But if you gain those two AT's, the PM page 41 limit of 2 AT per year should apply, so that's the only gain for the year.
But this limit of 2 AT per year applies to a single skill, and as you say.
MT thus allows for 2-4 levels per term in a single skill... but fails to limit the number of skills collecting AT's at once.
So, theoretically, a very active MT (or one intesivelly training in various skills) player might gain several skills each year (most so if he has int 10+).
And remember that if he succeeds in the training tasks he will gain a full skill level (as would in CT in 6 weeks) and no ATs, so he might as well make another course (assuing the instructor having high enough skill) and, even if failing, gaining the 2 AT allowed per year in that skill.
Assuming he intensively trains a full year, a player could theoretically gain as much as 10 skills a year (assuming 40 hours a week training, and an average of 200 hours, and do 5 weeks, per training course, that is the average too). See that in advanced CharGen, a player could acheve up to 8 skills in a year in the Comando School (by rolling 5+ 8 times in a row with one die..).
As per CT, the numbers would be a maximum of 7 skills a year by training (as the training courses are defined as 6 weeks, not by hours), and the maximum in advancer Chargen (again the comando school) is 6 skills (again rolling 5+ 6 times in a row with one die).
One change I house ruled in MTU is that the tasks to improve a skill don't use
related skill, but use int modifier instead, and the skill level he has is used as negative modifier (as in a confrotation task), making it harder to learn higher skill levels.