SOC-14 5K

Which would leave us with the Ragnar Anchorage.
I wish Bill were here.
Who were the Darrians building their fleet to defend against? Or to conquer?
No one.
They were in space for hundreds of years, they explored hundreds of worlds, and encountered nothing that could threaten them.
They settled for building colony world and created a little group not much bigger than a subsector.
They kept on exploring but encountered nothing to threaten them.
So what was the nature of the fleet that they built? We know they did build warships or do we?
The author of AM8 as with all CT books like this is an unreliable narrator and writes very much from the Imperial point of view. So warship is a modern author term, I doubt if the pre-Maghiz Darrians considered their 'military' ships as 'warships' - we know that at least 4 of the relic fleet were civilian merchants that were retrofitted with modern weapons. We know the Darrians were a very peaceful culture and that there were few wars in their recorded history.
The relic fleet is likely to have been more akin to coast guard rather than battlefleet.
The civilian ships could be naval auxiliaries originally.
am08 p24 said:Darrian's interstellar navy, generally accepted as the forefront of any starfaring society, was characterized by tech level 16 starships, oddly enough, carrying tech level 17 air/rafts. Even today, two thousand years after Darrian civilization was destroyed by stellar flares, the Darrian Navy is built around a core of tech level 16 warships.
No, there are many examples of technological advancement that have nothing to to with the military - radio is one that spring to mind immediately.1. As far as I know, military technology advancement tends to require conflict.
All the evidence we have says the Darrians (with integrated Solomani) advanced very quickly to TL14, they then took a few hundred years to advance to TL16/17 and had projections to go further. No mention of Ancient tech reverse engineering.2. The Darrians might have stumbled across a trove of ancient technology, and reversed engineered the items there.
The Maghiz event does not make any sense as presented... an EMP that can wipe out electronics at 6 light years (and you have had 6 years to prepare) would have caused more damage to the Darrian system than the solar flares.3. One of which got out of control.
(First)...the Alien Modules were rooted in LBB:2 ship designs - except for the K'kree.
Second, the one canonical of sorts example we have of a Darrain like ship is the Barrekdoldin, which is 500t.
Third, the Darrian group just isn't big enough pre-Maghiz do be building all the merchants, exploration ships and a few dozen HG cruiser sized ships
Every politician ever said:"All we need is SIX billion credits."
Using a 16800-ton, TL16 hull, the Tehlei Class Cruiser mounts jump drive-Z14, maneuver drive-W4, and power plant-Z14, giving a performance of jump-4 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 4 parsec jump, at 1512t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/8. There are 145 staterooms and no low berths. Installed weaponry include 1 Bay Missile, 1 Bay Slug Thrower, 1 Bay Fusion Gun, 1 Bay Mining Laser, 1 Bay Pulse Laser, 1 Bay Beam Laser, 1 Bay Sandcaster, 1 Bay Jump Damper, 1 Bay Tractor/Pressor, and 1 Bay Disruptor. Cargo capacity is 360 tons; there are also 280 tons of capture tanks and animal berths. The ship has a streamlined hull.
Carried craft include 20 Modular Cutters in hull niches. The ship has 72 crew, and can carry 255 passengers.
