SOC-14 1K
As I already told in another thread time ago, I've always envisioned the same courriers being used as scouts. If we asume a TL 13 fleet with J4 courriers, its mision (as scouts) would be to jump at J2 from the main fleet, appearing in the middle of nowere in the target system (in our own system a good place could be between Earth and Mars orbits, out from the current route among them, just to avoid random enounters), and scan for signals and intelligence.
As they will still have fuel for another J2 (I asume CT with jump governors), it could jump away for a randez-vous with the main fleet (with the intelligence collected) at short notice, should that be needed.
For a TL 15 fleet (with J6 courriers and J4 main fleet), it could jump 2 parsecs away from main fleet position (if the main fleet performs J2, it would perform J4 to achieve it) and still be fueled for return trip.
For longer scouting, drop tanks could be used from the main fleet (here your courrier tankers could help) to keep them fueled at the scouting target.
Using the same ship in two roles helps standarization, even if a little less specialized (in this case I guess this hindrance would be qminor, nearly negligible).
I think in the case of "extra" tonnage on the Battle Tender (meaning NOT enough to carry another Battle Rider), I would implement your previous ideas. However, I wouldn't sacrifice a major combatant to gain that space. A Tender can carry a Rider; not so the run of the mill auxiliary.
One major reason for auxiliary and support ships is to "go for the beer and groceries", allowing the combatants to remain on station.
I'm curious as to the extent of cultural bias that may slip in to these discussions. I, coming from America, tend to think in a real world, global extended mission fleet. Some of the European countries don't have that "world mission" mindset, or ability. I see many specialized ships needed to come and go, keeping a large fleet at sea. Do you see smaller fleets, or single ships, operating closer to home as a current world view?
I know we both know better in a Traveller context. But, do our views differ from cultural bias or necessity?