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CTI - Classic Traveller Improved

Originally posted by Fritz88:
WJP, check your PM box for a link to the numbers. Yowza!
Excellent job, Fritz! Excellent job.

And, I'm very, very pleased with how the numbers came out for CTI. They're exactly what I was expecting--what my spot-checking by hand was indicating.

I wanted to see some complete numbers, though.

We've got probability increasing nicely as the skill level goes up. We've got the influence of stat--the higher a character's stat is, the better it is for him.

And, the numbers look damn good.

One change I'm going to have to make, I can see right off the bat, is that I'm going to have to change the names of the difficulty categories.

But, I think that's all that CTI needs, and it will be ready for publicaton on Freelance Traveller.

I'm not changing any of the mechanics of CTI, I'm just going to change the names of the difficulty levels.

Here's what I'm thinking--

4+ Easy Task
6+ Routine Task
8+ Difficult Task
10+ Challenging Task
12+ Formidable Task
14+ Staggering Task
16+ Impossible Task

Make that one change, I I think CTI is good to go.
Originally posted by Fritz88:
WJP, check your PM box for a link to the numbers. Yowza!
Excellent job, Fritz! Excellent job.

And, I'm very, very pleased with how the numbers came out for CTI. They're exactly what I was expecting--what my spot-checking by hand was indicating.

I wanted to see some complete numbers, though.

We've got probability increasing nicely as the skill level goes up. We've got the influence of stat--the higher a character's stat is, the better it is for him.

And, the numbers look damn good.

One change I'm going to have to make, I can see right off the bat, is that I'm going to have to change the names of the difficulty categories.

But, I think that's all that CTI needs, and it will be ready for publicaton on Freelance Traveller.

I'm not changing any of the mechanics of CTI, I'm just going to change the names of the difficulty levels.

Here's what I'm thinking--

4+ Easy Task
6+ Routine Task
8+ Difficult Task
10+ Challenging Task
12+ Formidable Task
14+ Staggering Task
16+ Impossible Task

Make that one change, I I think CTI is good to go.
(CTI Probability Spot-Check)

Let's look at a couple of example cases using Fritz's CTI numbers. (Note that I'm also referencing the new difficulty category titles listed above.)

First, let's look at the average Traveller. This guy is Skill-2 Stat-7

95% Easy Tasks
82% Routine Tasks
54% Difficult Tasks
26% Challenging Tasks
7% Formidable Tasks
4% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

Good gawd! Those are some SWEET numbers! That's exactly what we want for an average dude.

OK, let's look at an average stat but highly skilled professional. Stat-7 Skill-4

98% Easy Tasks
91% Routine Tasks
63% Difficult Tasks
31% Challenging Tasks
12 Formidable Tasks
6% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

Lookin' good, babycakes. Lookin' good.

OK, let's take a low stat no skill character and see how he stacks up. Stat-4 Skill-0

93% Easy Tasks
51% Routine Tasks
32% Difficult Tasks
15% Challenging Tasks
5% Formidable Tasks
4% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

I like it. I like it. Everybody should do well on Easy tasks, but this character with low natural ability and no trained experience doesn't faire so well on Routine and Difficult tasks--the meat of most games.

One last look-see at these CTI numbers. Let's look at a character who is high in natural talent but has no trained experience. Stat-11 Skill-0

93% Easy Tasks
77% Routine Tasks
54% Difficult Tasks
35% Challenging Tasks
17% Formidable Tasks
9% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

Oh, I almost forgot, we need to test a high skill, high stat character to make sure he doesn't blow away all the categories. Let's look at a Stat-14 Skill-5 character

100% Easy Tasks
95% Routine Tasks
84% Difficult Tasks
64% Challenging Tasks
41% Formidable Tasks
23% Staggering Tasks
9% Impossible Tasks

So, if you've got a powerhouse character, he's still going to produce numbers that definitely give him an edge over other characters--but still, I think the guy deserves those numbers. I don't think they're out of line given the character's stat and skill at all.

OK, one last test, for real this time. Let's test a GAWD CHARACTER. A MUNCKIN CHARACTERS. Let's see how a Stat-15 Skill-6 character stacks up.

100% Easy Tasks
95% Routine Tasks
84% Difficult Tasks
64% Challenging Tasks
41% Formidable Tasks
23% Staggering Tasks
12% Impossible Tasks

Lookin' good, Billy-ray. Feelin' good, Lewis. Yep, I think those are superbe numbers for an incredible charcter.

This is what I really like about CTI--

It's that the numbers drop off nicely at the higher difficulty categories. You don't have the high stat, high skill characters blowing everybody out of the water all the time like you do with some Traveller systems.

Take, for example, the DGP/MT task system. A Stat-15 Skill-6 character under that system ends up with this type of probability...

100% MT Easy Task
100% MT Routine Task
100% MT Difficult Task
72% MT Formidable Task
17% MT Impossible Task

You see? There's no challenge for this guy at all (unless he's rolling an Impossible task).