Tons Component MCr Notes
------- ----------------------------------- ----- --------------------
16800 Streamlined Hull, lifters, 168 a/l 1010 S, lifters, 168 a/l free
-84 No Landers 0
6048 Jump Fuel (4 parsecs) 0 4 parsec jump, at 1512t per parsec
604.79 Plant Fuel (one month) 0 one month
164 Maneuver Drive-1 (W4) 328 1 G
1062.5 Mod Jump Drive-4 (Z17) 062.5 J 4
620.5 Mod PowerPlant-4 (Z17) 620.5 P 4
150 DS Bay Neutrino Detector 26
150 DS Bay Visor 26
150 DS Bay Grav Sensor 26
150 DS Bay EMS 26
150 DS Bay Stealth Mask 26
100 Or Bay Sound Sensor 15.1
100 Or Bay Mass Sensor 15.1
100 Or Bay Deep Radar 15.1
100 Or Bay Analyzer/Sniffer 15.1
100 Or Bay Densitometer 15.1
100 Or Bay Life Detector 15.1
100 Or Bay Proximeter 15.1
100 Or Bay Activity Sensor 15.1
100 Or Bay Field Sensor 15.1
150 DS Bay Missile 25.2
100 Or Bay Slug Thrower 15.2
100 Or Bay Fusion Gun 16.5
100 Or Bay Mining Laser 15.5
100 Or Bay Pulse Laser 15.3
100 Or Bay Beam Laser 15.5
100 Or Bay Sandcaster 15.1
100 Or Bay Jump Damper 30
50 Vd Bay Tractor/Pressor 10
16.64 L Bay Disruptor 17.5
500 10x Magazine 0 #10 50 x Size-5
51 Bay Meson Screen 6
52 Bay Nuclear Damper 6
51 Bay Mag Scrambler 6
51 Bay Black Globe 9
2 Life Support Long Term 2 40 person-months
1 Life Support Luxury 1 10 high passengers
1 Life Support Adaptable 1 10 sophonts
10 20x Med Console 10 #20
40 20x Clinic 20 #20
10 5x Counsellor 1 #5
252 14x Gunner Barracks 14 #14 (22) 4 sq + R4 O1/O2
8 Computer Model/8 std 68
86 Spacious Bridge 4.8 6cc 35op 2ws
36 6x Officer Suite 2.4 #6 fresher + safe
4 4x Crew Common Fresher 4 #4 10 crew
80 40x Crew Stateroom 4 #40 1 crew
160 40x Crew Commons 0 #40
20 Cargo Hold Basic 0
140 20x Capture Tank 14 #20 atmospheric controlled
140 20x Large Animal Berth 20 #20 5 tons of animals
3 3x Solid Bulk Handler 0.3 #3 20t/hr
3 3x Liquid Bulk Handler 0.3 #3 40t/hr
3 3x Gas Bulk Handler 0.3 #3 60t/hr
3 3x Container Handler 3 #3 12t/hr
27 3x Large Cargo Lock 5.4 #3
60 3x Cargo Hold Bulk Solid 0 #3
180 3x Cargo Hold Bulk Gas 0 #3
120 3x Cargo Hold Bulk Liquid 0 #3
30 5x Luxury Stateroom 2 #5 1 passenger + fresher
100 50x Standard Stateroom 5 #50 1 passenger
1000 4x Lab 1000 #4 Sophisticated equipment
70 70x Common Fresher 70 #70 10 passengers
100 50x Stateroom Cramped 5 #50 4 passengers
1000 20x Modular Cutter 560 #20 m3bis 3
200 20x Hull Niche 30 #20 Half Vehicle Volume
Using a 74,400-ton, TL16 hull, the Behle Class Trader mounts jump drive-Z62, maneuver drive-Z16, and power plant-Z16, giving a performance of jump-4 and 1G acceleration. Jump fuel plus a massive Collector supports 4 parsec jumps, while the fuel tank supports 2 months of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/8 std. There are 190 staterooms and no low berths. Installed weaponry include 1 LBay Missile, 1 LBay Slug Thrower, 1 LBay Fusion Gun, 1 LBay Mining Laser, 1 LBay Pulse Laser, 1 LBay Beam Laser, 1 LBay Sandcaster, 1 LBay Tractor/Pressor, and 1 LBay Disruptor. Cargo capacity is 400 tons, plus there are 280 tons' of animal capture tanks and berths. The ship has a streamlined hull, with scoops and bins for frontier refueling. There is 2,000 tons of dedicated research lab space.
Carried craft include 20 Hull Niches, and 20 Modular Cutters. There are 80 cutter modules on board for research purposes. The ship has 270 crew, and can carry 400 researchers.
