alice-class 4900dton general transport module - maintenance/repair
this is a mini mobile repair "shipyard". the majority of the facility is devoted to knowledgeable personnel but it also includes fabrication shops, boat transportation, robot assistant support, and parts stores. the intent is 1) to supervise shipboard personnel in performing regularly-scheduled annual maintenance of shiboard systems and 2) to provide knowledge and expertise to assist shipboard personnel in field repair or jury-rigging ship systems in place to enable minimal functioning of necessary systems.
repair ship duty is presigious and highly-paid. the imperium spares no expense in training and retention. peacetime deployment rates are not high but when deployed the duty is arduous and sometimes hazardous. combat deployments are very hazardous and high-stress.
berthing is identical to that of combat troops. each individual has two dtons of berthing space, one-half dton of gear locker (including a hazard vacc suit), and one-half dton of lowberth available. further facilities include recreation, medical, and assembly areas, and lifeboats sufficient for all personnel.
a basic repair team consists of four individuals. the first is a second-tour "trainee" who already has four years experience in a ground-side shipyard and minimally has acquired vacc suit 1, 0g 1, school/experience for either mechanic or electronics 1, and lead school for his chosen field of technical expertise (e.g. gravitics 1, communications 1, etc). the remaining individuals are second, third, and fourth-tour techs with progressing levels of expertise in their systems, the most senior tech being the team lead. each team will have attached to it one general purpose tech15 robot having inherent basic-interaction skills and being programmable for the skills relevant to the team's present efforts.
the repair shop is organized into general departments over various work centers. the head office is staffed by the repair master and four naval architects who are in overall charge of all shop efforts. the departments and their work centers are: hull (general mechanics, general electronics, life support systems, damage control, hull armor, and gravitics); bridge (computer, sensors, communications); engineering (power plant, maneuver drive, jump drive, fuel purifier); primary weapons (meson gun, paws); secondary weapons (lasers, missiles, sand casters); screens (meson screen, nuclear damper field generator); and support (boat pilots, robot services, general service personnel, and the fabrication shops).
in general each work center will have two teams associated with it, with one work center supervisor. thus for example the gravitics work center will have nine personnel - two teams of four members each and one supervisor - and two robots. exceptions are the general mechanics, general electricians, life support, damage control work centers, and fabrication shops, which will have six teams, three supervisors, a senior supervisor, and six robots.
the whole is supervised by the repair master and four naval architects in the head office who coordinate all repair efforts. the repair master reports directly to the battlegroup rear admiral. each department and each work center will have its own office.
there are three fabrication shops, each of 200dtons. the first specializes in metal components, the second in electronics, and the third in exotics such as glass, plastics, rubbers, and any other materials as neeeded. there are 1600dtons of cargo space available for ready-made parts, spares, and general stock.
there are twenty 20dton ship's gigs, each with two pilots, available for transport to and from work sites. there are twelve 20dton semi-automated lifeboats available sufficient for every person in the repair shop. the module is otherwise outfitted to shipboard standards such as life support, damage control centers, and endurance cargo.
during or after combat operations when addressing a damaged ship damage control techs are always first to secure and safe the environment for the following teams. they and the life support techs work closely with the medical rescue teams to safe and secure surviving personnel and transport casualties to the hospital ship.
51 supervisors
312 techs
66 mobile robots
20 20dton boats
40 pilots
12 general service
12 lifeboats
1600dtons cargo, 600dtons fabrication shop, 10dtons flight control