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A week in Jumspace!?

There is an old science fiction short story by Larry Niven where the windows in hyperspace sucked your eyes to look into them because the nothingness was so loud. In the story it causes the space men to go nuts.
Now, imagine if all the windows had shutters for this exact kind of thing....
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
Now that is a great adventure idea. Take an NPC that is already mentally fragile and they snap and go totally "Jason X" on the rest of the passengers. Tailor to your campaign, or try for the old "Alien" schtick after the NPC snaps.
Better yet, pay a player in character points or something to be the psycho, now the players have to NOT kill thier freind.
Originally posted by Starlocke:
There is an old science fiction short story by Larry Niven where the windows in hyperspace sucked your eyes to look into them because the nothingness was so loud. In the story it causes the space men to go nuts.
Now, imagine if all the windows had shutters for this exact kind of thing....
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
Now that is a great adventure idea. Take an NPC that is already mentally fragile and they snap and go totally "Jason X" on the rest of the passengers. Tailor to your campaign, or try for the old "Alien" schtick after the NPC snaps.
Better yet, pay a player in character points or something to be the psycho, now the players have to NOT kill thier freind.
Thatn wouldn't work with my group. They all like each other, but they're definitely into "I survive" mode. If one of the other PCs started going psycho, they'd drop him in a heartbeat.

Other than that, it's a great idea.

Simon Jester
Someone previously mentioned training and study during jump. In my current campaign two of the characters are working towards shipboard qualifications. They have very good skills in other areas but very little for duties onboard

  • Hiroshi - A very talent security specialist with some free-fall experience and sensor/comm skills. He is working to qualify for ships weapons and vacc suit.</font>
  • Penrose - An exec corporate chairman with a genius IQ and a talent for languages. Currently his job is ship's business administrator and trade rep. He is working on communications, languages, and free fall/vacc suit.</font>
Recently I did a surprize decompression drill during a jump. Hiroshi was in the scout's turret running simulations when the alarm went off. He immediated contacted the bridge and was told the main deck was losing air and computer control over the iris values was offline. So instead of donning his gloves and helmet (The crew wear the jump suit/vacc suit combo described in MT/DGP), he hacked into the computer, discovered it was all a drill, and he shutdown the drill. :eek:
Naturely the captain, who initiated the drill, was a bit unhappy and marked him as "dead" because Hiroshi did not secure his suit. :mad:

Has anyone else did a surprize on thier groups?
Have you tried the loose pest creature yet? Rats, mice, vargr, droyne, bats, mynocs, tree kraken, stow away.
Ice Pirates had a Herpes as I recall.
See what happens nexy time they jump and find a stow away kid in the cargo hold, ready to join the circus or Marines or merchants. :D
Are the parents offering a reward?

Are the police going to be sending a tracker?
Are they going to be charged with kidnapping?
GM: "You find an empty egg like receptacle in a box you thought was junk... the egg is labeled thus: WARNING- Space Herpe. Do not allow near source of heat or moisture. Very dangerous."

Then have it pop out of dinner at them!


I loved that movie.
Originally posted by vegascat:
Have you tried the loose pest creature yet? Rats, mice, vargr, droyne, bats, mynocs, tree kraken, stow away.
Ice Pirates had a Herpes as I recall.
See what happens nexy time they jump and find a stow away kid in the cargo hold, ready to join the circus or Marines or merchants. :D
Are the parents offering a reward?

Are the police going to be sending a tracker?
Are they going to be charged with kidnapping?
Well one time I let loose a critter on aboard the luxury liner King Richard published by FASA. It was based on the killer bunny of Monty Python fame. The critter would crawl thru the duct works and randomly attack passengers. The real fun started when it attacked during a concert in one of the theatres. I figure most people got injured from all the pushing and shoving to the exits. Because of it's small size and speed it was hard to catch and shoot. Not to mention all those pesky civvies blocking your shot.
Those pesky civies do have a way of getting in the way of a perfectly good shot, then you have to wory about the crowd turning on you. And life gets interesting.
Originally posted by vegascat:
Those pesky civies do have a way of getting in the way of a perfectly good shot, then you have to wory about the crowd turning on you. And life gets interesting.
Yeah, ain't that the truth.

