T5's Heavy Influence of Stats.
One of the things I'm not liking about the game is the heavy influence of a character attributes. The point I'm trying to make was recently expressed
by Bob Weaver in THIS CT post.
In that thread, we're talking about the Tactics skill, and Bob makes the excellent point:
I work with a lot of professionals in Higher Education, even some that teach history and study WWI & WWII, etc. This does not at all mean that they can lead a squad in setting up an enfilade, or preparing defensive positions. Maybe some of them can, but it is not because they've got a high EDU score.
I completely agree with what Bob says. A character would know Tactics because of his tactical training, represented in the game through his level of Tactics skill. The character's EDU may have a little influence on the task, but the biggest influence on success should be the skill, not the attribute.
The T5 task system, in most cases, has that backwards. A character with EDU-C and Tactics-2 has a high target number because of his EDU value, not his skill.
Now, the
This Is Hard Rule does go quite a way into making the T5 system easier to swallow, but I'm not sure it's enough.
In the T5 world, Bob's teachers above, if they had any Tactics training at all, they'd all be pretty good tacticians.
I have a problem with the EDU-C, Tactics-2 character having a higher chance of probability for success on a task than a soldier, trained in Tactics, but also a high school drop-out: EDU-5, Tacitcs 5.
The Tactics-5 character should blow the Tactics-2 character out of the water, regardless of Education. But, the dice don't reflect that.
Even with the TIH rule in place.
For example, let's say it's a 3D Tactics task to evaluate a situation and report back to base.
The EDU-C, Tactics-2 Teacher has a target number of 14. And, since the character's skill is less than the difficulty, a +1D penalty is applied.
So, the Teacher would have to roll 4D for 14 or less to evaluate the situation.
That's a 56% chance of success.
Now, the EDU-5, Tactics-5 Soldier does the same task. He's got to roll 3D for 10 or less.
That's a 50% chance of success.
See where I'm getting at?
The T5 task system is flawed on a fundamental level*. It's not an easy fix.
*And, I add to this a point I made in a previous post: Spectacular Success in this game gets easier the harder the task, and SS is not possible on the easiest of tasks.
EDIT: To add to this point, T5 describes as 1 skill level representing, generally, 1 year of training in that skill. And, in the above example, even with the TIH Rule, we see a character with 2 years of tacitical training having a higher chance of success than a character with 5 years of tactical training--all because of general, abstract education.
So, the Lawyer, EDU-A, who gets drafted and learns Tactics-1 in boot camp, is typically better at Tactics than the Squad Leader that's seen the elephant--who has EDU-5, Tactics-5.
Without the TIH rule, these two would really be out of whack.