Compare this with the same character above--see how there's still a little room for failure? Not much (and you don't want a lot), but there's some room for the perfect guy to screw up.

THAT'S what I really like about CTI.

That, and that there is complete differenation between a character's stats. The STR-8 guy will always do just a tiny weeny bit better, on average, than the STR-7 guy.

The INT-9 dude will do better, on average, than the INT-5 guy.

If you've been wavering about using CTI in your game....take a look at these numbers and ask yourself if you want to bring this kind of improvement to your game.

For me, the answer is an oustanding YESSSS!
(CTI Probability Spot-Check)

Let's look at a couple of example cases using Fritz's CTI numbers. (Note that I'm also referencing the new difficulty category titles listed above.)

First, let's look at the average Traveller. This guy is Skill-2 Stat-7

95% Easy Tasks
82% Routine Tasks
54% Difficult Tasks
26% Challenging Tasks
7% Formidable Tasks
4% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

Good gawd! Those are some SWEET numbers! That's exactly what we want for an average dude.

OK, let's look at an average stat but highly skilled professional. Stat-7 Skill-4

98% Easy Tasks
91% Routine Tasks
63% Difficult Tasks
31% Challenging Tasks
12 Formidable Tasks
6% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

Lookin' good, babycakes. Lookin' good.

OK, let's take a low stat no skill character and see how he stacks up. Stat-4 Skill-0

93% Easy Tasks
51% Routine Tasks
32% Difficult Tasks
15% Challenging Tasks
5% Formidable Tasks
4% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

I like it. I like it. Everybody should do well on Easy tasks, but this character with low natural ability and no trained experience doesn't faire so well on Routine and Difficult tasks--the meat of most games.

One last look-see at these CTI numbers. Let's look at a character who is high in natural talent but has no trained experience. Stat-11 Skill-0

93% Easy Tasks
77% Routine Tasks
54% Difficult Tasks
35% Challenging Tasks
17% Formidable Tasks
9% Staggering Tasks
3% Impossible Tasks

Oh, I almost forgot, we need to test a high skill, high stat character to make sure he doesn't blow away all the categories. Let's look at a Stat-14 Skill-5 character

100% Easy Tasks
95% Routine Tasks
84% Difficult Tasks
64% Challenging Tasks
41% Formidable Tasks
23% Staggering Tasks
9% Impossible Tasks

So, if you've got a powerhouse character, he's still going to produce numbers that definitely give him an edge over other characters--but still, I think the guy deserves those numbers. I don't think they're out of line given the character's stat and skill at all.

OK, one last test, for real this time. Let's test a GAWD CHARACTER. A MUNCKIN CHARACTERS. Let's see how a Stat-15 Skill-6 character stacks up.

100% Easy Tasks
95% Routine Tasks
84% Difficult Tasks
64% Challenging Tasks
41% Formidable Tasks
23% Staggering Tasks
12% Impossible Tasks

Lookin' good, Billy-ray. Feelin' good, Lewis. Yep, I think those are superbe numbers for an incredible charcter.

This is what I really like about CTI--

It's that the numbers drop off nicely at the higher difficulty categories. You don't have the high stat, high skill characters blowing everybody out of the water all the time like you do with some Traveller systems.

Take, for example, the DGP/MT task system. A Stat-15 Skill-6 character under that system ends up with this type of probability...

100% MT Easy Task
100% MT Routine Task
100% MT Difficult Task
72% MT Formidable Task
17% MT Impossible Task

You see? There's no challenge for this guy at all (unless he's rolling an Impossible task).

Compare this with the same character above--see how there's still a little room for failure? Not much (and you don't want a lot), but there's some room for the perfect guy to screw up.

THAT'S what I really like about CTI.

That, and that there is complete differenation between a character's stats. The STR-8 guy will always do just a tiny weeny bit better, on average, than the STR-7 guy.

The INT-9 dude will do better, on average, than the INT-5 guy.

If you've been wavering about using CTI in your game....take a look at these numbers and ask yourself if you want to bring this kind of improvement to your game.

For me, the answer is an oustanding YESSSS!
Another cool option for a CT task system, thanks.

There is another thread going on about whether people prefer their Traveller to be "realistic or cinematic".

Without having tried it, CTI looks more "cinematic" to me in that even a low-skilled character has a slim chance of pulling off an impossible stunt. That's what happens when you bring in exploding rolls. UGM is more in the realistic camp.
Another cool option for a CT task system, thanks.

I've written several different types of task systems for the various editions of Traveller. I think one of them, for T4, is published on Freelance Traveller. Another that I know of is on a Traveller web site. And so on...

As I was writing CTI, I got the idea for the UGM. I liked the UGM better because it did what CTI didn't--the UGM was designed to be an extension of Classic Trav. CTI, as you can see, is a whole other animal. It still works, but it's dicing mechanics haven't been seen before in a Traveller edition.

I wrote both CTI and the UGM, but, when I play CT, I use neither. I'm a Rule 68A man! :)