If the Imperium maintained them, they wouldn't be pirates, by the definition of the term. The second term you stated would be more accurate, I suppose.
One side's corsair is another side's pirate.
If the Imperium maintained them, they wouldn't be pirates, by the definition of the term. The second term you stated would be more accurate, I suppose.
One side's corsair is another side's pirate.
Class: Pouncer
Type: Corsair
Architect: Omnivore
Tech Level: 12
Q-4125541-000000-30003-0 MCr 369.492 400 Tons
Bat Bear 2 1 Crew: 21
Bat 2 1 TL: 12
Cargo: 56 Crew Sections: 1 of 21 Fuel: 100 EP: 20 Agility: 3 Marines: 8
Craft: 1 x 30T Ship's Boat, 1 x 8T GCarrier
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 3.525 Cost in Quantity: MCr 298.994
I don't think a TL-12 ship should have a crew as high as 21 - automation should reduce that to 8-12. So I'd say reduce the crew to 12 and have it carry 22 marines.
Otherwise, looks good!
I think that is including the 8 troops, so 13 crew?
Commander, Pilot, Navigator, Medic, Guns x4, Eng x3? Boat Driver, Boat Gunner?
At a guess.
ASeveral reasons and operational workarounds present themselves. A few quick examples...
Corsairs always operate out of "safe" ports. That's all but required anyway since you won't operate long without refined fuel, repairs, and annual maintenance. These could be pirate ports or the Corsair could use it's pirate transponder to falsify it's way into a legitimate port.
Adopt the Supplement 9 retcon as applied to the B2 Mercenary Cruiser, another Unstreamlined design that is amended to Partially Streamlined and permitted to skim fuel.
You've got a cargo bay capable of carrying 100ton of craft/ship, steal yourself a craft or two or even a scout ship. The utility of such will far exceed that of simple fuel skimming.
How do you "operate out of safe ports" when you are out of gas after one jump?
Even easier, cross out the "Un" in the description, and you're done.
Steal yourself a 400 ton ship that's streamlined, in that case. I suggest the Patrol Cruiser, which outclasses the Corsair in almost every way possible.
Actually, the biggest issue... the lack of space onboard for prize crews. "Ten staterooms serve as quarters for the crew (pilot, navigator, three engineers, and assorted thugs and cutthroats numbering up to five more)"...note that they don't even allow for gunners, much less at least four people for every prize taken.
No issue unless you're ignoring double bunking, these are NOT luxury cruise passengers. The 10 staterooms gets you easily 19 pirates, less the required crew of pilot, navigator, engineers x3 (you don't need the rest once you've got your prize ship) and not counting the Captain (who I give a single stateroom) that leaves you 13 assorted crew to form your prize crew from. More than enough I should think. Unless you're thinking of capturing something really big with your tiny little corsair
And I'm not even counting using some of the lowberths for a few replacement crew on ice. Why wouldn't pirates employ a frozen watch? Smart ones would :devil:
My standard Corsair crew breakdown fwiw:
Captain (1 stateroom)
Pilot and Nav (1 stateroom)
Chief Engineer and Gunnery Chief (1 stateroom)
Engineers x2 (1 stateroom)
Gunners x2 (1 stateroom)
Medic (1 stateroom + room for a patient)
Prize Crew x4 (2 staterooms - soldiers with a little crew skill - pilot, nav, engineer, gunner - board and run)
EDIT: Oops, forgot the muscle
Thugs x4 (2 staterooms)
Frozen Watch (9 lowberths for various crew replacements)
One ship captured every seven months (if you're lucky) does not a successful pirate make.
That's quite true, "Commodore". One starship captured every seven months doesn't make for a successful pirate. Instead, one capture every seven months makes for an extremely successful pirate.
Stealing one ship's boat and selling it at roughly 10% (IIRC) of list will pay a corsair's bills for a year. Stealing a much more expensive starship will keep a corsair in beer and skittles for far much longer.
Let me also remind everyone for the 156,434,987th time that pirates historically did not depend on capturing entire ships.
The thing about the Corsair is that it isn't streamlined, so it can't refuel from gas giants or oceans; but has no small craft to do the skimming for it either. So, it has to buy all its fuel from starports. It seems to me that for pirates or even legal commerce raiders that that would be a bit of a problem. I mean, I suppose once you drive it off the lot, you'd have to go steal a ship's boat with a big fuel tank right away and keep it in your big ship-stealing hangar. I can't seem to stop from thinking that there's a mighty big design flaw there.
That's quite true, "Commodore". One starship captured every seven months doesn't make for a successful pirate. Instead, one capture every seven months makes for an extremely successful pirate.
Stealing one ship's boat and selling it at roughly 10% (IIRC) of list will pay a corsair's bills for a year. Stealing a much more expensive starship will keep a corsair in beer and skittles for far much longer.
Let me also remind everyone for the 156,434,987th time that pirates historically did not depend on capturing entire ships.