Tons Component MCr Notes
------- ----------------------------------- ----- --------------------
74400 Streamlined Hull, lifters, 744 a/l 4466 S, lifters, 744 a/l free
0 AV=96. 3 EMP Charged 0
29760 Jump Fuel (4 parsecs) 0 4 parsec jump, at 7440t per parsec
1488 Plant Fuel (2 months) 0 2 months
1 Fuel Transfer Pumps 1
1 Fuel Bins 0.1 20 t/hr
1 Fuel Purifier 1
1 Fuel Scoops 0.1 100 t/hr
15500 Collector-4 (Z62) 7750 4 C
7750 Jump Drive-4 (Z62) 7750 J 4
1168 PowerPlant-1 (Z16) 1168 P 1
752 Maneuver Drive-1 (Z16) 1504 1 G
300 DS LBay Communicator 51
300 DS LBay Neutrino Detector 51
300 DS LBay EMS 51
300 DS LBay Stealth Mask 51
300 DS LBay Grav Sensor 51
300 DS LBay Visor 51
50 SR LBay CommPlus 6
33.29 FR LBay HoloVisor 6
400 G LBay Sound Sensor 80.1
400 G LBay Mass Sensor 80.1
400 G LBay Deep Radar 80.1
400 G LBay Analyzer/Sniffer 80.1
400 G LBay Densitometer 80.1
400 G LBay Life Detector 80.1
400 G LBay Proximeter 80.1
400 G LBay Activity Sensor 80.1
400 G LBay Field Sensor 80.1
300 DS LBay Missile 50.2
400 G LBay Slug Thrower 80.2
400 G LBay Fusion Gun 81.5
400 G LBay Mining Laser 80.5
400 G LBay Pulse Laser 80.3
400 G LBay Beam Laser 80.5
400 G LBay Sandcaster 80.1
100 Vd LBay Tractor/Pressor 15
33.29 L LBay Disruptor 20
1 Magazine 0 50 x Size-5
101 LBay Meson Screen 11
102 LBay Nuclear Damper 11
101 LBay Mag Scrambler 11
101 LBay Black Globe 14
8 Computer Model/8 std 68
80 40x Life Support Long Term 80 #40 40 person-months
20 20x Life Support Luxury 20 #20 10 high passengers
20 20x Life Support Adaptable 20 #20 10 sophonts
10 20x Med Console 10 #20
40 20x Clinic 20 #20
20 10x Counsellor 2 #10
510 Spacious Bridge 25.9 5cc 249op 1ws
60 10x Officer Suite 4 #10 fresher + safe
120 60x Crew Cramped 6 #60 4 crew
40 20x Crew Stateroom 2 #20 1 crew
30 30x Crew Common Fresher 30 #30 10 crew
1000 250x Crew Commons 0 #250
100 5x Cargo Hold Basic 0 #5
140 20x Large Animal Berth 20 #20 5 tons of animals
140 20x Capture Tank 14 #20 atmospheric controlled
3 3x Container Handler 3 #3 12t/hr
100 5x Cargo Hold Bulk Solid 0 #5
3 3x Solid Bulk Handler 0.3 #3 20t/hr
100 5x Cargo Hold Bulk Liquid 0 #5
3 3x Liquid Bulk Handler 0.3 #3 40t/hr
100 5x Cargo Hold Bulk Gas 0 #5
3 3x Gas Bulk Handler 0.3 #3 60t/hr
90 10x Large Cargo Lock 18 #10
600 20x Personnel Module 40 #20 Cutter Module
600 20x Cargo Module 20 #20 Cutter Module
600 20x Skimmer Module 20 #20 Cutter Module
600 20x Pressurized Shelter 90 #20 Cutter Module
200 100x Stateroom Cramped 10 #100 4 passengers
2000 8x Lab 2000 #8 Sophisticated equipment
10 10x Common Fresher 10 #10 10 passengers
500 20x Hull Niche 30 #20 Half Vehicle Volume
1000 20x Modular Cutter 560 #20 m3bis 3
I mostly disagree with roboject points ,as I’m afraid I reach different conclusions.
...they still knew such threats to exist, and they knew they could materialize quite soon
...again IMH, they didn’t have an immediate [threat], but were afraid against far, but quite powerful ones. [...] building some navy, just in case, would not be seen as unwise (and they seemed to be far thinking)
...if there’s one thing I would not expect in their designs is missiles, while I would not rule out so quick some spinals.
I don’t believe the TL16 fleet of the Golden Era to be only small crafts