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Darrian TL16 fleet

From AM:8
the TL of the Itzin fleet is TL10
It took only a short time to go from the Solomani tech level 10
This implies that the civilian Itzin fleet - they are a merchant corporation remember - is not equipped to the same TL as cutting edge Terran/2nd Imperium technology that existed by the end of the Interstellar wars/RoM.

As a civilian organisation would they really have had access to the most closely guarded of military secrets?

Now Itzin fleet ships, size and capability - 30,000 people carried by 35 transports
TL10 is limited to 1000t ships in LBB2, in LBB5 it is limited to jump 1
They also had 10 armed escorts...

When the Darrians began ship building:
In the space of ten years, they had their first working design; within three decades they had a fleet of explorers in operation...
Constrained by the jump-1 drives built for the first series of explorers...
By -1370 the next generation of starships, complete with jump-2 drives and fuel reserves, was coming off the construction blocks. Certain select ships within this class were equipped with jump-3 drives for even greater range...
Ns now for a couple of conspiracy theories.

The Darrian explorers did encounter the Zhodani, and the Zhodani were suitably curious. Worried at the TL advantage of the Darrians they used the one thing in their favour - they mindwiped the explorers and sent Zhodani agents into Darrian space as observers.

There was another Darrian secret - a deep space TL17 AGI research base well outside the Darrian system itself...
Ns now for a couple of conspiracy theories.

The Darrian explorers did encounter the Zhodani, and the Zhodani were suitably curious. Worried at the TL advantage of the Darrians they used the one thing in their favour - they mindwiped the explorers and sent Zhodani agents into Darrian space as observers.


If the Zhodani have been manipulating the Darrians cleverly, they could have also suppresed any urges to build large hulls. Just thinking out loud.

There was another Darrian secret - a deep space TL17 AGI research base well outside the Darrian system itself...

More fun stuff.
The Itzin Fleet Were Probably Book 2-Safe

Thanks to Mike's reminders, we know that ALL of those 10 escorts and 35 transports were 10,000 tons and under -- and most were likely well within Book 2 and ACS parameters.

From AM:8
the TL of the Itzin fleet is TL10


Now Itzin fleet ships, size and capability - 30,000 people carried by 35 transports
TL10 is limited to 1000t ships in LBB2, in LBB5 it is limited to jump 1
They also had 10 armed escorts...

Good stuff. 1,000t transports can easily carry 30,000 people, by the way, if they're piled into low berths.

Even assuming High Guard, a TL 10 limitation puts an upper hull volume at 10,000 tons. I'm willing to assume corporations can build at the max TL if there's a reason -- it happens in the Imperium.

But if they can't! If they're stuck at TL9, then they have 4,000 ton hulls max.

That's for both the escorts and the transports.

I still don't think it's a Book 2 paradigm. However, High Guard limitations also restrict hull sizes to sub-cruisers... in other words, the Itzin fleet is not Book 2 averse.
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I hate to say this but the Darrians building jump 1 ships (TL9/10) then jump 2 and jump 3 ships (TL11/12) demonstrates the HG drive TL paradigm is firmly in place in the OTU.

TL 9/10 letter drives are capable of higher jump numbers than 1 :)
Traveller interpretation of technological development has evolved, in the meantime.

However, Darrians could be students of the Jeune École.
I hate to say this but the Darrians building jump 1 ships (TL9/10) then jump 2 and jump 3 ships (TL11/12) demonstrates the HG drive TL paradigm is firmly in place in the OTU.

TL 9/10 letter drives are capable of higher jump numbers than 1 :)

Hmmmm well OK, but I hate to see you chop up your own theory. I mean aren't we all supposed to be combative and defensive? What's with this maturity here?

I flipped open TTB in hopes of proving you wrong... and I see that computer Model/3 is available at TL9, enabling Jump-3.


(You know, I wonder if High Guard's TL/jump restrictions were created because of how they wanted to develop Charted Space. They wanted TL to provide a range advantage... or rather, they wanted low TL to have a range penalty...?)

