Thorny question.I'll look at that, thanksDouble turrets for the lasers and sand alright still?
Thorny question.
A single Pulse Laser does 2D damage, two lasers in the same turret does 2D+2. Triple turrets with Laser, Laser, Sand are not only more expensive, they use more power, hence larger power plant, hence (slightly) less cargo.
The double turret with Laser, Sand is perhaps the reasonable choice.
I would consider a Long Range upgrade on the Laser, being able to outrange the enemy can be very good.
TL 15 Subsidised 300-ton frontier trader type AP
Item Description Tons Power Cost (MCr)
Hull 300 tons, streamlined, 120 points - -60 18
Armour Armour 0 - - -
M-Drive Budget Thrust 2 (Energy inefficient disadvantage) 4.8 -58.5 13.5
J-Drive Budget Jump 2 (Energy inefficient disadvantage) 20 -78 33.75
Power plant Fusion, TL 12, power 300 20 300 20
Fuel Tanks 4 weeks operations & one x J-2 59 - -
Bridge - 20 - 1.5
Computer Computer/10 fib/bis - - 0.16
Library/0 (Included)
Manoeuvre/0 (Included)
Software - 3.4915
Intellect/1 10 - 1.00
Jump Control/2 10 - 0.20
Evade/2 15 - 2.00
Intellect/2 - - 0.050
Expert (Pilot)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Astrogator)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/Jump)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/Man)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/Power)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/LifeSupport)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Mechanic)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Vacc Suit)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Comms)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Comp)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Sensor)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Remote)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Gunner/Turret)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Medic)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Steward)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Profession/Cook)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Tactics/Anti-Hijack)/2 - - 0.010
Security (Computer) - - 0.020
Expert (Admin)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Broker)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Advocate)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Diplomat)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Investigate)/2 - - 0.010
Translator (Zhodani) - - 0.0005
Translator (Darrian) - - 0.0005
Translator (Swordie) - - 0.0005
Sensors Military 2 2 4.1
Weapons Fixed Mount (Triple Missile launcher) x 2 - - 4.7
Mixed Turret, Double x 2 2 2 1
Pulse Laser x 2 - 8 2
Sandcaster x 2 - - 0.5
Systems Fuel Scoop - - -
Fuel Processors (60 tons/day) 3 - 0.15
Cargo Crane 3 - 3
Loading Belt (TL12) 1 1 0.1
Staterooms Standard x 7 28 - 3.5
High x 0 - - -
Luxury x 0 - - -
Low Berths x 0 - - -
Common Areas 5% 15 - 1
Cargo 87.2
Crew Pilot x 1 Salary Cr 6,000 ea Cr 6,000
Navigator x 1 Salary Cr 5,000 ea Cr 5,000
Engineer x 1 Salary Cr 4,000 ea Cr 4,000
Maintenance x 1 Salary Cr 1,000 ea Cr 1,000
Medic x 1 Salary Cr 3,000 ea Cr 3,000
Steward x 0 Salary Cr 2,000 ea Cr 0
Gunner x 0 Salary Cr 1,000 ea Cr 0
Purchase Cost (incl 10% large production discount) 98.86135
Maintenance / month 0.082384458
Life Support Cost / month 0.012
Salaries / month 0.019
TL 12 * Subsidised 300-ton frontier trader type AP
Item Description Tons Power Cost (MCr)
Hull * 300 tons, light , streamlined, 108 points - -60 13.5
Armour Armour 0 - - -
M-Drive * Budget Thrust 2 (Energy inefficient disadvantage) 6 -78 9
J-Drive * Budget Jump 2 (Energy inefficient disadvantage) 20 -78 22.5
Power plant * Fusion, TL 12, power 150 10 150 10
Fuel Tanks * 4 weeks operations & one x J-2 61 - -
Bridge * SMALL 10 - 0.75
Computer * Computer/10 fib/bis - - 0.32
Library/0 (Included)
Manoeuvre/0 (Included)
* Software BW - 2.4915
Intellect/1 10 - 1.00
Jump Control/2 10 - 0.20
* Evade/1 10 - 1.00
Intellect/2 - - 0.050
Expert (Pilot)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Astrogator)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/Jump)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/Man)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/Power)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Engineer/LifeSupport)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Mechanic)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Vacc Suit)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Comms)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Comp)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Sensor)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Elec/Remote)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Gunner/Turret)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Medic)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Steward)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Profession/Cook)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Tactics/Anti-Hijack)/2 - - 0.010
