Originally posted by Fritz88:
I'm not sure I like the idea of keeping low rolls when you're trying to roll high, but I shall cogitate more before commenting further. Edit: I do see the rationale, though. end edit
BTW, this is a higher-is-better system, and higher skill will help you roll higher tasks.
There are some 50-80 examples in the CTI posts of the TML if you want to look at them. But, I'll give you two quickie examples right here to show you how higher skill and higher stat promotes higher task throw totals using CTI.
Example 1:
Kfouzorr needs to figure out why his shuttle's controls aren't responding the way they should be. Ship's Boat-0. INT-8
--His Ship's Boat skill will only help him if he rolls a "6".
--If he doesn't roll a "6" on his Skill Die, he'll get 2D to roll as his Task Dice (it would be automatic to roll a second die since any result on 1D will be below his INT-8). And, either of those two Task Dice could result
in a "6", adding more dice to the throw.
--If he does roll a "6" on his Skill Die, he's still, in essence, rolling 2D (he'll get the whole die from skill, and he still gets to roll the Task Die), except one of those die is a "6", averaging a higher total for him when the Skill Die is successful (his minimum total at this point is 7, from a "6" on the Skill Die and a "1" on the Task Die). He'll get to roll a
third die if his Task Die results in "1", "2", or "6", because of his attribute level, and, of course, he can keep rolling 6's on the Task Die.
His Level-0 skill doesn't help him that often (only every 1 out of 6 tasks), but when it does help him, it really, really helps him (if you've ever played D&D, this is not unlike a 1/2HD goblin needing a 20 to hit a 20th level fighter--but when the goblin hits, he'll do double damage).
I'm going to roll this task to get an eyeball example and show the the trend between two sets of task throws--one using a higher level skill. The Vargr's stat will remain the same.
6, 3 = 9 (Succeeded on Routine Task)
5, 3 5 = 8 (Succeeded on Routine Task)
3, 5 5 = 10 (Succeeded on Difficult Task)
1, 3 4 = 8 (Succeeded on Routine Task
4, 4 3 = 7 (Succeeded on Easy Task)
1, 1 5 = 6 (Succeeded on Easy Task)
3, 1 1 = 2 (Failed a Very Easy Task)
6, 3 = 9 (Succeeded on Routine Task)
5, 5 3 = 8 (Succeeded on Routine Task)
5, 5 1 = 6 (Succeeded on Easy Task)
Kfouzorr averaged 7.3 on these ten task rolls, and with a Routine Task being 8+, that's about what I'd expect from a character using a Level-0 skill and a stat that is one point above average. Note that the two times his skill
helped him, his task roll resulted in his second highest total.
OK, let's look at Kfouzorr's highest skill now, using the same attribute.
Example 2:
Kfouzorr has landed on Aramis, and he's in search of a black market part to
use in fixing his shuttle's control panel. Streetwise-3. INT-8
6, 1 4 = 11 (Succeeded on a Difficult Task)
3, 4 2 = 9 (Succeeded on a Routine Task)
4, 3 5 = 8 (Succeeded on a Routine Task)
4, 5 6, 2 = 13 (Succeeded on a Formidable Task)
6, 6 4 = 16 (Succeeded on an Impossible Task)
1, 4 5 = 10 (Succeeded on a Difficult Task)
1, 3 1 = 4 (Succeeded on a Very Easy Task)
1, 5 4 = 10 (Succeeded on a Difficult Task)
5, 2 4 = 6 (Succeeded on an Easy Task)
4, 6 1, 4 = 11 (Succeeded on a Difficult Task)
Kfourzoor averaged 9.8 on these then skill throws, which is about what I'd
expect from a character using a Level-3 skill and a stat just one point
above average. He's almost throwing success on Difficult tasks (10+) every
See, the trend, with higher skill (and same stat) is towards higher skill throw totals and achieving success on higher difficulty levels.
In the first group (Skill-0; Stat-8), the Vargr rolled 4 Easy tasks, 5 Routine tasks, and 1 Difficult task.
That's a pretty decent for a character with basic skill proficiency and just-barely-above-average natural abilty. You'd think the guy could do Easy and Routine tasks pretty regularly.
In the second grouping (Skill-3; Stat-8), the Vargr not only averaged a higher total, but he did much better in succeeding on higher difficulty levels. He rolled success on 1 Very Easy task; 1 Easy task; 2 Routine tasks; 4 Difficult tasks; 1 Formidable task; and even 1 Impossible task.
Now, we're looking at the character's better side. He's got a professional level skill (Skill-3) and a better than average stat. Which is promoting him to roll a higher average task roll and shift his successes from the "Easys" and "Routines" to the "Difficults" and higher.