No matter. It's High Guardian, but the ship sizes are small for the Itzin fleet: none of them are more than 10,000 tons, and they might not be larger than 4,000 tons.
Here's a 4,200 ton, Jump-1, TL10 transport that can carry 900 passengers, plus a thousand tons of cargo and two parsecs' worth of fuel. Half of the passengers are in cramped staterooms, and half are in low berths.

Itzin Fleet
35 of these transports, each capable of hauling 8 crew and 900 passengers, maxes out at 31,780 people. Not counting the escorts... whatever they are.

Transport T-P3S11 undefined MCr620.6

Owner: Rule of Man
Overtonnage: 73.5 tons
Crew comfort: +1
Passenger demand: +0

   Tons	 Component                          	  MCr	Notes
-------	 -----------------------------------	-----	--------------------
   4200	 Streamlined Hull, lifters, 42 a/l f	  254	S, lifters, 42 a/l free
    840	 Jump Fuel (2  parsecs)             	    0	2 parsec jump, at 420t per parsec
     42	 Plant Fuel (one month)             	    0	one month
      2	 Fuel Scoops with Purifier          	  1.1	100 t/hr
      2	 Fuel Intakes with Purifier         	  1.1	40 t/hr
      2	 Fuel Bins with Purifier            	  1.1	20 t/hr
    110	 Jump Drive-1 (W)                   	  110	J 1
     41	 Maneuver Drive-1 (W)               	   82	1 G
     64	 PowerPlant-1 (W)                   	   64	P 1
      1	 Computer Model/1 std               	  1.5	
      2	 Clinic                             	    1	
    0.5	 Med Console                        	  0.5	
      2	 Counsellor                         	  0.2	
     16	 Spacious Bridge                    	  0.8	1cc 6op 1ws
      1	 Crew Common Fresher                	    1	10 crew
     16	 8x Crew Stateroom                  	  0.8	#8 1 crew
     32	 8x Crew Commons                    	    0	#8 
   1000	 10x Cargo Hold Basic               	    0	#10 
    225	 450x Low Berth                     	   45	#450 1 passenger
   1600	 400x Passenger Commons             	    0	#400 
     45	 45x Common Fresher                 	   45	#45 10 passengers
    230	 115x Stateroom Cramped             	 11.5	#115 4 passengers


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If MgT is seen as Canon, then it becomes a powerful (decisive in fact) argument against my arguments, but IMHO it is quite against the traveller setting, at least as it was seen before its publishing (albeit retcon is accepted), and so all my arguments become a IMTU matter.

Why I see it as setting breaking?

If those ships are self-aware then we’re talking about a TL 17, not 16, fleet, and according all sources the Darrians did not reach TL17. Though some TL 17 points where achieved (it’s explicated they reached the point where antimatter became marginally profitable), I guess this would enter in the “prototypes of dubious reliability” MT:WBH talks about, not ships that could stand operational for centuries.
  • How would they react to be so mothballed?
  • What view would they have about their builders?
  • Would they have their own ambitions/agenda?.
And many others…


Take a look at the T5 rules, you can have early (TL -1), prototype (TL -2) and experimental (TL -3) and Mongoose have incorporated this into their rules.

So a TL16 "fleet" can have up to TL19 equipment.

See my earlier post for suggestions regarding the Darrian "fleet" as various test beds for equipment.

kind regards

[ Thus Darrian built cruiser-sized hulls.
2. Darrian had no existential threats back then, so those Big Hulls were not armed like today's Big Hulls.
Therefore I suggest they lacked spines. They also probably weren't so clustered and bristling with weapons like Imperial dreadnoughts, either.
But they were big hulls. Big enough to be cruisers, to form the core of the modern Darrian navy-which-is-supplied-with-top-of-the-line-Imperial-ships.
E. So then, Darrian did not Develop Spines

So here's one point where my mind has been changed: those pre-Maghiz Darrian warships did not originally have spines, no matter what tonnage they are, because they were completely and utterly unnecessary. In fact, I suspect that Darrian never developed them at all.


Totally agree, although you have overlooked the need for Strike Cruisers to bombard the odd planet into submission.

