Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
This is further mitigated by the fact that most CT careers are interstellar ones - an Imperial Marine would be trained to TL15 specs no matter which TL he came from.
I wonder about this.
Is every Imperial Marine trained to TL 15? Every piece of equipment he has a TL 15 piece of equipment.
I'm thinking, "no".
We already see different TL starships.
But, I'm thinking more along the lines of supply, availability, logistics, and expense. It seems to me an Imperial Marine
miht be trained on TL 15 equipment, and maybe he's not.
Take a world like Aramis. It's a TL B world. And, there's a Naval base on Aramis.
Now, maybe, all the marines stationed on Aramis are trained at and have available TL 15 equipment. But, where's the nearest TL 15 world?
There isn't one. There isn't one in the entire subsector.
So, where does the Aramis marine get his TL 15 FGMP? If the marine needs a servo-motor for his right elbow joint of his TL 15 Battledress that was destroyed in the last engagement with Vargr Corsairs, where does that come from? Because, it wasn't manufactured on Aramis...it's gotta be shipped in from somewhere...and the nearest TL 15 world is...I dunno.
One could argue that stuff like that is stockpiled at the base, conveyed there from some other distant Marine post.
And, I'm sure there is a stockpile at each and every Naval Base. But, relying completely on stockpiles seems inefficient.
Now, I know that one could make a comparision about US military bases in third-world countries--that everything is stockpiled and shipped in. But, we're talking VAST distances between Naval Bases and re-supply stations. And, those distances are expensive to travel in both time and money.
It's a logistical nightmare.
So, if you've got a TL 11 world, like Aramis, why not outfit your marines so that they could operate with TL 11 equipment. Industry on Aramis could support the base. You could use the
Grand Census idea of having different tech levels for different, specific tech areas, and maybe go a little higher than the UPP TL of the world. (In my campaign, I did this for Aramis, getting a TL D for Personal and Heavy Military tech.)
So, what I'm proposing is that some Imperial Marines are trained on TL 15 equipment, but not all. Sometimes, the Grand-Quartermaster, or whatever he's called, will find different solutions to his logistical problems.
In the example above, if Aramis truly does have TL 13 Personal Military technology, then doesn't it seem reasonable that all marines on Aramis are trained and equipped with TL 13 gear? That industry on Aramis supports the military base with TL 13 Imperial defense contracts?
Now, one parsec from Aramis lies Natoko, also with its own Naval Base. But Natoko is TL 8. Being just one parsec from Aramis, I'd say that the Natoko Marines are trained and equipped to Aramis standards at TL 13.
In a game, I'd suggest looking at the subsector you're gaming in, and maybe the neighboring subsector, finding the highest TL Naval Base (in the focus subsector plus the eight around it, it's seems likely you'd find a Naval Base with an acceptible TL) and using that to make some logical assumptions about what the Imperial Forces are trained to.
If it's TL 15, great. But, it seems that TL 10-14 might work as well.
Thoughts on this?