoughts/complaints/ideas. I'm largely in agreement with some of the problems re: t5's abstract combat system. I will likely heavily house rule it, but I do see potential. I'm definitely interested in trying out abstraction. It'll be a tough sell for some of my gaming group, though.
1) One of my bigger issues with the combat system, and one I don't think I've seen mentioned here, is how the attack task difficulty is entirely based on range, rather than based on the range of the weapon. This means that a pistol shot at extreme range is still just as easy of a shot as a rifle at the same range. It, in fact, never gets harder than 2D for a range 2 pistol. ( And please tell me if I've misinterpreted the rules ) This rubs me the wrong way. I will likely try something wonky like having two range categories, one for visual range difficult ( as I call the current system ) and one for the weapon itself. You'd then use the worse of the two difficulties. Unfortunately, this destroys any chance of the abstraction goal, and can get complicated.
2) Re: Tasks. A great deal has been said re: how valuable stats are in the target number for tasks. I'm inclined to agree, although I think I'll give it a try first, to see how it plays. But, I think that there is a potentially easy solution to this, for those that want to downplay stats. You can just treat all stats as a 7 or 8, with modifications to that number based on however you want stats to play. This actually translates fairly well from MT, and possibly CT ( I'm less familiar with that ). In MT, each difficulty level was marked by adding or subtracting 4 to the target number ( routine = 7, difficult = 11, etc ). In T5, each difficulty is marked with +/- 1 d6. That basically equates to +/- 3.5, which is very close. So, if you wished to simulate MT style tasks, you could go with something like 2d < 7+(STR/5)+Brawling.