Per T5 at TL16 (+4 TL) you can build ultimate TL12 +4 Rail Guns and Ortillery to bombard planets with and this is what I see the active warships being equipped with.


Itzin Escort?

Capabilities. We know it's at best TL10, so it's jump-1. TL9 allows maneuver 6, so let's grab that.

Minimum requirements. I want to call it a proto-Sloan. A 4,000 ton escort could carry 20 launches, a company of troops in barracks, require about 20 crew (x 3 shifts = 60 crew) plus launch pilots and gunners, and two parsecs of jump fuel.

Escort E-V2S61 Itzin-Sloan MCr1698.2

Using a 4000-ton, TL10 hull, the Itzin Escort mounts jump drive-V, maneuver drive-Z5, and power plant-Z5, giving a performance of jump-1 and 6G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 2 parsec jump, at 400t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/4 std. There are 4 officer suites, 18 crew staterooms, 18 crew niches, 18 crew bunks, and no low berths. There are barracks for the gunners plus a company of troops. Installed weaponry include 1 LBay CommCaster, 1 LBay Missile, 1 LBay KK Missile, 1 LBay Salvo Rack, 1 LBay Pulse Laser, 1 LBay Beam Laser, 1 LBay Plasma Gun, and 1 LBay Sandcaster. Cargo capacity is 20 tons. The ship has a streamlined hull, with scoops, intakes, and bins for frontier refueling.

The ship carries 20 Launches.

BCr 1.7


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This aside, missiles are spent, even on training, while energy weapons (be them turrets, bays or spinals) are cheaper to use once installed, and don’t need ammunition. If you want to keep budget low (as there’s no close threat) and at once you believe large energy weapons to be superior to missiles, you’re likely to ignore them as weapons.

[*]Customs and S&R ships (mostly light SDBs) , equivalent to Coast Guard


I must admit I had not taken the cost of missiles into consideration when I came up with my Darrian "Fleet".

With regard to Coast Guard, I've just been reading a book about the battle of the Atlantic in which the Secretary class US Coast Guard cutters were much larger than the Destroyers of the time (although not as big as a cruiser). So the Darrian Admiralty obviously used this as an example when building up their "fleet" and describing it is a coastguard...


With regard to Coast Guard, I've just been reading a book about the battle of the Atlantic in which the Secretary class US Coast Guard cutters were much larger than the Destroyers of the time (although not as big as a cruiser). So the Darrian Admiralty obviously used this as an example when building up their "fleet" and describing it is a coastguard...

Darrian admiral: "What's this then?"

Aide: "Oh, it's a design submission from some young naval architect. Sir."

D: "It says it's an 'escort'."

A: "Yes, that it does, sir."

D: "But it's 25,000 tons!"

A: "It appears so, yes, sir."

Rob's hypothesis:

A. No Existential Threats

AM8 goes to lengths to suggest that the Darrians had no existential threats. Neither the Zhodani nor any other big power. So, aside from showing the flag and putting down occasional Darrian uprisings (surely not common?), they don't need a powerful fleet.


So here's one point where my mind has been changed: those pre-Maghiz Darrian warships did not originally have spines, no matter what tonnage they are, because they were completely and utterly unnecessary. In fact, I suspect that Darrian never developed them at all.

Note that this gaping hole in the military budget hints at Darrian's secret sauce: the lack of enemies let them leapfrog technologically to TL16.


There were no threats that we're aware of. The fact that AM8 goes to any lengths to imply there were no existential threats is in itself suspicious.

Anyway, sorry to bomb the thread and disappear.

A thought: The Darrians had a monopoly on the narrative for centuries – I think it’s possible (maybe likely) a lot of their history is bunk, and they’re covering things up, e.g. there was a competing civilization that they totally destroyed, or they did something ala the Zhodani with an ancient device that caused a huge catastrophe that they’ve hidden. 494-098, Zeta 2, Nirton, and Dawnworld are nearby suspicious systems. The Maghiz itself could not have happened as detailed in any version of T - unless you want to declare "because it did", then something else happened, e.g. a civil war or Ancient device/intervention.

Anyway, let's hit this with logic - let me know if anyone strongly disagrees with any of this:

Question 1: Is there a TL16 fleet?

