I'm wondering if it isn't past time we came up with a new set of rules, be it T5 or MgT based. A question I have is *why* were the Striker rules decanonized, esp since the GURPS rules just seem to echo them albeit updated to 1981 dollars.
Was there some basic flaw of some kind? Too simplistic, what?
The arguments I recall with the striker version was it wasn't part of any larger structure of economics in the Traveller Universe. The values produced made no sense compared to the tax values from TCS and anything you design from the known rules for trade (e.g. Merchant Prince).
The Far Trader rules have the complete set. GWP calculations, trade volume, and (potentially) taxes for government that are consistent with each other, even if they're not consistent with any previous version of Traveller.
On the other hand, you can probably make the argument if the Striker tables are wrong enough to be de-canonized, the similarity of the rules for Far Trader should be de-canonized for the same reason.
On the gripping hand, I'm not sure any new version of the GWP calculation would look wildly different than either the Striker or Far Trader rules. Both of these rules assume that world/system TL is really an economic indicator. The higher the TL, the richer the society.
As timerover51 pointed out, there are real world sources of economics. And you can assign a scale to them. The question becomes do you want to map the economic scale (from real world sources) onto the Traveller TLs, and extend it to the full Traveller TLs. Or you need to find a way to assign this new Economic Scale to the worlds.
The T5 rules have an Economic Extension, and the T5 Second Survey generated values for all the worlds in the Imperium. So we do have an "economic number" for all the worlds. Unfortunately, there is no mapping of the calculated RU value to any real or imagined values or have any relationship to any other economic factors.