Sorry for the above post - It was (maybe) a little harsh.
OK - To stop the "Can;t find target" problem.
Assuming windows. Right click the hgs.exe and create a shortcut.
Right Click the Shortcut and choose properties
In Properties there is a "Target" textfield. Click in there and move the cursor to the end. Add a space and then the word "t20" (If it can be called a word)
Hit ok - now double click this shortcut and see if it takes you to the HGS with the selector enabled. If not, say something and I'm sure Andrew will leap to your aid.
OK - To stop the "Can;t find target" problem.
Assuming windows. Right click the hgs.exe and create a shortcut.
Right Click the Shortcut and choose properties
In Properties there is a "Target" textfield. Click in there and move the cursor to the end. Add a space and then the word "t20" (If it can be called a word)
Hit ok - now double click this shortcut and see if it takes you to the HGS with the selector enabled. If not, say something and I'm sure Andrew will leap to your aid.