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ComBot Gun Harness, aka SmartGun


Inspired by this thread;

This is created with the MgT Book 9: Robot

Combot Gun Harness(aka Smartgun) TL 12:
This Combot has a special construction that is much different than most Robots. It is made into a harness to be worn by a specially trained Army or Marine Gunner. It has 2 Units, one Unit worn on the Front, a Unit worn on the back and an Arm to carry and to manipulate the gun system. The built in Inhibitor Firmware is programmed not to shoot at any person in the bearer's unit. The Voice Recognition Software(VRS) installed is programmed to only respond to the designated Gunners and Officers in the Unit. If anyone else attempts to command the ComBot, it simply refuses to work at all. It has a built in encoded wireless connection to network with other Combat Gun Harnesses of the unit to coordinate the Unit's fire. The Combot responds to Verbal commands along with physical manipulation. To use it the Gunner carrying it points it to the general line of fire desired and pulls the trigger on the gun to let the computer know that it is clear to fire. Use of these physical cues insures that on a noisy battlefield a "Shoot" or "Don't Shoot" order is not confused. The Gunner can also give verbal commands but these commands are in the form of a technical slang/command to this model of Combot. These verbal commands can be altered by the Unit Gun System Tech by training the VRS software. With a Command Algorithm rated as a CA1 only a trained Gunner can safely use the entire system. The Computer also has a Security 1 program as part of the standard package to prevent hacking through the wireless connection. This SmartGun has its own built in Advanced Optics and a Motion Detector for targeting. Some models mount other sensors, such as Low-Light or IR instead of the Motion Detector. This Combot can mount and use any gun up to a Mass of 10KG. However, the Gunner will be stuck carrying the mass of the SmartGun Harness along with the mass of the mounted gun. The total Price includes the cost of connecting the gun to the harness. The entire unit is sealed so as to be able to operate in water or any non-corrosive gas.

Str: 8; Dex: 8; CA:1 Hull: 2; Structure: 2
Combat Armour: +8
Mass: 8.5kg (Does not include the Mass of attached Gun)

Front Unit
Computer, Parallel
Memory Stick, TL10


GunCombat-1(this software package is customized for the skill needed for the mounted gun, i.e. Slug Rifle, Heavy Weapon or other needed skill)

Back Unit
Wireless Connection

Arm(size 2)
Optics, Advanced
Motion Detector

Cost: 38,460
(does not include the cost of attached Gun but does include the 5,000 credits to attach the gun)
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