The true failure I've allways thought the big ships combat system in CT (and MT, wich was nearly unchanged) was the lack of ships destroyed in combat.
Most of the ship crippling in this combat system came from minor damage ( ship unable to maneuvre due to maneuver damage, fuel loss or tanks shattered (the only one not able to repair with damage control, for, even if you repair it, you don't get back your fuel), computer damage, crew dying, etc..., but the chance of a ship vaporized critical is minimal.
In a battle among 20 ships per side, the usual result is 1 or 2 vaporized at most, and most of the others crippled, but easly repairable. So, the 'winner' of the engagement has a big victory, for, even if he only has a handful of ships not crippled, most of his other ships will be combat ready on a short time with damage control, and quite easy to repair in a shipyard, and most of enemy's crippled ships can be easly captured (barring scuttling, wich I think not too many crews will do if they can be thertened to be leaved moored on the void for so doing) and easly repaired if taken to a shipyard.
Just for doing this, I think one of the most important support ships one can have is a kind of 'jump tug', equiped with very large jump and fuel capacity, just to be clamped with crippled ships and take them to the rearguard to repair them.
Of course, all this combat results expected from the CT/MT ship combat system, are inconsistent with the JTAS news (mostly during rebellion) about hight hull losses, for, with this combat system, most of this hulls whould be recovered and repaired in a few weeks, having perhaps changed hands, but overall fleet losses whould be minimal.