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A Proto-Traveller sized ATU

OK, updated file is here (pdf). Please critique. And, thank you to all those who have helped up to this point.

Looks good!

Are you detailing all systems IYTU in this detail?

What are you using to generate all the details?

Do you hold the details in a database of some kind so that you can customize some systems by hand?

What access to players have to the info?
Are you detailing all systems IYTU in this detail?
If I live long enough, yes. (My goal is to get these 16 subsectors finally vetted and into book form, then I can publish the whole sector. Then, just seven more sectors........)

What are you using to generate all the details?
The expanded approach to detailed system generation in LBB6 Scouts.

Do you hold the details in a database of some kind so that you can customize some systems by hand?
The generation and customization is done in an Excel spreadsheet. I built one that will 1) generate an entire subsector including a map and 2) generate sector data tables (though not how it's laid out in this sample, unfortunately) and maps if you put a whole sectors worth of worksheets in.

And, yes, one subsector - in generation mode, with all the formulas and cross-references still in it - file is ~50MB. And, no, older versions of Windows and Excel really don't like that. Once you reduce a middling-to-dense subsector down to just the data in the raw rolls (not the initial formulas for random numbers and such, but still leaving in the formulas for figuring out what those raw rolls mean) and eliminating all the empty rows, it gets down to about 14MB. When I add the subsector worksheets into one file (with one set of sector tables and maps and such) I can get a quadrant in before it hits ~50MB again. If I turn *all* the subsector worksheets into data only, with no formulas whatsoever, I can get the whole sector into that size.

Having said that...
What access to players have to the info?
If you mean the raw data, none. No way I'm vomiting that data mess onto someone else. If you mean the info in the book, yes - except for some worlds/polities that will be referee-only. And, that's solely because they're unknowns to the player until adventure takes them there. :)
Will some systems (probably important/major ones) be described in a more verbose (i.e. article-style) manner in the book itself (or elsewhere, for that matter)?
I think a very few will, topaz. Though they might be nothing more than the capitols, or maybe one or two of the small polities.

What are your thoughts? Just wanting some quick go-tos to grab? Or something else?

There's two competing thoughts (though not necessarily the ones you're thinking): one is to provide a ref with a full picture, so they can just get to gaming; the other is to provide only bare bones so a ref can use the subsector entirely in their own way. Of course, by setting up polities and a background in the sector book, I guess I've already violated the second idea, huh? :)
Having a few detailed systems could add to the history, culture and general "feel" of the sector (and the polities within it), though I presume there will be "general" history, culture etc. sections in the sector book as well?
Yes, there is a 2-4 page section for each polity, describing the government, some history, maybe a bit of religious info, some economics, etc. I will have to include at least a few worlds' info in the subsector books, I guess - what's a few more pages in each book? ;)
I presume the system data (like in the file you posted above) of each system will be put in their respective subsector books, and the sector book will include a SEC-style overview list and more general information on polities etc.? Would "verbose systems" be put into the sector or subsector books?
I think all of the individual system info will be in the subsector books. The sector book (and supplement) are already fairly thick. And, I should probably add to some of that info. *sigh* This thing metastasizes every time I look away.
The sector book and the supplement are not the same thing?
I presume the sector book will include a lot of "general" information (history etc.), which would be what is making it thick?
Okay, a query for all:
How much detail is desired for the various planets/satellites? Do you want orbital periods and rotation? Something more specific than "exotic" for an atmosphere? Some cultural information? (There's already some society/people/tech info in the sector book.)

If your answer involves mapping every planet... how much would you pay for that subsector book? Does it involve at least 3 digits?