Security (Computer) - - 0.020
Expert (Admin)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Broker)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Advocate)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Diplomat)/2 - - 0.010
Expert (Investigate)/2 - - 0.010
Translator (Zhodani) - - 0.0005
Translator (Darrian) - - 0.0005
Translator (Swordie) - - 0.0005
Sensors Military 2 2 4.1
Weapons Fixed Mount (Triple Missile launcher) x 2 - - 4.7
Mixed Turret, Double x 2 2 2 1
Pulse Laser x 2 - 8 2
Sandcaster x 2 - - 0.5
Systems Fuel Scoop - - -
Fuel Processors (60 tons/day) 3 - 0.15
Cargo Crane 3 - 3
Loading Belt (TL12) 1 1 0.1
* Repair Drones 3 0.6
Staterooms Standard x 7 28 - 3.5
High x 0 - - -
Luxury x 0 - - -
Low Berths x 0 - - -
Common Areas * 25% 7 - 0.7
Cargo * 144
Crew Pilot x 1 Salary Cr 6,000 ea Cr 6,000
Navigator x 1 Salary Cr 5,000 ea Cr 5,000
Engineer x 1 Salary Cr 4,000 ea Cr 4,000
Maintenance x 1 Salary Cr 1,000 ea Cr 1,000
Medic x 1 Salary Cr 3,000 ea Cr 3,000
Steward x 0 Salary Cr 2,000 ea Cr 0
Gunner x 0 Salary Cr 1,000 ea Cr 0
Purchase Cost (incl 10% large production discount) * Base MCr 78.9 71.0
Maintenance / month 0.0059
Life Support Cost / month 0.012
Salaries / month 0.019
Income/expenditure per month
Income (Cargo fees based on two jump-2 per month) Cr 460,800
Expenditure (maintenance, salaries, life support) Cr 36,900
Fuel, refined, at combined 92 tons/month Cr 46,000
(Jump fuel: 26 tons fuel/jump-2 = 52 tons fuel / month)
(Power Plant fuel: 10 tons fuel/week = 40 tons fuel / month)
SUBTOTAL: Cr 414,800
Less Susistence fee to home organisation/govt office of 50% gross/month Cr 202,400
Bottom line profit per month on standard route at full capacity: Cr 202,400
A light hull is cheaper. You lose some hull points, but you can make the ship bigger and get them back for the same price, but with more payload. Warships will not use light hulls.What's the pros and cons balance on using a light hull rather than a standard one?
You don't need it. You save MCr 10 and 10 dT, that is a large part of your profit margin.I think I know, but why cut the power in half?
You based them on the High Tech drives, without removing the High Tech effects.what did I miss with the budget drives?
A regular bridge is better, but you save 10 dT. 10 dT more cargo is kCr 16 in revenue every jump or kCr 400 / year. We have to pay for the weapons somehow.A small bridge? If they're spending their entire shifts in there, it's going to be their office, so a bit of space would be preferable, not only for a less claustrophobic environment, but also for ease of access and egress?
Base kCr 160, but doubled for bis&fib.The cost of the computer was wrong in mine? Whoops!o:
Yes, the computer has BW 10, Evade/2 requires BW 15 to run.[*]Why Evade 1 and not 2? Bandwidth?
Well, they are not absolutely necessary, but if you want a rugged wilderness ship they fit?Ah. I forgot Huey, Dewey and Louie (repair drones), did I? Clumsy of me!
I decreased it from 15 dT to 7 dT. Not 5% of the ship, but 25% of the staterooms.Common area increase? Nice, but... um... why?
I think you had missed something?I LIKE the cargo increase![]()
Low and Mid passengers only increase revenue potential slightly, but they will make it easier to fill the ship. High passengers increase the profit.OK, now, if I nick space for 10 low berths and five passenger cabins, will that hurt the bottom line, do you think?
Subsidies are better.Y'know, I've just been running the numbers on this, and it's a lot better than you thought, I think. Bear in mind this will now be a subsidised frontier trader, rather than a mortgaged one, and on that basis, it's VERY profitable on cargo alone, as follows:
Unless I made a mistake somewhere?
The 0.1% purchase cost / 12 HAS to be wrong, surely?
now I'm confused. It clearly says "0.1" in the book, not once, but twice. You're saying it's not wrong, but should be a more reasonable 0.001% - where did you get your figure from, please?
CRAFT moment!![]()
Fuel cost is off, you need 60 dT / jump + 0.5 dT / 2 weeks = 60.5 dT × 25 / 12 = 126 dT / month
I may be wrong, but since mortgages have always been 12 months / year, I have always used 12 months per year for costs.While agreeing I mucked that up, and here's the contentious non-canon bit, shouldn't it be 60 dT / jump + 0.5 dT / 2 weeks = 60.5 dT × 2 per four week standard imperial month (there being 13 x 4-week months in the Imperial year) = 121dT fuel/month?