Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
(Everything you need to know about CTI is in this one post.)
Like all of you here, CT is my favorite as well. It's the best RPG I've ever played.
The one thing the old girl lacks, though, is a task system. A character's stats, in CT, aren't used that much.
This is a task system I devised specifically for Classic Traveller. If you've been on the TML lately, you've seen this (and a lot of other stuff about it--this is just the core mechanic).
It's simple, and meshes extremely well with CT, plug-n-play. You might want to give it a test drive in your games.
Throw 2D.
(Use different colored dice, or different sized dice, or even one six-sider with regular numbers and one with dots, designating one of the die as the Skill Die and the other as the Task Die).
Three Influences on the Task Throw:
1) Influence of character expertise: If the Skill Die results in a "6", or a number that is equal to or less than the level of the skill used for the task, then count the Skill Die result towards the Task Throw total. Otherwise, ignore it, and count the Task Die alone.
One more thing: Skill-6 improves the governing attribute used on the Task Throw by +1; Skill-7 by +2; Skill-8 by +3, etc.
2) Influence of pure luck and circumstance: Always re-roll "6's" that appear on the Task Die--which will increase the Task Throw total.
3) Influence of character natural ability: If the Task Throw total is less than or equal to the characteristic governing the task, then throw the Task Die one extra time (remembering to always re-roll "6's".
Very Easy 4+
Easy 6+
Routine 8+
Difficult 10+
Formidable 12+
Staggering 14+
Impossible 16+
And, that's it. I'll give you a couple of examples of the task system in use in a followup to this post.
Later in this thread, you will see that I have changed the names of the difficulty categories. The mechanics of CTI stays the same. I've only changed the names to these--
Easy 4+
Routine 6+
Difficult 8+
Challenging 10+
Formidable 12+
Staggering 14+
Impossible 16+
Like all of you here, CT is my favorite as well. It's the best RPG I've ever played.
The one thing the old girl lacks, though, is a task system. A character's stats, in CT, aren't used that much.
This is a task system I devised specifically for Classic Traveller. If you've been on the TML lately, you've seen this (and a lot of other stuff about it--this is just the core mechanic).
It's simple, and meshes extremely well with CT, plug-n-play. You might want to give it a test drive in your games.
Throw 2D.
(Use different colored dice, or different sized dice, or even one six-sider with regular numbers and one with dots, designating one of the die as the Skill Die and the other as the Task Die).
Three Influences on the Task Throw:
1) Influence of character expertise: If the Skill Die results in a "6", or a number that is equal to or less than the level of the skill used for the task, then count the Skill Die result towards the Task Throw total. Otherwise, ignore it, and count the Task Die alone.
One more thing: Skill-6 improves the governing attribute used on the Task Throw by +1; Skill-7 by +2; Skill-8 by +3, etc.
2) Influence of pure luck and circumstance: Always re-roll "6's" that appear on the Task Die--which will increase the Task Throw total.
3) Influence of character natural ability: If the Task Throw total is less than or equal to the characteristic governing the task, then throw the Task Die one extra time (remembering to always re-roll "6's".
Very Easy 4+
Easy 6+
Routine 8+
Difficult 10+
Formidable 12+
Staggering 14+
Impossible 16+
And, that's it. I'll give you a couple of examples of the task system in use in a followup to this post.
Later in this thread, you will see that I have changed the names of the difficulty categories. The mechanics of CTI stays the same. I've only changed the names to these--
Easy 4+
Routine 6+
Difficult 8+
Challenging 10+
Formidable 12+
Staggering 14+
Impossible 16+