So, thinking the military options through a little bit.
For my dollar, I'm not sure I can justify equipping the fleet with drop tanks as a standard operational model.
First, by doctrine, I don't think any fleet action is going in to a system with the expectation of "losing" the battle. That is, with the expectation that the fleet will have to immediately jump back out to safety.
Can it happen? Sure. But does it normally? No, I don't think so. I should say not normally enough that the contingency of preparing for that for every operation is worth the costs involved.
Odds are high that when the fleet commits to this action, they have the intelligence on what defenses are guarding that gas giant, and plan accordingly. If they pop in and there happens to be a large battle fleet waiting for them, then that's a massive intelligence failure, and you can file that under "Bridge too far".
That situation CAN happen, but it doesn't solely for the reasons that operations do their damnedest to NOT let it happen. Wars are operational in nature, the battles are secondary. The great stories are of the last ditch defenses thwarting a crushing assault. Nobody goes to battle expecting to lose, and do their best not too.
Now it could be argued that if the cost of facilitating drop tanks is simply the plumbing and fittings on the ship, then its probably fair to say that the added cost of these fittings is incidental to the overall fleet cost. This provides drop tank capability to the fleet, and offers the flexibility to deploy with them should they ever come up. However, building ships with overcapacity jump drives and infrastructure on the off chance that they'll use a drop tank seems like a waste of money for little used capability.
So, drop tanks can be practical, and useful in specific operations. But as an overall fleet doctrine, I don't think it makes sense.
Over 100 post's, lets keep going:
I like what Whartung said: The overall cost is incidental, and the tanks offer flexibility, should it be needed. Which was my original premise.
However, I disagree with the use of the term "runaway", after all was it Cortez who burnt his ships behind him? Taking away the option of retreat, leaving only death or surrender as viable options seems callow to me. Since no plan of battle survives first contact with your enemy, and your intelligence on any system is, by the constraints of jump travel, dated. Know what you'll face when you get there is at best, uncertain.
For those who have TA9 Solomani ships, the description on Solomani fleet movements specifically mentions one instance where a Solomani fleet jumped insystem, only to find a full Imperial Batron in system, leading to the loss of the Confederation fleet. It happens.
Also, as a system defender, I know you need to refuel, so I will defend refuelling points. I also know that skimming fuel from a gas giant is a vulnerable time "in the well". Thus High Guard, guarding the refuelling ships.
Given the option of moving straight on the main world, or other targets in system, then jumping out without having to refuel adds flexibility to the attacker. And complicates the defense.
Again, should all ships USE drop tanks, probably not. Should the necessary fittings for use be included in a design? Maybe.
While it was not my plan to speak to Merchant ships, the same arguement would apply to fleet auxillaries.
Lets consider again the "fuel tanker". A 1million ton jump 4 tanker, using CT rules needs 45% of the ships tonnage just for it's own fuel, add maneuver 1 Pn4, and a bridge and you've already consumed 53% of your tonnage, Since the Kokirraks class needs 60,000 tons of fuel for their J3 drives you can only refuel 7, assuming max fuel in the tanker. (60,000x7=420,000 or 42% of ship)
Now I need a tanker for my tanker, which again has only 470,000 tons left after all other system are installed.
So, how to I use Tankers if they use their fuel refueling my battleline? Do I build massive numbers of tankers, say 3 Battleships per million ton tanker? So I'd need three one million ton tankers for a Batron of 8 Kokirraks? And what about those Plankwells with their J4 drives, Two per tanker?
Now, equiping tankers with drop tanks so they enter the system with Full fuel loads of 870,000 tons seems reasonable. They refuel the Batron and Jump out. One Batron, One Tanker.
Discussion on Tankers please.