Yes. AM8 says there are under 2 dozen ships, or which possibly 4 are converted merchants. It also says they're the core around which the Confederation navy is built.

Question 2: What is the nature of the fleet?

If there is a fleet, there was a threat. There has to have been, or there would be no fleet. That seems inarguable to me. If so, we have no knowledge of what that threat was. The composition of the fleet depends on the nature of the threat - a civil war? Pirates? A civilization that no longer exists?

Evidence about the nature of the fleet is limited (except in MT Darrians). If the TL16 ships are the core of the modern navy and are of any use in combat, then they're not a bunch of Barekdoldin-type corvettes.

That a distinction was made in AM8 that some are converted merchants means the rest are purpose-built, so they're not all converted giant merchant ships.

Looking at a couple of ideas in this thread:

Non-jump ships – this is appealing for a few reasons, e.g. it explains why they weren’t used to maintain communications. But at T16-17, you’re getting into hop drives and anti-matter, so you gain very little by having sublight vessels.

Non-spinal mounted cruisers – to me, if they’re cruiser-sized ships, they have spinal mounts. Why would you build a cruiser-sized ship and not give it a spinal mount? I’d rather have ten 5 kton destroyers than one 50 kton spineless cruiser. And they know about spinal mounts. I don’t see them forgoing this - if they built cruisers.

Question 3: Why aren’t they using the fleet?

Again, there’s no clear evidence. In the 2FW, I’d guess the Sword Worlds were TL10-ish (pegging them at 3 TL below the Imperium). A force of substantial TL16+ ships would utterly crush a TL10 fleet of any size. Even a TL12 fleet would be in serious trouble. In any case, they lost the Entropic Worlds in the 2FW, failed to regain them in the 3FW, and lost them a second time in the 4FW. There has never been any mention of TL16 ships involved, and I don’t see how there could have been – surely it would have been noticed and commented on (but not necessarily when the Darrians are victorious).

On the other hand, the Darrians had no problem retaking the Entropic worlds in the 5FW. I would presume they would have had to defeat the Narsil fleet to accomplish this, and as Narsil by itself is half the population of the Sword Worlds, it should be a substantial fleet.

We never really get an OOB except in the game 5FW, where the Gram & Joyeuse fleets combined have 6 BatRons & 5 CruRons. So the Narsil fleet should have something like half that – if so, that reinforces the idea that the Darrians have some potent ships.

So to me, there must have been a reason why they weren’t used in the 2-4FW, and (possibly) used in the 5FW. Possibilities:

-An internal political reason

-They’ve never been used in any of the wars and they aren’t a substantial force at all. This contradicts AM8 too broadly IMO.

-Something has recently caused a large increase in Darrian capabilities, e.g. regaining a lot of TL16 or an important discovery on 494-098.

Open question: Why weren't they used to maintain post-Maghiz civilization? My only thought is that the navy didn't expect a long night and so they wanted to preserve their assets to deal with any threat that emerged.

Three asides:

-Population of pre-Maghiz Darrian: From the Solomani arrival to the Maghiz was 587 years. Assuming a conservative 1% growth rate and a starting population of 10 million, you'd get 3.4 billion. To limit it to 1 billion, you'd need both a low starting pop and a low growth rate. It doesn't look like much of the population left for colony worlds.

-Why would we be quick to dismiss GURPs and Mongoose? GURPs can get a little fanciful, and MT2 has some irritating errors (and Lightning-class blasphemy), but unless there’s a strong reason to dismiss either, I think they should be at least considered. MT Darrians gives them a lot of ships (I count 87 cruisers), TL16+ or otherwise, but they did mention force levels are unusually high due to the impending 5FW. The planetary navies may be full of old reactivated mothball ships.

-The Darrians have been referred to as space elves or hippy Vulcans, but I've always thought they were space Melniboneans - a formerly great race with no remaining ambition that is content to live in the remnants of past splendor having lost the knowledge of how to recreate it, with the dragons as the TL16 fleet analogue. (The dragons can only be employed in extreme emergencies, as they sleep for centuries after use.)