To make matters worse some of the passengers were senior military officers, Imperial nobles, megacorp executives, and other famous people. I mean they like it when you save thier companies, house, family members, and butts. But No! They get all antsy and angry when you are trying to save them from the "cute, harmless, little bunny" by employing gauss rifles and PGMPs, and they just happen to be in the same room. :mad:

Boy! I'm tellin' ya!
One of the times when the term "friendly fire" comes into play. :eek:


"But my lord, the cute and fuzzy bunney was about to rip your ladies throat out!" Doesn't work real well when my lords lady is on the deck with a plasma burn through the chest.

Of course it could have been a case of mistaken identity."Thats not a rabbit fur coat, it's a horde of vorpal bunnies breeding on her!!!" :eek:
Just how many vorpal bunnys would there be after a week in hyperspace? Assuming you started out with just two, one of each sex. Do they breed like tribbles, or rabbits?
What would be their main food source, other than your throats?
What planet are they actually from, or are they genetic creations?
What is the bounty for taking them out?
What is the fine for introducing them to a world?
How many pelts does it take to make a fur coat for a lady?
Where are they on the food chain concerning vargr?
Originally posted by vegascat:
Just how many vorpal bunnys would there be after a week in hyperspace? Assuming you started out with just two, one of each sex. Do they breed like tribbles, or rabbits?
What would be their main food source, other than your throats?
What planet are they actually from, or are they genetic creations?
What is the bounty for taking them out?
What is the fine for introducing them to a world?
How many pelts does it take to make a fur coat for a lady?
Where are they on the food chain concerning vargr?
Sounds like the beginning of the Great Vorpal Bunny Hunt. An epic only second to the Great Tribble Hunt of Klingon lore.
Originally posted by vegascat:
Anyone have stats for vorpal bunnys?
And what planet are they from?
They are probaly another Ancient genemod. I say thier homeworld is Vland. Because of thier speed and the toxic food they consumed, the Shugli were the only ones allowed to hunt, clean, and cook. Vorbal bunny's body is full of toxins, even the best gourmet chef had problems in removing the terrible taste and poisons from the meat.

When the Vlani reached the stars, Vorpal bunny were used for pest control. The plan was mostly a success. The fearless behavior allowed it to engage most local flora and fauna. If a bunny is killed by a predator, the toxic flesh would most likely kill the animal.

There are no reliable records of using Vorpal bunnies, injected with psychotropic drugs, as combat or counter-terrorist weapons.
i remember once we were on the local "milk run" and our stupid rookie engine room lackie vargr got a bad case of GIANT space fleas!!! yes we were in jumpspace for 7 very miseriable days!!
no got any rest - we were ALL, i mean all chasing
these huge nasty things around the ship trying to burn them out with flame throwers and blow torches!! when we finally got to port i had to call out an exterminator (clarky we need you!!)
he said it was the worst case of space fleas he has EVER seen, he would STOMP on them and they would just laugh at him!! now thast one tough critter!! that lackie rookie vargr got the health and safty lecture!!! and he was told to stay away from "anchor and planet" while in that starport!!
:D ;)
:rolleyes: P.S. I AM BACK!!!!
Nice to see you cack TJ.
I thought vorpal bunnies would be kind of rare, not too wide spread. They would have a pobulation control problem. When exposed to a new environment, they would breed like crazy, eating everything that moves. After that, the only thing moving for the cute and juzzies would be other vorpal bunnies. Darwin takes over and only the nasties and fastest breeding/gestation would survive to breed some more. :eek:
Poor unsuspecting scout ship lands, crew gets a breather, ship infested.
Originally posted by vegascat:
Nice to see you cack TJ.
I thought vorpal bunnies would be kind of rare, not too wide spread. They would have a pobulation control problem. When exposed to a new environment, they would breed like crazy, eating everything that moves. After that, the only thing moving for the cute and juzzies would be other vorpal bunnies. Darwin takes over and only the nasties and fastest breeding/gestation would survive to breed some more. :eek:
Poor unsuspecting scout ship lands, crew gets a breather, ship infested.
They became rare during the Rule of Man. On many of the planets inwhich VB became a worse pest than the original pests, the ruling solomanis started pogroms to either control/reduce the population or all out genocide. This helped in repairing any ecological damage the vilani caused.