No, I meant it would be a waste of money for
them. There's a metric ton of material they can develop without messing with canon. A Blue Darrian sourcebook would only serve to add fuel to the fires that sometimes flare up from the embers of a broken fanbase.
Ok, that sounded more poetic than I wanted to...
Well... //start corporate mode (up until recently I was a officer of a fairly large design&const firm in the SF bay area and while not in charge of marketing, I had to go to all the marketing meetings etc. ad nauseum. Now that business is flatlined after the crash and I am back in uni getting a CIT degree. wouldn't you know I'm back lumped in with the nerds getting A's in math and
From a purely commercial standpoint, Trav would do well to have some drow-like race. It would tap into the market of all the goths/steam punk/neo-victorians and such; all one has to do is look at their popularity (just typed drow into google and got a million hits) on the various rpg's and mmorpg's. It could definitely bring in new players, which from a business standpoint is prime. It doesn't hurt to fan the embers to create a fire. Some sort of Traveller online wouldn't hurt either, but that is another discussion. D&D as well is not a bad trail to follow either, they were the big dogs in sales back in the day. Traveller could have been bigger but they lost focus, they should have been creating sectors right next to each other, not scattered everywhere, that is the meat of the campaign milieu. The World of Greyhawk was far more developed than the Spinward Marches, and where things should have expanded out from the 'Marches, instead the next sector to be described was the Solomani Rim, which distance wise was incompatible with the 'Marches. The Solomani Rim was way to "settled" as well to be a campaign backdrop, IMO. Things like Blue Darrians, they are just a spice really, the meat should be proper campaigns. That is what Mongoose should concentrate on, this I know too from doing my wargaming stuff and watching peoples reactions and what they are playing. To me they are just a minor doodle. I didn't, because its part of a professional product. Well, its up to editor if he likes them or not. Nothing fancy, they are Solomani Imperial loyalists from a single planet that kept much of the Pre-Stellar culture of their ancestors (including the language, although mutated after all these years) and mantained a very pure gene pool. I mean pure as in "consistent" and "old", its got nothing to do with the SoliConfed racial superiority BS.
Sounds good, hope to see it.
Bring it on! Real military women and cool rifles are always ok by my book.
Peru has special forces?!
Yep, girls with cool weapons, always a killer combo.
Peru had a fairly decent sized insurgency up until recently with "the shining path"; so I am not suprised.
Ah...that brings back good memories of playing Sla Industries and Call of Cthulhu. Different calibers and types of ammo always make a game more fun. HEAP rounds, how I miss thee...
Then again, there's always Central Supply Catalog. Modded Gauss Rifles FTW!!
Ah yes, I do have 6mm HEAP rounds for that gun IMTU, Imperial only, but goodies for players to get. That pic I did kinda make for the OoB of the Imperial Rifle Division, the only Divisional organization in the Imperial forces, everything else follows a modern Battalion->Brigade->Corps->Army->Group organizational structure (there are some regiments, but really they are part of the brigade structure, independent battalions are the norm with a task force mentality at corps level), I'll get around to posting it at some point.
Played a good bit of Call of Cthulhu, back in the 80's, never played Sla Industries but it looks pretty good.