How does one board a vessel that is still maneuvering? You either have to "hard dock" the corsair or a small craft with an airlock that is attached to a ship that is free to yaw, pitch, and roll in 3 dimensions, or you have to send individual boarders across space in Vacc-suits and explain how they can maneuver faster than a ship with operational M-Drives.
( No sarcasm intended here)
It would need technology and systems right out of science fiction to pull of a forced docking maneuver.....I've had this discussion from back in the 80s, to now.. Back in the dim and misty, I had to fall back onto.."It's future, they can do things we cant" an argument....but considering what modern technology can do, and projecting it forward a few centuries I can plug in a few gaps in that argument.
to execute a hard/soft dock you have to precisely match the targets acceleration, rotation yaw and pitch...that would be impossible without near instantaneous acceleration and deceleration capabilities, computer assisted fly by wire controls, and the ability to computer the required path of travel needed to bring your docking mechanisms into position.
Traveller star ships have
gravitic drives
- drives capable of generating muti-gee accelration along multiple axis of movement.
- artificial gravity and acceleration compensation for the crew( required to allow crews to move around during acceleration)
- Highly advanced fly by wire control systems. capable of making rapid highly precise alterations to a ships course without direct pilot input.
- Computer assisted controls, allowing near instantaneous inputs to maneuvering controls.
- Senors capable of precise tracking of fast moving objects.
- computers capable of making the mind numbing calculations in real time.
Simply to function ANY Traveller star ship has all of these requirements . as I understand it the gravitc systems of a starship are only capable of generating movements up to their maximum thrust rating in Gees. So a thrust one ship can generate only one gee along any axis.a ship capable of thrust 3 can generate 3 gees along any axis...
So a corsair with thrust 3 can match or exceed any maneuver a thrust 1 or thrust 2 starship can execute...
No human pilot can react fast enough to force dock two star ships, this is entirely accurate. But no human can react fast enough to pilot a vessel that relies on systems that are inconceivable to current technology. However, a fly by wire, computer controlled, maneuver systems can follow pilot commands with little or no lag time.
In addition, to allow crew to move around while accelerating a star ships own internal gravity system can nullify acceleration forces created by maneuvers. So you can safely say that the harsh acceleration forces of such maneuvers wouldn't be as debilitating to the crew of either vehicle as the forces would be on a current era vehicle.
( there is no direct statement of this ability, but since the rules/source material at no point mention any hazard, or difficulty moving, about during acceleration it can be inferred )
So, making a forced boarding of a target vessel is not out of the realm of possibility...... It simply makes it difficult.
nihil novi sub sole ........ Nothing is new under the sun
nil mortalibus ardui est... Nothing is impossible for man.
Yes know this has probably been discussed before, but So has every other aspect of the game....I've been playing this game since the 80s so the likelihood of a topic I haven't discussed with fellow gamersis slim to none.