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Ad Astra Imperial Fleet minis released!?


SOC-14 1K
I would have posted this in the Duty Free Section, but then again... I'm not selling or trading anything myself, am I?

I'm just giving a heads up that.... it looks to me... that THIS is the first officially licensed Traveller miniatures release in.... oh... say.... 4000 years? OK so I'm exagerrating. Yes, it looks to be a significant release. And an expensive one too.

I don't work for any of these companies, neither Ad Astra nor NobleKnights. But I *am* on the NobleKnights product notification list (as I've purchased hundreds of dollars of RPG items from them in the past).

If this is an "old product", please correct me? To my knowledge, this was marked as a newly-released product on NobleKnights catalog. Rest assured, NobleKnights likely only has 2 or 3 of these boxes to sell. As a long time customer of theirs, I know for a fact that they only get very limited quantities of whatever will be hugely in-demand. Ad Astra seems to be selling them too on their website.


This fleet box, built around the awesome firepower of the Plankwell battleship includes:

• 1 Plankwell
• 1 Azhanti High Lightning
• 2 Gionetti
• 4 Fer de Lance
• 4 Chrysanthemum
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Well not real old news, but yeah you missed the memo :)

There's also a comparable Zho fleet. Both still in production to my knowledge. I'm still trying to work my inner accountant around to getting them ;)

Oh, and some (limited production, you missed them) mini-figs (Vargr I think and some other(s) ). I couldn't decide and missed them too :)
Well not real old news, but yeah you missed the memo :)

Yeah, I must have been asleep during the memo. Because I figured... the relelase of these miniatures would have been HUGE news for Traveller minis fans. The fact that most Traveller miniatures lines have been long discontinued since the Ancient Epoch of Martian Metals and Ral Partha.... and then suddenly (out of the blue in 2008) we get THESE gorgeously-casted Imperial ships.

I wonder if Ad Astra mentioned any plans for Solomani-themed minis?
Why must you remind me of what I had successfully repressed... that I have neither the dough to buy them nor the skills to paint them... but the deep, abiding desire to possess them regardless?!?!?

Woe is me.
Holy cow, a Traveller Con in the US?! I never knew.

This looks great. Is that other game a Striker scenario?

No, it was a game by Mark Kinsey based on the CT "Broadsword" adventure but used Stargrunt II for the rules.

The 50-ton cutter was scratch-built by Mark. Isn't it nice?
I wonder if Ad Astra mentioned any plans for Solomani-themed minis?
We've talked about it a few times (mostly regarding visual style), but there aren't any firm plans yet. I've got tentative lists for the next Imperial and Zhodani boxes, but no idea when I'll start modeling them.
The fact that most Traveller miniatures lines have been long discontinued since the Ancient Epoch of Martian Metals and Ral Partha.... and then suddenly (out of the blue in 2008) we get THESE gorgeously-casted Imperial ships.
MegaMiniatures is still producing Traveller alien figures - you can buy the K'kree and Bwaps on eBay.

The Ad Astra minis are great - I'm looking forward to future sets. And I need to buy a Hotz star map and some custom DLD planets to go with them. :)