How many aircraft in WWII were equiped with drop tanks to increase range?
How many tanks were carried and dropped, being lost and needing repacement?
Why do we still use drop tanks on modern aircraft if dropping them is cost ineffective?
P51 Mustangs were equipped with drop tanks in order to perform the bomber escort mission. Arado Ar-234 had drop tanks to increase range in the reconnaissance mission. The P47 Thunderbolt, P38 Lightning, BF109, F4U Corsair and Hawker Hurricane were also equipped with drop tanks.
So you have at least all the major US fighters, a major British fighter, a major German fighter and a minor bomber using drop tanks. I wouldn't like to put a figure on it - but a lot.
As far as I know most drop tanks were dropped, as their drag would lead to unnecessary performance degradation - something not wanted in combat.
Modern use of drop tanks - I guess they're only dropped in occasional training and combat, so the expense is only occasional.