Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Kinda-sorta, but not really.This is similar to Daltons system (I think) in that you have to roll under something before you roll over something else - with the same pair of dice.
You're used to getting your full skill level, 100%, all the time, when you roll with CT.
If you've got Skill-2, then, in CT, you'll roll 2D +2.
CTI looks at it differently.
CTI asks the question, "Did your skill help you on this task? ...and if it did, how much benefit did you get?"
CTI doesn't default to +2 (in the above example) every time.
What CTI says is...
A character with Skill-2 will benefit from his expertise in that area of knowlege 50% of the time. When he does benefit from it, it may only be a +1...or it may be the full +2....or, it may even be a whopper in the form of a +6.
Higher level skill means your expertise will help you more often.
So, it's not really rolling low--you don't want a low total.
It's like the GM saying, "Hey, let's see if your skill helped you when you attempted that task. Roll 1D, and if you roll a 1-2 or a 6, you can use that as a DM on your roll."
Level-0 rarely provides benefit. When it does, it's a lot of benefit. +6
Level-1 provides the benefit gained from Level-0 (the +6), and in addition, sometimes allows a +1...and either of these happen more frequently than it does for Level-0 expertise.
Level-2 provides the benefits of Level-0 and Level-1. But, in addition, it provides more frequency of benefit AND it proivde the opportunity to get a +2.